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68   INDEX


alternate; ci- may have replaced

very early an original si-. See CUIGIU (c. 130), p. 571.

a Ciugiu » : the readings of the mss. point to this form; but the only possible identification is Such'ien.

See CIUGIU, p. 390.

  • Ciugiu » : the use of -g- is not the same as in « Coigangiu ».

See COIGANGIU, p. 398. CIUGUI (c. 177).

This represents a pronunciation 6ugi of Skr. yogin > Hind. yogi, « ascetic ».

See p. 391.

  • Ciuitas » : is misread « Cuntas » by Zurla and Hallberg.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 635.

civara : « garment », fanciful interpretation of « Cina », losing sight of its Chinese origin. See CIN, p. 271.

  • Ckamidschu » : in Erdmann for Kan-chou. See CAMPÇIO, p. 150.

  • Cobila » : occurs in Hethum for

  • Qubilai ».

See CUBLAI, p. 566. COBINAN.

This is variously transcribed

  • Kuh Benan », « Kooh Benan », « Kuhbanan », « Knbenan », « Kubanän ».

See p. 392.

  • Cobina[n] » : (and « Chobinam ») in Fra Mauro, for « Cobinan » See COBINAN, p. 392.

  • Cobla » : occurs in the Latin translation of Aryun's letter of 1285 to Honorius IV.

See CUBLAI, p. 566.

« Cobla Chan » : a letter was addressed to him by Nicholas IV in 1289.

See CUBLAI, p. 566. COCACIN.

Rasidu-'d-Din writes Kökääi. Chên-chin's wife, Bairam-äkääi, was also called K'o-k'o-chên, Kököjin; Raid always calls her Kökäin.

The meeting of Ghazan and Kökäcin at « Abher » cannot be later than July-August 1293. Ghazan married her; the former ordo of Toquz-batun and Tuqtani was assigned to her; she died between June 4 and July 2, 1296.

See p. 392-394.

  • Cocacin » : a Mongol princess.

See FUGIU, p. 728.

Coccus cacti : this is the « cochenille », used in French to speak of the

  • kermes ».

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

Coccus lacca : lac insect.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

Coccus ilicis : this is the kermes.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

  • cochenille » : French, for the

  • kermes »; but it is Coccus cacti.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

Cochinchina » : the name was applied to Middle Annam until the end of the 18th cent.

See CAUGIGU, p. 233.

Cocintana » : mentioned on the Medici Map, it is probably, according to Ibn Baxlnlah's

  • Kokan Tânah », « Thana of Konkan ». See TANA, p. 845-846.

  • Cocintaya » : mentioned on the Catalan Map. It must be

  • Thäna of Konkan ».

See TANA, p. 846. COGACIN.

This is Rasid's Hügäci, in Chinese Hu-ko-ch'ih, in literary Mongol Ükärci, « Cowherd ». He was Qubilai's fifth son according to YS, and sixth according to Rasid.

He was appointed prince of Yün-nan in 1267 and poisoned in 1271.

See p. 394-395.


Like most of the names given in the differents versions of Abmad's murder in 1282, this name is hardly reconcilable. The best representative of « Cogatai » seems to be Kao Hsi; but « Cogatai » renders a Mongolian name *Kökätäi = Kökötäi.

The Mongolian personal name of Kao Hsi was Sira, Shih-Ia; but the man really referred to by « Cogatai » is probably Kao Hsi.

See p. 395-396.

  • Cogatai » : like most of the names mentioned in the versions of Abmad's murder in 1282, it is hardly reconcilable.

See COGATAI, p. 395.

*Cogatai : (Kökötäi); « Cogatal » is

perhaps a clerical error for that.


This is the only reading given by the best mss. for the name of Qubilai's envoy to the Pope. The name may be a clerical error for *Cogatai, Kökötäi; but no Kökötäi can be identified with him.

See p. 396-397.

Cogatal : (about Alau) see p. 396. See ALAU, p. 62.

Cogatal : the information found in Jacopo d'Acqui must be based on some confusion.

See COGATAL, p. 397.

Cogia » : = Hö;a, in Persian,

  • master », in B1, for « Coja ». See COJA, p. 402.

Cogno » : ( < *Coyno) in R, for Qonyâ, « Konieh ».

See COMO ( < *COINE), p. 403.

  • Coia » : rendering of doininus in Turkish in Codex Cumanicus. See COJA, p. 402.

Coia » : in F, read as « Coja » in view of « Goza » in R.

See COJA, p. 402.


This word, as a designation in Ma`abar of unlucky hours, occurs in Z as « choiach »,

  • coiach », « coiath ».

The relation of « uciacha » to

  • coiach » (hora uciacha id est coiach) is not clear; it looks as though « uciacha » were a term of Western astrology and

  • coiach » alone a native term used in Ma'abar.

See p. 397.

« coiach » : it looks as though this alone were a native term used in Ma'abar.

See COIACH, p. 397.

coiach » : occurs in Z, also spelt

  • choiach », « coiath ».
    See COIACH, p. 397.

  • coiath » : occurs in Z, more often spelt « choiach », « coiach ». See COIACH, p. 397.


This is Huai-an-chou, where Polo crossed the Yellow River; when Polo used it, the name had ceased to be official. Polo's transcription of Huai-an-chou is interesting in its first -g- and