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0580 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 580 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




Statues   The adjoining colossal statue (R. v) was an exact replica of R. i, but preserved only to

R. v-viii.   below the waist ; it collapsed after having been exposed for a day. The next figure (R. vi)

was in respect of size, pose, and drapery a replica of the Buddha image R. ii. It was broken by the falling débris of its neighbour. The head, however, had been removed previously and has thus escaped destruction. As seen in Plate LX X X I I I, it bears a different expression from that of R. ii ; the eyes are almost shut. The hair here, too, is richly curled ; traces of colouring about the eyelashes and of a pink tad remain. R. vii, a colossal image and evidently a replica of R. i, was broken before excavation and could not be saved from complete collapse. This damage fortunately did not affect its neighbour R. viii (see Fig. 62), a richly-robed figure, about 5 ft. 6 in. high originally, which was found without head or forearms. The robe leaves the right shoulder bare, and descends in ample folds which are arranged in conventional wave lines after the fashion described in R. ii. There were remains of a nimbus similar to that of R. ii and R. iv ; the whole figure retained a good deal of whitewash.

Frescoes   The statues R. ix and R. x, which appear in the centre of Fig. 62, were replicas of R. i and

between   preserved to above the waist. The wall space between them, about r 1 ft. broad, retained its

statues   P   P   z

R. ix, x.   original coating of plaster with remains of faded fresco decoration. A red-robed figure with

a circular nimbus, which can be made out in the reproduction of Fig. 62, about 22 ft. high, appears in the centre ; on its right a standing attendant and on its left a vertical row of four red lotuses could be faintly discerned. Above it there remained the badly effaced outlines of a small seated Buddha within an elliptical vesica, with traces of some still smaller haloed figures on its sides. The wall immediately to the right proper of R. x originally bore small frescoes arranged exactly like those on the left ; but besides having badly faded, they had suffered from scratches and cuts apparently before the sand came to cover them up. On the extreme right proper, near the border of the large aureole of R. xii, the original decoration had been painted over, as one of the lotuses is now partly covered by a small fresco representing a seated Buddha, about 6 in. high and faintly visible in Fig. 63 above the left shoulder of the seated Buddha. The fact that the eyes of the painted figure are looking down towards the head of the seated image suggests that the latter itself may also have been a later addition.

Seated   The seated Buddha (R. xi) is in several respects of special interest. The statue, which

Buddha   measures 3 ft. across the folded knees and 2 ft. 10 in. from its seat to the top of the head,

figure R. xi.

is well-modelled, and bears a look of individual workmanship for which we search elsewhere in

vain among this great array of replicas 8. This is particularly noticeable in the face, the finely modelled features of which express a smile of resigned contentment. This agrees with the pose of the arms which, though found broken in the foreparts, manifestly rested folded in ` Dhyânamudrâ', the posture of ` contemplation '. The head bears a flat crown of hair with a low top-knob. There appears to be no indication of a robe or garment of any kind, which suggests whether the artist's intention may not have been to represent Gautama as practising austerities, while still a Bodhisattva. But the absence of any mark of emaciation, such as is indicated by well-known Gandhara representations of this stage in the future Buddha's

career, does. not favour this assumption 9.

Detached   The whole figure appears to have been whitewashed. It had no nimbus or aureole ; but

reliefs used the broken portion of a nimbus plaque (R. xi. r), similar in type to that of R. ii, yet differing for adorn-

ment.   in its cloud scroll (see Plate LX XXVII), was found placed over the left shoulder, no doubt

   S For a better reproduction of this image see the photo-   9 See Foucher, L'Arl du Gandhdra, i. p. 379.

gravure serving as frontispiece in my Ruins of Khotan.