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0024 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 24 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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Ang-ku-li : this modem Chinese transcription may be the result of a clerical error for Ang-chi-li, rendering an original anggir. See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.


Copist's error for Andaman. See p. 43.

« Angamanain » : a wrong form for « Andaman » in Yule.

See ANGAMAN, p. 43.

angar : later Turkish dialectical form, it is the yuan-yang of the Chinese.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 249. anggir : the Mongolian form of the ang-chi of the Chin-shih.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 248, 249.

anggir niyehe : Manchu form, borrowed from the Mongolian at a late date.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

angyar : later Turkish dialectical form, it is the yuan yang of the Chinese.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

angit : the oldest Turkish form, in Ki k'ari, for the yuan yang of the Chinese.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 248.

anggïr, angqur, angqut : later Turkish dialectical forms; it is the yuan-yang of the Chinese. See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.


Anguli-nor » : Polo's Caydn-nor was long located immediately east of it. The form is corrupt, but represents the very name under which it was known in Mongol and Chin. times. See CIAGANNOR, p. 248.

« Anin » • other reading of « Amu ». See AMU, p. 39.

Aniu » : other reading of « Amu ». See AMU, p. 39.

*Anjur : (or *AiJur) in the course of the campaign of 1227, made a halt at Ch'in-chou (not Ch'inch'uan).

See CINGHIS, p. 312.

Annam : brazil-wood producting country.

See BRAZIL, p. 104.

*Annam : > Polo's « Amu » (Tong-king).

See COWRIES, p. 552. Annam-Tonking : ebony-producting country.

See BONUS, p. 102.

Annamite Kingdom : (other names) Chiao-chih-kuo, Nan-ytieh, Annan.

See AMU, p. 39.

« Anonichesiemur » : must be put on a level with « Ariora Chiesiemar ».

See CHESCEMIR, p. 242. antain : ancient French « aunt »; actual form : antaine.

See ARAINES, p. 46.

anuvyail jana : « secondary signs ». See AZURE, p. 60.

ar ka : Khmer, previously rahiko,

  • unhusked rice ».

See FANSUR, p. 663.

Ao-t'un A-hu : sent by the Chin to Chinghis-khan to ask for peace (July 15-August 13, 1227) [YS]. See CINGHIS, p. 310.

Aorsoi : for representing the kingdom of Yen-ts'ai.

See ALAINS, p. 16.

« Aparacina » : mentioned after the

  • Cina » in the Râmayana and the Saddharmasrnrtyupasthana; it is the « Han » of the Chinese translation.

See CIN, p. 272.

Apdragodaniya : the ch'in-niu are once assigned to it, i. e. to the mythical continent of the West. See COTTON, p. 510.

« Apishégha » and « Abishégha » : in Blochet, from Skr. abh4eka, a wrong restitution for Abusga. See APUSCA, p. 44.

Apoctronus = Oxyartes, « uncle » of Roxana.

See DARIUS, p. 615. APUSCA.

From the Turk. Abusga, « old man D.

See p. 44.

« Apuschcka » : Erdmann's transcription of Abisga, Abusga; was sent on a mission from Persia to the Great Khan.

See APUSCA, p. 44.

Aq-As » : corrupt reading for

  • Man-As ».

See ALAINS, p. 17.



Aq-baliq : (? = Han-chung).

See ACBALEC MANGI, p. 7-8.

Aq-baiïq (of Cathay) which is Chêng-


See ACBALEC MANGI, p. 7-8.

Aq-baliq : = Haydn-balyasun = Chaghan Baighasun.

See ACHBALUCH, p. 9. Aq-baliq-i-Manzi.


Aq-bo)ah : is the « very great and beautiful plain » of Vol. I, 458, to the east of Qazwin.

See ACMAT (2), p. 12. Aq-tängiz : = Hactenis.


«Agbaliq of Mangi » : = Han-chung. See ACBALEC MANGI, p. 8.

Aqsu : in Chinese Turkestan (Aq-su,

  • White water »). See ALAINS, p. 24.


They were known to the Chinese at least from the middle of the 7th cent., their name never occurs in Chinese transcription before modern times.

See p. 44, 45.


Ancient French : antain, « aunt ».

« araines   is corrupt for
*ataines : antains.

See p. 45, 46.

aral : may mean not only an « island » but a whole region at the confluence of two rivers.

See CINGHIS, p. 322.

Aral Sea : (territory at the north).

See ALAINS, p. 16.

Ararat : (Mount).

See BARIS, p. 80.

Ards : > Rosso.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 636.

*Ara'utu : ( < *Hara'utu) one of the forms Ha-Iao-t'u may represent. See CINGHIS, p. 319.

Araxes (basin of the).

See BARIS, p. 80.

Araxes : ( Ards > Rosso) according to Yule the red River, Araxes (Ards > Rosso) but this is an error.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 636.

Arbela : in Mesopotamia. It was there that took place the decisive battle between Darius and Alexander.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 635. « Arbor sofa » : the way by which

  • Arbre sol » has been rendered in LT and in Z. See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 628.