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0101 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   87

  • Deresgai » : misreading of Dörmä-

gaï in Y.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

  • Dersekai » : misreading for Ra"sid's Dörmägäi (Ling-chou). See CINGHIS, p. 315.

  • Dersekai » : misreading of Dörmägäï in Ber. See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

  • Derssekai » : misreading of Dörmägäi in Y.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

« Description of the World » : the title which has been adopted in the present edition.


  • detaicâ » : (« de Taican ») The original name which was probably corrupted into the idolum libri, « Dagaua ».

See DOGAVA, p. 627.

de Taican : « detaicâ ». The original name which was probably corrupted into the idolum libri,

  • Dogaua ».

See DOGAVA, p. 627.

deva : « a god ».

See FACFUR, p. 653.

deoaputra : « son of the gods » Skr. Royal title of the Kuana dynasty. Used later in Indian Buddhist circles to designate the Chinese Emperor.

See FACFUR, p. 653-654.

  • Devil Market » : or « Spirit Market » = Kuei-shih, name given by Chinese to the dumb trade. See DARKNESS (PROVINCE OF), p. 624.

DEVISEMENT DOU MONDE. Benedetto, following BaldelliBoni's example, adopted for his edition of F the title Il Milione but his later Italian translation is entitled Le Meraoiglie del Mondo. All the ancient Italian editions, beginning with the first one of 1486 and down to that of 1672, are entitled either De le meraoigliose cose del mondo or Delle meraoiglie del mondo..

  • Description on the World » is the title adopted in the present edition.

See p. 625-626.

dépâk : the ancient Iranian word for

  • brocade ».

See COTTON, p. 443.

  • Dhofar » : on southern coast of Arabia.

See DUFAR, p. 637.

Dhüta : under the Mongol dynasty, there were regular officers attending to the affairs of this sect. See FUGIU, p. 728.

  • Di-chu or Bhri-chu » : Tib. names of the Upper Yang-tzû, in Yule. See BRIUS, p. 107.

*D"i-sin (Ch'ih-san) and * • Uo-d"isân (Wu-ch'ih-san) in the Wei-lio.

See ALEXANDRE (2), p. 29. Dialogues with Sadan : they are Abu Ma`sar's answers to the questions of Said Saditn.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 602. *d"iak : this is the old pronunciation of chih (Nü-chih).

See CIORCIA, p. 368.

*d'ien : (of *Ju-d'ien, Yii-t'ien) some read it in the first tone, and others in the fourth.

See COTAN, p. 408.

*d'iep : this is tieh (in po-tieh). See COTTON, p. 442.

*d'iep : (or d'âp) this supposed ancient pronunciation of t'atêng has no authority.

See COTTON, p. 447.

-digit- : (in the name Aiaqu"s-digitquri of the Secret History) suggest that -tiki-- -tigi- may stand for -tiki[t]-, -tigi[t], but a fail of the final -n of tigin is possible.

See CINGHIS, p. 295.

  • Dili » : probable writing of Odoric. See DILIVAR, p. 626.


Marsden had supposed that the name was altered from « da Livar », which he explained as « of Lahore ».

Although not wishing to change the form in F, Pelliot suspects that « Delidinar » in VB and « Dely » in R point to « Deli » as being the right reading.

See p. 626.

Dimasq : Damascus.

See DOMAS, p. 627.

  • Dimisgi » : (« Dimi"ski ») name of Damascus as it appears in the letter sent by Aryun to Phillip the Fair in 1289.

See DOMAS, p. 627.

  •      » : (or « Dimisgi ») name of Damascus as it appears in the

letter sent by Aryun to Phillip the Fair in 1289.

See DOMAS, p. 627.

Dimisq : Damascus.

See DOMAS, p. 627.

ding : « jar » - a measure of weight, in the Fu-chou dialect.

See CAPDOILLE, p. 160.

« ding-pig » : (instead of « bing-pig ») the year (1227) of Chinghizkhan's death in the Altan tob5i.

See CINGHIS, p. 309.

dingiz : yuzz, corresponds to Turk. tängiz.

See CINGHIS, p. 300.

Dingiz-[Dengiz-]khan : (or Tengiz-) name of Oyuz-khan's youngest son in the legend of Uighur origin.

See CINGHIS, p. 301.

dihiz : kaz., corresponds to Turk. tängiz.

See CINGHIS, p. 300.

diraht : persian word, passed to däräh in modem Turki of Chinese Turkestan.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634.

diraht-i hulk : « dry tree » at « Bos-tam » mentioned by Mustawfi. See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 630.

diraht-i sol : « the sol tree », the cypress of Zoroaster, asserted by Houtum-Schindler to be identical with Polo's « Arbre Seul » or « Arbre Sol ».

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 629630.

dirp : the true « Saracen » form of the name of the « Dry Tree ».

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634

  • dirpe » or « dyrp » : some Mss of Maundevile give « sirpe » instead of this.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634.

  • Divamoai » : in Fra Mauro, for the Maldives. See COWRIES, p. 559.

  • Divamoal » : = the Maldives. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 673.

  • Diviamoal » : wrong for « Divamoal », the Maldives in Fra Mauro.

See COWRIES, p. 559.

*dip : this was not the ancient Iranian word for « brocade ». See COTTON, p. 443.

dipa : pail; Diva- goes back to it. See COWRIES, p. 559.

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