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0520 Serindia : vol.3
セリンディア : vol.3
Serindia : vol.3 / 520 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000183
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





Siyelik, 140 ; of Imam Ja'far Sadiq, 212, 214, 241, 245 n. 18, 1254 ; at Niya Site, 223, 236 sq. ; of Yalghuztugh, 301 ; of Gumbaz (Korla), 1235 ; near Farhad-Beg-yailaki, r 254; Lachinata-lnazar, 1254 ; M. of Imam 'Asim, 1254 ; of Kapak-aste, 1320 ; Ulcighmazar, see s. v. See also local worship.

maze, represented on bronze seal, 127.

measures : carpenter's, 433 ; shoemaker's, 66o, 771 ; m. named in Tibetan docs., 1464 sq. See also Chinese measures, H.

medallions: in glass, 291 ; on stucco relievos, 142, 146, 151 ; in ' Sassanian ' textile decoration, 908 sqq. ; in wall-paintings, 931, 1153, 1252,


medical texts and records : Chinese inventory records (Lou-lan), 41 I ; recipes and reports in Limes does., 700, 712, 761 ; in Tibetan docs., 1466; texts, Khotanese, 811, 815, 915, 1450, 1453 ; Kuchean, 915, 1452 ; Skr., 1436.

medicine case, Chinese, 216, 659.

' medicine case of I-Isien-ming company',

lid of, 659, 761 ; inscribed lid proto-

type of wooden ' envelopes' (q. v.), 659. meditation, attitude of, see dhydna-mudrd. Medusa, see classical designs.

melons, cultivation of, I090 Il. 6a.

melted butter (? Indian ghi), mentioned in Tibetan docs., 1465.

Alem, village, 45.

dlêng-chieh-li (Shu-ming yeh-lt), capital of Swat, 6; referred to by Hsüan-tsang, 6, 13,15; identified with mod. Manglaur (q. v.), 6, 13, 15 ; mentioned in T'ang Annals, 20.

mêng shih, type of arrow, 659, 758, 759

n. 52.

Merdek-kill, lagoon, 452.

Merdek-tim, fort, 420 n. 24, 450 ; account of, and finds at, 452 sqq. ; Chinese coins from, 453, 1344.

Merghen Ahmad, guide, 154.

Aléros, Mount, see Koh-i-MOr, peak. Meru, Mount, in magic diagrams, 974 sq. ; in paintings, 990, 1042.

Mesas, eroded clay terraces, ancient, 341, 360 n. 14, 423 sq., 550, 552, 575, 644, 651, 654, 683, 71i sq., 717 sqq.; formation of, described, 576, 589, 642; belt of, represents legendary ' Town of the Dragon', 423 sq.; watch-stations and towers on, 572, 575, 600, 603, 634, 640, 644, 651, 654, 662, 666, 697, 711 sq., 717 sqq., 737•

metaphysical treatise, Sogdian MS. fr. of, 920, 924 ; Uigur MSS. of, 923, 925.

Ali. = ' Ming-oi ', q. v.

mica, frs., 433, 441, 444.

mica-schist, fr., 1322.

Mihman, guide, 283-5.

mihmdn-khlina, room corresponding to, 234. See also guest-rooms.

Mihrab (or niche), 49 ; in carved wood,


military agricultural colonies : established at Lou-lan (q.v.), 421 ; date of, 422 ; in Tun-huang region, 647, 663, 740 sqq.; along foot of Nan-shan, 725 ; established by imperial order, 647, 663, 740 ; why established, 742 sq.; analogy of colonies on Roman /'miles, 743 ; of Austrian military border on Danube, &c., 743 sq. ; organization of colonies, 744 ; officers and soldiers, 745 sqq. ; colony at Lun-tai (Wu-let, 730, 1236; location, 345 n. 29, 730 n. 34 ; at Ch'ii-li (q.v.), 73o, 1236 ; story of cultivation by reconquering Chinese army, 1126

D. 5 ; abandoned colony, below Matan, 1298.

military companies, on Limes, 747, 747

n. 27. See also local names.

military matters, in Chinese docs. : (Loulan) 409, 411 sq. ; (Tun-huang) 596, 598, 636, 641, 647 sqq., 653, 659 sq., 663, 668 sqq., 685 sq., 689 sqq., 699 sq., 711 sq., 714 sq., 717 sqq., 721, 729, 745 sqq. ; (Mazar-tagh) 1290 ; treatise on military affairs (Li- mo), 764 ; in Tibetan docs., 1289, 1463.

military organization, Chinese, in Han times, 428, 74o sqq.

military posts, from Tun-huang to ' Salt Marsh' (Lop-nor), 728 sq.

mill, see water-mill.

millefiori, see beads.

millet (tarigh, .Panicum miliacettm) : in Chitral, 31 ; grains of, (Niya) 252 ; (Lou-lan) 385, 436, 444, 446 ; (Miran) 476 ; head of, in seed, (Milan) 479 ; sheaves, (Miran) 461 ; straw, (Tun-huang) J95 ; mentioned in Tibetan docs., 1465.

minerals, mentioned in Tibetan docs., 1465.

Ming dynasty, Chinese policy of seclusion under, I 122 sq.

Ming porcelain, 1106 sq., 1135•

' Ming-oi ' (' Thousand Houses ') Site,

1 r 83 sqq. ; cave-temples, 1184 ; position and disposition of ruins, a.;

clearing of shrines, 1185 ; constructive types and materials of, I 185, 1198 ;

vaulted cellas, 1185; cellas with enclos-

ing passages, 1186 ; sepulchral monuments, I I 86, 1190 ; group r of

shrines, 1187-9, 1200-3 ; group rI,

1189 sq., I 200, I22I Sq. ; group III,

I 190 sq., I221, 1223 ; westernmost

of central temples, r 19! ; other halls and cellas, 1191-8, 1203-5, 121I-18,

I 221 ; ancient watch-tower near site, 1199.

effects of fire at, 1185, 1187 sq., 1190 sqq., I 195 ; atmospheric conditions affecting ruins, 1186 ; evidence

of Muhammadan iconoclasm, 1187 ; no signs of fire at ruin xviii, I198.

finds : Chinese coins, 1187, 1189, 1191 sq., 1194, 1198, 1346 ; f'resco panels from Ali. xiii, I195 sq., 1213 sqq. ; prob. of Uigur period, 1196 ; fresco fr. from Mi. xviii, 1196, 1199, 1220; painted wood-carvings,1187 sqq., 1200 sqq. ; painted wooden panels,

I187sq., 1190, 120I sq., 1222; relievo
friezes, 601, r 1 yo sqq., 1 2 I I ; method

of fixing and of production, 1193 ;

decoration of, lb. ; unchanged style of,
accounted for by use of moulds, 1194 ;

evidence for dating relievos, r 193 sq. ;

naturalistic treatment of heads, 1194 sq.;
stucco from, analysed, 1391 ; wood-

carvings, 1197, 1201, 1216 ; wooden statuette, I197, 1218; Descriptive List of antiques, 1200-44.

dung-sha /step (Later Chou designation of Tun-huang district), 620.

Ming-ti, Emperor, sends troops to Shanshan, 330.

ministers ' of Suddhodana, in paintings,

859, 1045.

Mlxro, late Lord : interest of, xiv ; grants awards to Naik Ram Singh and Rai Lai Singh, 1327.

Mir Sultan Shah, ruler of Badakhshan, 33. miracles, see Buddha.

mirages, Hsüan-tsang's notice of, r 144. Miragram, village, 18, 45 ; Obaidullah

Khan's house at, 47 sqq. ; Deputy

Hakim of 50.

Aliran site : not to be identified with Polo's Lop, 318 sq. ; Yii-ni identified with, 322, 326, 333, 343, 469, 538 ; Little Nob ' corresponds to, 322, 469; I-hsiin placed at, in T'ang texts, 327 ; strategic importance of M., 475-6 ; military importance of, 476 n. 19; M. not mentioned by Marco Polo, 476. first visit to, 346-9 ; remains found, /b. ; cultivation at, 346 ; return to,

455 ; routes through, 340, 346, 475-6, 555, 559 sq. ; anc. canal lines, 534 ; chronology of site, 537 ; peculiar ground surface, ib.; no remains of dwellings traced, 538 ; settlement of Abdal Lopliks at, 475 n. 16, 538.

Chinese coins, 474, 1345, 1349 sq. mural paintings and plaster analysed,


ruined Tibetan fort M. r, 347 sqq.,

456 sqq. ; position and structural features of, 456-7 ; date of, 538 ; wind-erosion and its effects, 457 sq. ; evidence of earlier occupation, 458 ; ground surface near, ib. ; stones stored on walls (for ammunition), ib. ; arrangement and construction of rooms, 459 sqq. ; deposits of filth in, 459 sq. ; mud hovels within, 46r ; irregularity of levels in area, ib. ; evidence of squalor and discomfort, 463 ; belongs