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0107 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   93

Ergiuul » : appears in Y as a misreading of Uraqai.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

â Ergiuul » : Hsi-Liang-chou.

See SILINGIU, p. 833.

« Erigaya » : in light of the forms in the Secret History and in Rasidu-'d-Din, this seems to be the form to adopt. But the forms in the Secret History was not correctly read by transcribers. See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

Erâgiya : Mongol name of Irqai (= Ning-hsia).

See CINGHIS, p. 315.

« ermellini » : ermines.

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

« Ermenie » : Armenia, name given by Hethum.

See ARMÉNIE, p. 51. ermesino : It., name of a textile, from the name of Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 582.


Ermine-hatun » : this is Kärämünbiatun.

See COCACIN, p. 394.

« Ermine » : or Armenia, current form in the Middle Ages, in the west.

See ARMÉNIE, p. 51.

Erqaya : said by Rasidu-'d-Din to be the Mongol form of Egrigaia. See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

« Ersu » : (Ärsu) on a Mongolian document. No doubt that it is Liang-chou.

See ERGIUUL, p. 646.

Ertic : in Kirakos, for the name of the Irtysh.

See CINGHIS, p. 299. Erythrina Indica : tz'ïc-t'ung has also this meaning.

See ÇAITON, p. 584.

Erzerum : the modern name of Argiron ».

See ARGIRON, p. 47. Erzingan or Erzin)an : the modern name of « Arçingan ».

See ARÇINGAN, p. 47. Erzinjan or Erzingan : the modern name of «Arçingan ».

See ARÇINGAN, p. 47.

Esän : or Isän.

See EÇINA, p. 637.

Esän-temtir : or Äsän-temür, the Persian spelling of Xs:an-Mmür. See ESENTEMUR, p. 649. ESCA.

The word occurs only in Z,
in the legend about the first

Uighur king, said to have « sprung up from a certain fungus which is made up from the sap of trees, what indeed [is accustomed] among us to be called « esca ».

Latin esca, « food » had lost this original meaning already at the end of classical times and had soon come to mean « tinder ». See p. 647-648.

« esca » : or «èche ». It was not the fungus which was called by this name but the tinder made from it. See ESCA, p. 647.


Esceqe, not « esceque » represents Arabic Sail), meaning « old man », « elder » as Polo says and is our sheikh.

See p. 648-649.

« esceque » : incorrect representation of the Arabic nail) in B. See ESCEQE, p. 648.

esche : Fr. in Middle Ages, it had the meaning « tinder » and thus is related to the Latin « esca », food.

See ESCA, p. 647.

escorche : the « bark » of the tree, according to Pauthier, Yule and Charignon. More authoritative texts, including F and Z call it « leaves ».

See DRY(LONE)TREE, p. 629.

escureus, escuriau : French mediaeval forms of « squirrel » of which there seems no phonetic connection to ercolin.

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

escuriau, escureus : French mediaeval forms of « squirrel » of which there seems no phonetic connection to ercolin.


Äsän-tämür is composed of Mong. äsän, « sane », and mür, iron. The name is common.

The present Äsan-tämür is the son of Hügäèèi, himself a son of Qubilai.

See p. 649.

« Essedones » : Vivien saw the Ossets in the « Essedones »; this identification was arbitrary.

See ALAINS, p. 18.

Ethil : in Plan Carpine, name of the Volga.

See CINGHIS, p. 299.

Ethil : (i.e. the Volga) the identification of Odoric's « Cadeli » with it is not evident.

See COTTON, p. 523.

Ethilia, Etilia : in Rubrouck, name of the Volga.

See CINGHIS, p. 299.

Ethiopia : « Abasce », other name of « Abasce ».

See ABASCE, p. 6.


In Polo's notice on « Abasce » the addition « which is called Ethiopia » does not occur in F or Z, and must be considered as a gloss of the copyists. Ethiopia is placed in Transgangetic India.

The Catalan Map of 1375 and a letter of Pope John XXII seem to indicate Ethiopia at its proper place in Africa.

See p. 649-651.

Etil : or Itil. A name of the Volga. See TIGRI, p. 853.

Etilia, Ethilia : in Rubrouck, name of the Volga.

See CINGHIS, p. 299.

« Etilia » : this is used by Rubrouck for the name of the Volga. See COTTON, p. 523.

Etsin-gol : (Edzin-yoi) or « River Etsin », north of Kan-chou (in Kan-su).

See EÇINA, p. 637.

Etsin-yol : the Mongols came from Qara-boto along it.

See CINGHIS, p. 311.

Etsin-yol : Chinghiz travelled from Mongolia to it.


Polo mentions Euphrates only once, and as one of the rivers flowing into the Caspian, together with the Tigris (Volga) and the « Gion » (Oxus).

See p. 651.

« Europa » : occurs only in the title-preamble of Z. On Fra Mauro's map, the name appears between the Don and the Volga.

See EUROPE, p. 651-652. EUROPE.

« Europe » occurs only in the title-preamble of Z, and it is not certain that the word was used in Rustichello's original text. There is a lack of necessary data