国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 | |
古代コータン : vol.1 |
5. dus kyis ma bsgyurd ran bin las ma [byuri] rgyund8 myed pa las kyan ma s[ky]e[s te I o]lond kyan sa dan c`u dan mye [dan dun dan nam] I mk`a 9 dan dus kyi k`ams rnams odus pa las 10 myi gu skye 2iin obyun bar 1n ogyur te I de ltar p`yi rold kyi rtend chi obrel par obyun bai 12
Two large fragments, with the gap between them partly filled up by a smaller piece (E. i. 22, 27 b, 23). As arranged, they measure respectively 61., 14-21, and 91 in. in width ; in height, 21 in.
1 Our MS. has here and in all similar cases odi liar corresponding to odi sciant du in the Kanjur.
2 The Kanjur reads brlan.
' Instead of ts'os par byao (tiitigrd) the Kanjur reads yons su dro bar byao, i.e. 14R4rtigfit, as in the Sanskrit.
' Our MS. in all cases reads myi gu, where the Kanjur has the modern form myu gu.
6 The aspirate of me tog is noteworthy.
6 The Kanjur reads gran gyis, with much the same
meaning (1•rer)
wished to avoid confusion between the two meanings (indriya and isvara) of dbais po.
8 Apparently a mistake for the Kanjur reading rgyu.
9 Written 7:1.
10 In the Kanjur odus nas, after which are added the words sa bon ogag pa na, in the Sanskrit text *4 fA.
11 In the Kanjur myu gu mison par ogrub par, supported by the Sanskrit IfiVIFfeWartr4zfrff• Our reading
points to a variant something like gi rftttirvrft.
12 The Kanjur reads pyi rol gyis rien cin obrel par ogyur ba rkyen dan obrel bar bltao H
' This represents a1RrirT. The Kanjur has dban
p'yug gis ma byas, which is perhaps due to a reviser who
(E. Fol. io.)
(Mdo xvi, ff. 195 b -196 a.)
Line I. ... dan 1 gan odus pai p`yir ie nao I . . .
[... gan odi odus nas lus kyi sra bai duos po moon bar ogrub par] byed pa odi ni sai k`am[s] ges byao . . .
[... gan lus kyi dbugs] p`yi nan du rgyu bai bya ba byed pa odi ni [dun gi k`ams ges byao I ...]
[... gan mdud k`yim gyi ts`ul du lus kyi myin dan gzugs kyi myi gu mnon bar ogrub par byed pa rnam par ses pai ts`ogs] lira dan ldan ba 2 dan I zag pa dan bcas [pai yid kyi rnam par ges pa ...]
[... nam mk`a dan rnam par ges] pai k`ams rnams kyan ts'ari bar gyur 3 . . . One fragment (E. i. 28 b) ; width, c. 2ig in. ; height, 21 in.
1 The Kanjur has k`ams drug pa gan dag odus, &c.
' The Kanjur reads lira odus pa, with practically the same meaning. ' Apparently gyurd.
(F. Fol. 1 I.)
(Mdo xvi, ff. 196 b-197 a.)
Line I. ... s]nam du myi sems so I myei Warns kya[n odi ltar bdag gis lus kyi zos pa dan ot`uns] pa dan oc`os [pa daft] I myans pa rnams odzu [bar byao] I sham du myi sems so I rluri gi k`am[s ...]
... nam mk`ai k`ams kyan odi ltar bdag [gis lus kyi nan sbubs yod par byao sham du myi se]I ms so I rnam I par ges pai k`ams kyan o[di ltar] I bdag' gis lus moon du ogrub pa[r ogyur ro snam du myi sems so I ...]
... bskyed do slam du myi sems mod kyi [) oond kyan rkyend odi dag yod na lus obyul n 2 bar ogyur ro I I de la sai Warns 3 bdag ma [yi] In ( sems can ma yin [sr]o[g ma yin I . ..]
... yin I skyes pa ma yin I ma nift ma [yin I na ma yin I bdag gi ma yin te I gan sui yari] I ma yin no I de bain du ctui Warns dan myei [learns] I dan rlun gi [Warns ...]
... ma yin I srog ma yin I skye ba 4 ma yin I [ged las skyes pa ma yin I ged bu ma yin I bud mye] d ma yin I skye I s pa ma yin I ma 'till ma yin I .. .
Four fragments (E. i. z8 a, 31 a, 37, 34 b), of which the last contains nothing of the fifth line ; width 21, I-Ii, If-2, and 1-21 in. respectively ; height, 4 4 21, 2 in.
I This clause appears in the Kanjur as bdag gis lus kyi the S`ik§àsamuccaya. 2 Skye in the Kanjur.
min dan gzugs muon par bsgrub bo ; both represent lit ' 'rams ni in the Kanjur.
gïTriit ITT E:if fil tTf t. The clause is absent in ' Skye pa po in the Kanjur.
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