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204   INDEX

Pa-ta-shan : Chinese transcription of Badascian.

See BADASCIAN, p. 64.

Pa-tan : is more probably Bagdad, than Badabsan, (in Ming shih). See BAUDAC, p. 91.

pa-ti-yeh : apheretical form of upàdhyàya, almost unknown in China, has been more or less in use in Japan.

See CASCAR, p. 212.

Pa-tu : Chinese transcription of Batu. See BATU, p. 89.

Pa-tu-la : not Pa-ch'a-tu in the Tao-i chih-lio of 1349. For *Badap, perhaps one might think of it. See DAGROIAN, p. 615.

Pa-tu-ma : of the Tao-i chih-lio of 1349-1350. For *Badap, one might think of it.

See DAGROIAN, p. 615.

pa-tzü : (or pa) « cowry », in Chinese texts of the Mongol period. See COWRIES, p. 545.

pa-tzü : popular name of the cowry (Yün-nan t'ung chih).

See COWRIES, p. 548.

pa-tzü : « cowries », mentioned as currency in Siam by Chinese texts.

See COWRIES, p. 552.

pa-tzü : « cowries », a substitute for small cash in Bengal (Tao-i chih-lio).

See COWRIES, p. 558.

pa-tzü : « cowries », 11,520 = one silver coin in Bengal (Tao-i chih-lio).

See COWRIES, p. 559.

Pa-yeh-ku : Bargu? in the Chinese texts.

See BARGU, p. 76.

« Pacem » : the Portuguese form of Pasè.

See BASMAN, p. 86.

« Pacorus » : according to Lokotsch, a form of fayfür appearing in Horace and Martial. But there are many names similar in Iranian history (Pelliot feels this identification hardly defendable).

See FACFUR, p. 655-656. pahi : Stieng, « cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 436.

Pahivi : channel for a transmission of the Greek romance to India. See ALEXANDRE (1), p. 28.

pahta   Suyni, « cotton » (Hjuler),
Wabi, « cotton » (Sköld). See COTTON, p. 435.

pah to : « cotton », occurs in most Iranian dialects of the Pamir; it is considered to be borrowed from the Persian.

See COTTON, p. 443.

pàlatd : another form of Turk. pahta, « cotton D.

See COTTON, p. 443.

pahta : (bahta) Turk.; it is hardly possible to derive it from Ch. po-tieh.

See COTTON, p. 444. Pai-chia-ssû-ian (?) : (an embassy was projected in 1463 to be sent there).

See ALAINS, p. 24.

Pai-ch'êng-tzû : Chinese name of l;ayàn-balyasun; it cannot be Polo's Cayân-nör.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

Pai-ch'u : (Bai;u?) this prince must be Ha-pi-ch'ih.

See LIITAN SANGON, p. 763.

pal fu cluing : « chief of hundred men », meaning given to j'a'utquri or ch'a-wu-hu-lu.

See CINGHIS, p. 293.

Pai-hai : Chinese translation for the ayàn-nör referred to in Polo's text.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 248.

pai-hu : « chief of a hundred »; the real Jucen title for it was not hu-lu.

See CINGHIS, p. 294.

Pai-i : in 1273, there was two districts, one for the Chin-ch'ih, one for the... (YS).

See ÇARDANDAN, p. 605.

Pai-i-êrh : cannot render the Mong. bayan nor be identical with « Pain » but the true reading is probably Pai-i.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

Pai-i-êrh hsing-kung : the Ch'ingning-tien of Shang-tu was removed there in 1326 (YS). See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

Pai-i ordo : Yanai may be right in connecting « Pai-i » with the « Pain » of Pain Cayan-nör. See CIAGANNOR, p. 250.

Pai-i wo-êrh-to (ordo) : the Ch'in wing-tien was completed there in 1327 (YS); the name occurs in the Ching-shih ta-tieh and the Chin pien.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

Pai shih : this work mentioned in the K'ang-shi tzü-tien is un-know.

See COWRIES, p. 549.

Pai-shih lei pien : this work quoted in the Ko-chih thing-yiian is perhaps the Pai-shih hui-pien. See COWRIES, p. 549.

Pai-t'a : « White Pagoda ». This hill is called thus in account of the stupa erected on it in the 17th cent.

See GREEN HILL, p. 741.

« Pai-yen ch'êng-hsiang » : or « Bayan cingsan ».


p'ai-tzu : according to Chao Hung, the term t'ien-tz'ü occured at the beginning of the Mongol tablets of authority before the name of « the Emperor Ch'êngchi-ssû D.

See CINGHIS, p. 296.

« Pain » : (of Pain Z`ayàn-nör), the equation with Mong. bayan is not certain.

Yanai may be right in connecting it with the « Pai-i » of Pai-i ordo.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

« Pain l.`ayan-nör » : it must be the lake called Cayan-nör by Polo. See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

paltaa : Butea frondosa; the po-lo tree similar to the po-yang seems to be that.

See COTTON, p. 472.

palau : (kalàu, kulau) Cham, « island », culao in Culao Cham. See CONDUR, p. 406.

Palayakayal : on the Tâmraparni river, about a mile and a half from its mouth.

See CALL, p. 130.

Pali Timur : name under which Chams speak of the « Kingdom of Women ».


Pali : for « bailo » in Syriac.

See BAILO, p. 70.

*[pam]bak-dip : « cotton-brocade »; this Iranian original proposed for po-tieh must be rejected; it does not exist in Middle-Persian.

See COTTON, p. 443.

pambuq : (and pamuq). Osm., « cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 427.