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0382 Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2
1899-1902年の中央アジア旅行における科学的成果 : vol.2
Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 / 382 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000216
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




an angle of 4o° to 45° with its original position, and so assumed the course it now follows, and in that way united itself with the Tarim. At all events in that far distant time the Kontsche-darja was directed, just as it is now, towards the lowest part of the desert through which it flows, namely the Lop-nor» (of course still to be identified with the Kara-koschun). In other words, Kosloff believes that the Kontschedarja, after flowing east through the bed of the Kuruk-darja, wheeled round to the south, and emptied into the Kara-koschun, to which the Tarim was also bound, though by quite a different route. This abnormal hydrographical arrangement may be illustrated by the lower sketch on Pl. 35. Neither the Chinese texts nor the Chinese maps lend the slightest support to any such arrangement. On the Wu-tschang map, as well as upon the map of the Si jii-schuei-lao-ki, the Tarim, after being joined by the Kontsche-darja, empties itself into the Lop-nor a long way east of the confluence. In the text of the last-mentioned we are told, as I have already pointed out above, that »the river Tarim flows east of Korla 200 li, and past Kara-schahr on the south, then another 200 li towards the east, south of Bostan-nur, and empties still farther east into the Lop-nor.» I have also pointed out that Lôu-lan was on the Lop-nor. Here I may also add the various names of the ancient lake which Himly has collected:

»Nach dem im Shi-ki-tshöng-i (der »richtigen Bedeutung des Shi-ki» oder der amtlichen Geschichte des Ssé-Ma-Thsien) angeführten Kwa-Ti-Tshi führte der Lob-Nur früher ausser den erwähnten (P'u-Thshang-Hai, Yao-Tsö und Yen-Tsö) auch die Namen: Fu-Zhi-Hai (»Sonnen-Stützen-Meer»), Lao-Lan-Hai (»Meer von Lao-Lan, Lou-Lan oder Leu-Lan»), Lin-Hai (»Nahes Meer»), woraus zu ersehen, was für verschiedene Namen er führte.»* .

As I have discovered the ruins of Lôu-lan, it is plain that the Lôu-lan sea or lake of Lop-nor is identical with the depression which my levelling proved to exist in the northern part of the desert. And as it was in this depression that the Tarim disembogued »still farther east», it is difficult to defend the proposition, that the Kontsche-darja ever directly emptied itself into the Kara-koschun. Finally, I will quote one passage more from Himly's essay last referred to:**

»Das Shui-King sagt, das Gewässer (Khaidu-gol oder Kontsche-darja) mache

eine Biegung und fliesse an der Westseite des Landes Khü-Li vorüber     Der
alte Lauf des Kuei-Tzé-tung-thshuan (Ost-Flusses von Kutshe), auf dem er in den (Tarim-) Fluss gemündet hätte, sei östlich vorn Lun-thai gewesen, und das Gewässer

des Tun-Hung (Bagrash-Sees) dürfte nicht über Khü-Li hinausgehen     Der
Khaidu macht hierauf nach dem Verfasser nochmals eine Wendung, und zwar nach Osten, worauf er in den Tarim-Fluss mündet.»

This description belongs to the epoch of »the three kingdoms» (221-280 A. D.), when the Tarim flowed through the bed of the Kuruk-darja, after having picked up the Khaidu-gol or Kontsche-darja.

Kosloff says further, that »without doubt there was a time when the »Lop-nor» extended a good deal farther north than it does now; but its southern shore occupied approximately the same position as it does at present, and along that same shore

* Ein chinesisches Werk fiber das westliche Inner-Asien,. p. 62. *0 Op. cit., p. 6o.