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0365 Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2
1899-1902年の中央アジア旅行における科学的成果 : vol.2
Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 / 365 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000216
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




gol and Chara-nor, and Himly's version of the Chinese text begins with the words, »Von K'uku-schakscha am Nordufer des Su-lö-Flusses geht es nach Baghan-olosu-tai; weiter westlich, entsprechend dem Nordufer des (Chara)-nur, heisst es Suluthu, usw.» The Russian map makes the road go south of both river and lake, and then diagonally across the desert south-west towards the Astin-tagh, which it strikes at Kum-bulak. The name Tschono-khuduk of the Wu-tschang map appears therefore on the Russian map (Tschenokhuduk) in close proximity to Kum-bulak; but it ought to be looked for, I am convinced, fully a degree farther north, namely in the Kuruktagh. From and beyond Tschono-khuduk the western part of the route disappears entirely, or unites with Littledale's route, with which it has in reality nothing whatever to do. The Russian topographers have clearly supposed that, since, in subjecting the map to the necessary correction, the southern road had to be pushed a degree farther to the south, and the middle route I'/2 degrees in the same direction, so also the northern road must in the same way be pushed south, so as to run parallel to them; but this is a mistake, because in the Wu-tschang map the eastern part of this road is put half a degree too far to the south, though in the middle it is almost right, while in the west it lies half a degree too far to the north. If now, taking the station Manitu as an axis, we turn the entire map round in such a way that the Chara-nur falls into its proper latitude (4o V2° N.), the result is to place the Ike-ghaschon on the northern shore of the existing Kara-koschun; and this is far more probably right than the position which is assigned to the road on the Russian map, where the eastern part is incorrect and the western part is wanting.

As we know nothing about the periods at which the different materials for both the map and the text were gathered, we have of course nothing better than guesses to go upon. Himly supposes, * that, as the author of the Si yü-schuei-tao-ki deduces his conclusions from the Han-schu, he himself never was at Lop-nor; his own journey really took place about the year 1817. When he says, »So and so happened now», »So and so it is now», he means, according to Himly, the time in which he himself lived; but unfortunately in his extremely interesting book (Si yii-schuei-tao-ki) it is often difficult to determine what time it is he really is alluding to. I desire however to call special attention to the following passage.

»Der Tarim-Fluss fliesst von dem Gute Kurle 200 li nach Osten und südlich von Karaschar vorbei, dann über 200 li weiter nach Osten südlich vom Bostan-Nur (Baghrasch-köl) und noch weiter östlich in den Lop-nur. — — — Der 'nur' ist von Osten nach Westen über 200 li, von Süden nach Norden über 1 oo li (gross). Er nimmt im Winter und Sommer weder zu noch ab. Er liegt auf 40030' bis 445' N. Br. und 28°1o' bis 29°10' W. L. Jetzt gibt es nur eine Mündung. Wenn das Schuei-king-tschu für einen Süd- und einen Nordfluss je eine besondere Mündung annimmt, so weiss ich nach dem Han-schu, welches bei Unterscheidung der beiden Wege deutlich vom südlichen Gebirge redet, ohne dass dort etwas vom Verfolgen je eines südlichen und eines nördlichen Flusses zu sehen wäre, dass, da der eine Wasserlauf auch von Alters war wie jetzt, Li Küns Worte leichthin und ohne Erwägung gesprochen sind. Neben dem grossen 'nur' sind kleine 'nur', die ihn um-

* Peterm. Mitteil., Ergh. 13r, p. i63.

Hedin, Tourney in Central Asia. 11.   37