国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 | |
古代コータン : vol.1 |
N. iv. 24. a and b. Stick-like tablet in a pieces. Traces of characters on both sides ; illegible. 9"x ii". Wood hard, but perished. Sand-encrusted.
N. iv. 25. Oblong tablet, in 2 pieces. Hole at one end. Obv. Traces of Khar. characters. Scorings by knife. Rev. Tabular, reading transversely, dividing strokes at irreg. intervals. Very indistinct, but part legible. Scored. a44" x 3g" x TV. Wood rather soft on surface.
N. iv. 25. a. Oblong tablet. Very dark and stained. Traces of characters on one side, Quite undecipherable. 9" x I4". Perished.
N. iv. 26. Rectang. cov.•tablet. Seal cay. x4" x a". Obv. blank. In cay. fragments of charcoal. Rev. blank, 4r x 2 "x h". Perished and discoloured.
N. iv. 28. Rectang. cov.•tablet, much fissured, split, and chipped. Obv. Seal cay. x" x xi". Extremely faint traces of several lines Khar., transv. at one end. Rev. Faint traces of 2 11. or more Khar. All writing very cursive and too faded to decipher. The whole tablet much abraded, sand-encrusted and dark in colour. Wood very soft and brittle. 8*" x 34". See Pl. CV.
N. iv. 29. Oblong tablet, in 2 pieces. Blank. 24" x 24". Rotten, much encrusted with sand.
N. iv. 29. a. Oblong tablet. Hole at one end. Obv. 6 items Khar. arranged in a columns; first two char. are repeated 5 times, and the last three or four with
slight variations. Khar., cursive ; very distinct. Rev.
3 11. very distinct. First two characters in each, same as those on Obv. 7r x xig". Well-preserved. See Pl. CIII.
N. iv. 3o. Rectang. under-tablet, fragment. Obv. 2 II. Khar., with numerals, cursive, but black. Rev. blank. 64" x 4". Wood well-preserved.
N. iv. 31. Oblong tablet. Hole in centre, lower edge. Obv. 3 11. Khar., very cursive, indistinct and fragmentary. Rev. blank. 74" x re" x x". Wood fairly preserved.
N. iv. 32. Rectang. cov.-tablet. Seal cay. 3k" x IA" Obv. 2 11. Khar., cursive, well written, transversely, at L. p. edge. Stain of Sindtra (?). Rev. blank. 7" x 44" x W. Wood moderately hard ; thin edges much split.
N. iv. 33. Takhtii•shaped tablet. Hole in handle, with
original string. Obv. 4 11. Khar., very cursive, faded.
Rev. 6 11. Khar., very cursive, faded. 7 x ar. Wood well-preserved. See Pl. CIII.
N. iv. 84. Rectang. cov.•tablet, fragment. Seal cay. $" x I". Obv. 2 11. Khar., very cursive. Rev. 3 11. Khar., very coarse and cursive. 4r x Ii". Wood very soft. Sand-encrusted.
N. iv. 34. a. Inscribed tablet, fragment. 2 11. Khar., cursive; numerals. ai"x 4". Very soft.
N. iv. 35. a. Oblong tablet, square at one end. Obv. 2 11. Khar., cursive, part faded. Rev. 6 columns, ist and
and seven 11.; 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th one 1. each ; 6th four 11. ; then a single 1. 15" x ag". Wood soft and rotten at one end. See Pl. CII.
N. iv. 35. b. Oblong tablet. Hole at one end ; one corner broken. Obv. 4 columns. 1st imperfect; and and 3rd six 11. ; 4th five 11. Numerals. Rev. r column, to read transversely. 134" x 2h" x r. Wood rather soft ; cracked.
N. iv. 36. Oblong tablet. Hole near pointed end. Obv. 3 items Khar., very cursive. Rev. 2 11., divided into items ; very cursive and black. 'or x I4". Wood well-preserved. Five notches on one of the edges near square end.
N. iv. 41, Oblong cov.•tablet. Obv. Seal cay. I" x I1", empty. 11. Khar. transversely at L. p. end. Short I. Khar. near cay. on same side. Traces (?) of char. to R. p. Rev. 6 11. Khar., cursive, mostly clear and black. 54"x 34" x j". Now paired (?) with N. iv. I 27.
N. iv. 46. Takhtii•shaped tablet in many frags. Pentagonal handle with hole. Obv. 3 columns with 5 and 6 11. resp., Khar., cursive, fine, faded. Rev. blank. 74" x Wood perished but clean.
N. iv. 47. Oblong tablet. Hole at top R. p. corner. Obv. 2 columns cursive Khar. 1st, 5 11., and, 3 11., and a line separated from others. Clear. Rev. blank. 64"x a". Wood very soft.
N. iv. 48. Rectang. cov.•tablet. Seal cay. r4" x ii". Obv. 2 II. transverse at L. p. edge. Rev. 3 11. Khar., cursive, indistinct. 54" x 24" x 4". Wood well-preserved. Much discoloured and sand-encrusted.
N. iv. 5o. Rectang. cov.•tablet, fragment. Obv. r 1. Khar. at upper edge, transversely ; very fine, rather indistinct. Rev. 3 11. Khar., very fine ; fragmentary. 7i" ar. Well-preserved. Sap-wood soft, heart-wood hard.
N. iv. 51. Oblong tablet, in 2 pieces. Obv. Faint traces of closely written columns (?), Khar., prob. illegible. Rev. blank. x 94" x 2". Very soft and much encrusted by sand.
N. iv. 52. Oblong tablet. Hole at top R. p. corner. Obv. 4 11. Khar., carefully written, black, clear, containing numerals. Rev. 2 11. Khar., cursive. r 1" x 2". Well-preserved.
N. iv. 53. Inscribed tablet, frag. in 2 pieces. Traces of Khar. characters. 44" x I". Perished and dark in colour.
N. iv. 53. a. Oblong tablet. Corners cut off at one end. Hole at other. Obv. Traces of columns of about 5 11. each ; very cursive and fragmentary. Rev. blank. 2I "x 2A" x r. Surface soft and cracked at edges. Wood much stained and sand-encrusted ; very knotty.
N. iv. 54. Oblong tablet; round at one end at which hole. Small projection at opposite end. Obv. Column of 4 11. ; next, 2 11. near upper edge, and 1 1. near lower; column of 5 11. ; r 1. near upper edge, I I. towards lower. Khar. cursive ; numerals. Rev. 2 columns of 3 11. each ; single 1. next ; thin, cursive. x3"x Ir. Well-preserved.
N. iv.
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