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0883 Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2
1899-1902年の中央アジア旅行における科学的成果 : vol.2
Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 / 883 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000216
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





Ghaschun-gobi, II: 117-118, 118-121.

Ghol-köl, I: 288; 294, 295; II: 510. Ghuma, population of, II: 605.

Ghuristan, »burial-place», I: 34; II: 31-32, 33; at

Markat, I: 127; of Saj-tagh, I: Pl. I r, 46. Glacier, movements of, II: 418.

Gnats, I: 375. 484.

Gobi, Desert of, II: 479-500; desert range in, II:

473, 475, 476-479; dunes in, II: 484-485, 493; jardangs in, II: 489; kamisch in, II: 490-492;

poplars in, II: 490; old road in, II: 475-476; tamarisks in, II: 490-492; views of, II: P1. 45,

Pl. 46, 47, 49, 50 and 54; old watercourse in, II: 480-483.

Gold mines, at Altin-tagh, II: 93; of Altun-keni, II: 17.

Gölme-kätgen-köl, II: 148, 149.

Göllne-käti-köl, I: 239, 244--245, 250-25r, 296, 298, 304, 306, Pl. 43; dimensions of, I: 299;

isobathic map of, I: Pl. 41, 46 a.

Grenard, F., on altitude of Chotan, II: 567 n.; on East Turkestan, II: 308-309; on Lop-nor, II:

310-313, and 567, 598, 613, 614. Grigorieff, cited, II: 263-264, 279, 610.

Grimm, 373, 375.

Grunt-Grschimajlo, G. J., on Desert of Kum-tagh,

II: 386-387; on the Kuruk-tagh, II: 25-26, 79-84, and II: 72, 78, 82 f., 91 f., 98, 104, 374

f., 399.

—, M. J., controversy with Obrutscheff, II: 371-


Gulls, II: 127, 128.

Gumbes, tomb, at Saj-tagh, I: PI. r r, 46; at Karasaj, I: 52.

Günther, on dune-formation, II: 413. Hajdar, il: 79.

Hallerstein, II: 271, 273, 275, 277. Hami, Desert of, II: 98-99.

Han-hai, von Richthofen on, II: 307.

Hann, on ocean-currents, II: 425.

Han-sch:i, referred to, II: 287-289.

Hares, I: 26, 71, 233, 256, 289, 3z8, 332, 348,

389, 440, 495; II: 19, 58, ilg, 128, 13r, 180,


Hasret-i-achtam Resi Allahu Anhu, shrine of, I:


Hassenstein, Dr. B., I: 312; II: 27, 41, 566, 567, 583.

Hawks, I: 146.

Haze, as meteorological factor, I: 247, 293. Hedgehog, II: 131.

Heim, II: 418.

Helmholtz, II: 41 I, 413.

Himly, on names of Lop-nor, II: 300-301; his

Report, II: 276-277; translation of Si yii-schueitao-ki, II: 277-278, 287 ; comments on, II: 260,

264, 230 f., 285, 288, 290, 291, 312.

Hirth, II: 288.

Holderer, II: 98, 102.

Homologies, geographical, I: 255, 282.

Hunting, in East Turkestan, I: 134i II: 608. Huntington, expedition of, II: 574.

Huts, square (geren:), I: 386; old, beside Karakoschun, II: 178-179, 181; at Sejt-köl, I: Pl. 30; of shepherds, I: 37, Pl. 12. See also Satmas.

Hydrography, of Ak-su-darja, 1: 76-8r ; of Chotandarja, I: 77, 79, 82; of Ilek-system, I: 492; N. of Kara-koschun, II: 191-202; of Kodaj-darja, I: 64-68 ; of Kuruk-darja, II: 3. See also Jarkentdarja and Tarim.

Hydrometrical data, methods of determining, I: 2833, 27. See also Jarkent-darja and Tarim, dimensions.

Hypsometrical relations of Tarim basin, Il: 563 f.

Ice, at Ala-kunglek Busrugvar, I:92; on Bostan- toghrak, I: 378-379; on Jangi-köl, I: 236-237; on Jarkent-darja, I: 17; on Tarim, I: 92, 94-95+ 96, 142-14-4, 147-148, 163-164, 456; on Tschertschen-darja, I: 348, 382-387, 396.

Igertschi-tagh, II: 86, 95.

Ighis-dung, I: 169-170.

Ike-gaschon, II: 290-297.

Ilek, river, I: 425, 427, 463, 465, 468, 470-476,. 484-486, 489; cataracts in, I: 486; depth of, II: 580; as barrier against sand, II: 339-340; dimensions of, at Kum-tscheke, I: 472-473: at Islamning-uj, I: 474-475; at Camp XXXV, I: 476; at Kötöröma, I:482; at Kum-tscheke, lI: 330; at Ordek-jaghutsch, II: 332, 337, 338; forest beside, I: 406; 1I:342; hydrography of, I: 492; views of, I:469-473•

Iltirghall, oasis of, II: 80.

Intschkä-darja, or Tscha-jan, I: 102, 104, 109; II: 10, 539; at Tschong-tokaj, II: 439.

Irrigation, law of (novot), I: 68-69; Chinese and, II: 69, 73; effects of upon Tarim, II: 353-354; in E. Turkestan, I: 73; at Ara-kum, I: 176; at Dural, I: 505; at Jangi-arik, I: 7; at Jangi-schahr, I: 5; at Kakde, I: 115; from Kodaj-darja, I: 64 —68; to Maral-baschi, I: 21-36.

Islamabad, population of, II: 604.

Islands, floating, I: 489.

Isobathic maps, of Begelik-köl, I: 294-297, Pl. 46, 46a; of Gölme-käti, I: Pl. 41, 46a; of Karaunelik- köl, I: Pl. 41, 46 a; of Tarim, at Arghan, I: Pl. 35; of Toghraklik-köl, I: Pl. 41; of Ullugh-köl, I: 282, Pl. 45, 46 a.

Jäkän, bush, II: 147, 149. See also Sedge. Jäkänlik-köl, II: 143.

Jäkän-öj, 1:449.

Jakinf, maps of, II: 373-375.

Jaman-ilek, I: 436.

Jangi-darja, or New Tarim, I: 90-94. Jangi-hissar, population of, II: 6o5.

Jangi-jer, lake, I: 44o.

Jangi-köl, I: 234-238, 253, 298, 304 307, PI. 43; altitude of, II: 586; dimensions of, I: 299; headquarters at, I: 161-162; position of, II: 586; views of, I: Pl. 31 ; volume of Tarim at,I: 260.

Jangi-su, district, I: 493.

Jangi-tarim. See Ilek.
