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166   INDEX

Lan-ts'ang-chiang : (Mekong) the « Directing Commissariat » of the Chin-ch'ih had it as its eastern limit (YS).

See ÇARDANDAN, p. 605. Lan-wu-li : *Lammuri. Chinese transcription.

See LAMBRI, p. 761.

Land of Darkness : a region described by Hethum as a refuge for persecuted Christians. Clearly not the same region as mentioned by Polo and Ibn Battntah. See DARKNESS (PROVINCE OF), p. 621.

  • tang » : of *Lang-Barus. Certainly not Achenese « lam ».

See FANSUR, p. 662.

*Lang-Balus : (Though confusion with Lang-bâlùs, the Nicobar), Lang-p'o-Iu-ssn, *Lang-Barus, are mentioned by the Hsin T'ang Shu.

See FANSUR, p. 662.

*Lang-Barus : (or *Lang-Balus, though confusion with Langbâlûs, the Nicobar?), Langp'o-lu-ssn, are mentioned by the Hsin T'ang shu.

See FANSUR, p. 662.

Lang-hsi-chia : (*Langsika) this name appears on the Chinese map of the early 15th cent., between Sungora and Kelantan. See LOCHAC, p. 767.

Lang-p'o-lu-ssn : (*Lâng-b`uâ iuo-sie) *Lang-Barus (or *Lang-Balus, through confusion with Lang-the Nicobar?) are mentioned by the Hsin T'ang-shu. See FANSUR, p. 662.

Lang-ya-hsiu : has been identified with Léngkasuka, but this identification must be abandoned. See LOCHAC, p. 767.

Lang-yeh tai-tsui pien : written by Chang Ting-ssû, presumably c. 1600; it gives probably a distorted version of Huang tao-p'o's story.

See COTTON, p. 505.

Lan)-saki : = Lang-saki.

See LOCHAC, p. 767.

Laiiga-bälns : the Nicobar Islands, thought to be Laikä by Ferrand.


Laiikâ : an ancient name of Ceylon according to AI-Birnnï. But this does not seem to be true in

light of the fact that the dumb trade was carried on in Ceylon, a country too advanced for this form of trade.


Lafkâ : this name occurs in the nomenclature of the late Middle Ages for « Lung-yamên ». See « Pentan ».

See LOCHAC, p. 768.

Lapcuq : modern name of the *Napa(' (Na-chih).

See LOP, p. 770.

lapis-lazuli : mineral.

See AZURE, p. 58.

lapis-lazuli : is to be found in certain part of Tibet.

See AZURE, p. 59.

Laquedives : border the two accounts of Fra Mauro's region of Darkness.



It seems as though the name meant was Lär, an ancient designation of Guzerat and northern Konkan.

See p. 762.

lalkar : the « army » of the Qaraunas; at a date which seems to be 1282-1283, they were organized into a tümän or myriarchy. See CARAUNAS, p. 188.

lattizo : Ital. form for « letice ». See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

Laurus camphora : laurel of the Chinese camphor obtained in

Fu-chien and Kuang-tung.

See FANSUR, p. 670.

lavanga : Skr. for clove. According to Al-Bïrnnï, the origin of the word Labkä.


« Lavar » : perhaps Polo spoke of the capture of « Lavar », but there is no corresponding passage in Z.

See DILIVAR, p. 626.

Lavo : the ancient Siamese name of Lopburi.

See LOCHAC, p. 768.

lawâki : name of an aloes, which is supposed by Yule to have been derived from the name of the kingdom of Lvo (Lavo).

See LOCHAC, p. 768.

« Lawék » : Lovék, a Cambodian city. See LOCHAC, p. 768.

lazulum, lazur, lazurius : low Latin. See AZURE, p. 58.

lazur, lazurius, lazulum : low Latin. See AZURE, p. 58.

lazurius, lazur, lazulum : low Latin. See AZURE, p. 58.

« lazy Capdakosa » or « alasa-Candako4a » : name of Alexander in Bâga's romanced biography of King Harsa.

See ALEXANDRE (1), p. 27. laEurd or lazvard : late Armen. See AZURE, p. 58.

lazvard, lazurd : late Armen.

(for the genealogy of the word « açur ».)

See AZURE, p. 58.

Lähä)an : (or Lähijan) a seta leggi » is the silk coming from this place.

See GEL, p. 734.

Lähijan : (or Lähäjan) « seta leggi » See GEL, p. 734.

lcijavarta : Skr. (for the genealogy of the word a açur »).

See AZURE, p. 58.

lazvard : Pers. (or laivard), for the genealogy of the word « açur ». See AZURE, p. 58.

Lâmuri : form under which « Lambri » is given in Mussulman texts.

See LAMBRI, p. 761.

Lâranda : first centre of the Qaramân dynasty.

See CARAMANI, p. 182. lazvard : Arab. (for the genealogy of the word « açur »).

See AZURE, p. 58.

*l f puâi : (lo-pei) > Mong. labai,

« horn », originally « conch ».

See COWRIES, p. 545. *Li-ts`at = Lo-ch'a.


Lâ-ziäi : Lo-shih, for Ch'ieh-shê-loshih in the Shui-ching chu. See CASCAR, p. 201.

*lâk tdi : this is to-tai, valueless as restoration of lu-tai.

See COTTON, p. 492.

« leaves » : instead of « bark » more authoritative texts, including F and Z, give « leaves ».

Duly adopted by Benedettd and Moule.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 629. a Left Asut Guard » : created in 1310. See ALAINS, p. 20.