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0017 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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Abher (Yule sought for « Cala Ataperistan » between Sävah and).


« Abher » : the date of the meeting of Kökäêin and Ghazan there is important, it cannot be later than July-August 1293.

See COCACIN, p. 393.

« Abika » : niece of Ong-khan, wife of Chinghiz-khan; the form Ibaka-bäki is more correct. See CINGHIS, p. 303.

Abiâya or Abisga : the great-grandson of (ayatai.

See APUSCA, p. 44.

Abkhazia (« Abcas ») : according to Hethum one of the two parts of Georgia.


Abkhazia • « Abcas », it is, according to Hethum, the second kingdom of Georgia.


abnûs (Arabo-Persian) : « ebony », is a retranscription from the Greek.

See BONUS, p. 101.

« Abouha » : in Gestes des Chiprois. See ABAGA, p. 3.

Abraiamain » : in F, Yule had thought of « an incorrect Arabic plural such as Abrdhamin. See BRAAMAN, p. 102.

Abrdhamin (Arabic plural).

See BRAAMAN, p. 102. Abu-bäkr, Täiib's son.

See ABAGA, p. 4.

Abù Ma`sar Ja`far Ibn Muhammad : this is Pietro d'Abano's « Albumazar »; he mentions in the country of theZän) a great star looking like a sack.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 602. « Abuga D.

See ABAGA, p. 3.

« Abuya » : = Abaya.

See ABAGA, p. 3.

Abu"sga : Turk. name, means « old man »; often used as a proper name.

See APUSCA, p. 44.

Abù Said : I,arbanda ÖI)äitii's son, ascended the throne in 1317. See CAÇAN, p. 121.

Abyssinia : (Polo mentions « buckram » in).

See BUCKRAM, p. 110.

« Abyssinian » : Abasce, from Arabic Babas.

See ABASCE, p. 6.

« Abyssinia » : was rendered as « Ethiopia » by the Georgian translator.

See ETHIOPIA, p. 650. Acanthopanax ricinifolium : this is the tz'ti-t'ung.

See ÇAITON, p. 584.


«The white city on the border of Mangi », according to Ramusio. See p. 7-8.

« Acbalec Mangi » : Polo reached it after « Cuncun » and proceeded to Ch'êng-tu.

See CUNCUN, p. 573.

« Acbalec Mangi » : this must be Han-chung on the Han River. See CUNCUN, p. 574.

« Acbaluc Mangi » : given by Polo. See ACBALEC MANGI, p. 7. « Acbaluc Mangi ».

See ACHBALUCH, p. 9.

« Accambale : this king, mentioned

about Polo's visit to Champa,

never existed.

See CIAMBA, p. 255.

aceytuni : occurs in a Spanish

document; must be derived

from zäitùni.

See ÇAITON, p. 595.


Appears only in Ramusio. The

pure Turkish Aq-Baliq means

« White City ».

See p. 8-9.

Acheh : or Achin.

See LAMBRI, p. 761.

Achin : (king of).

See BASMAN, p. 88.

Achin : the present place for « Lam-

bri ».

See DAGROIAN, p. 613.


See SUMATRA, p. 840.

« Achmac ».

See ACMAT (1), p. 10.

« Achmach » : read « Achmath ».

See ACMAT (2), p. 11.

Achmach (read « Achmath ») : in

conjunction with the title Bailo.

See BAILO, p. 70.

« Achmach Bailo ».

For the second element, see

« Bailo », p. 70.

See ACMAT (1), p. 10.

  • Achmath » : given by Ramusio. See ACMAT (2), p. 11.

« Achon » : Latin form. See ACRE, p. 12.

  • Acias », « Akas » : corrupt reading

for « As ».

See ALAINS, p. 17.

ACMAT (1).

Only in Ramusio. The original

name is of course Ahmad.

See p. 10-11.

ACMAT (2).

Ahmad, one Abaya's younger

brothers, who assume power

after the death of Abaya.

See p. 11-12.

  • Acmath » : for Ahmad.

See ACMAT (2), p. 11.

« Acmelec Mangi ».


« Acomat » : for Ahmad.

See ACMAT (2), p. 11.


The city of Saint-Jean d'Acre.

See p. 12.

« Acre » : or Saint-Jean d'Acre, French


See ACRE, p. 12.

Acre : (the journey of the three Polos


See CAMPÇIO, p. 151..

Acre : the two elder Polo, on rea-

ching this city, found « Teald

de Plajence » appointed legate

for the Church of Rome « in

all the realm of Egipte ».

See EGIPTE, p. 638.


See SAMACAR, p. 825.

  • Acri » : italian form.

See ACRE, p. 12.

« açur » : in Polo's text for azure (see

« Green Hill », p. 740).

See AZURE, p. 58.

acige : « small », is not Mongolian,

but Manchu.

See CINGHIS, p. 346.


Adam's Peak.

See p. 13.

Adam's Peak : sources.

See ADAM, p. 13.

Adam's Peak : in Ceylon.


p. 823.

Addaeus : suggested by Moule as

being one of the « three apostles

of the seventy » venered by a

people living in the region of


See FUGIU, p. 727.