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242   INDEX

shin-lü : « green stone ».

See AZURE, p. 60.

Shih Pi : on March 2, 1292, was named p'ing-chang-chêng-shih of the « moving Grand Secretariat » of Fu-chien (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 592.

shih po-ssû : inspectorates of maritime trade; there was one at Ch' üan-chou, but none at Chang-chou.

See ÇAITON, p. 587.

shih po-ssû : « Offices of merchant sea-junks » officially created in 1277 at Ch'iian-chou, Ch'ingyüan, Shang-hai and Kan-p'u, and later at Hang-thou, Wênchou and Kuang-tung.

See GAMPU, p. 730.

Shih-p'ing : (in Yün-nan) an inscription existing there speaks of « so many sa of cowries (pei) ». See COWRIES, p. 550. Shih-tsu : Qubilai.

See CAMPÇIO, p. 153.

Shih-tsu : (of the Yuan) i. e. Qubilai; he is not meant in Hsü Lan's poem on the tombs of the Yüan.

See CINGHIS, p. 361.

Shih-tsu : this is the Wei Emperor T'o-pa Tao who changed Joujan to Juan-juan.

See CIORCIA, p. 382.

Shih-tsu : (Qubilai) ordered in 1276 to form a kuei-ch'ih (YS). See CUIUCCI, p. 573.

Shih-t'ang : feeding Hall.


Shih T'ien-lin : a Chinese who was dispatched to Qaidu by Mongka, in 1256.

See CAIDU, p. 126.

Shih T'ien-tsê? = *Sämkä-bahadur : See ACHBALUCH, p. 9.

Shih T'ien-tsê : a minister who came to direct the armies besieging Chi-nan-fu, and at the request of whom, Li T'an was executed.

See LIITAN SANGON, p. 763. Shih-wei : the Nü-chên adjoined it to the north (Ta-Chin kuo chih; Ma Tuan-lin).

See CIORCIA, p. 372.

Shih-wei : the Nü-chên came near it to the north (San-ch'ao peimêng hui-pien).

See CIORCIA, p. 373.

Shih-wei : in the T'ang period, it was the designation of many tribes of eastern Mongolia and Manchuria.

See CIORCIA, p. 386.

Shih-wei : North-eastern Mongols. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 685.

shih-yu : a name which « petroleum » was called in T'ang times.

See FANSUR, p. 662.

« Shina » : on Japanese maps, represents the modern Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese Buddhist transcription Chih-na. See CIN, p. 267.

Shiraz : ? = Hsü-lieh.

See : ABAGA, p. 4.

shou : = 4 cowries.

See COWRIES, p. 548.

show : = 4 chuang (1 chuang = 1 cowry).

See COWRIES, p. 549.

shou : (4 chuang) written in a

new manner in the Tien-hsi.

See COWRIES, p. 550. shou-cho : frontier-post.

See YARCAN, p. 884.

shou pei : occurs in the Hsiang pci thing, « Doctrinal book on the properties of pei ».

See COWRIES, p. 535. shou-p'a : « handkerchiefs »; this is « xopas (de nanquim) ».

See COTTON, p. 507.

shu : a transcription of the Ju and Liu of foreign words during the mongol period.

See BRIUS, p. 107.

shu : (1/24 of an « ounce »), unity of value of the « bronze coins » in the currency system of Wang Mang.

See COWRIES, p. 539

shu : Chinese measure, 1/24 of a hang.

See COWRIES, p. 563.

Shu : (Yü-ch'ih..., king of Yüt'ien) it may be that he was Ching's elder brother.

See COTAN, p. 422.

Shu : i.e. Ssû-chu'an.


Shu-chi : (or Shu chih chi, or Shu chih) would probably be that of Li Ying and date from the 5th cent. at the latest.

See COTTON, p. 473.

Shu chih chi : (or Shu chi, or Shu chih) dates probably of the 5th cent. at the latest; so-mu occurs there.

See COTTON, p. 463.

shu-ch'ih-hhien : « rat-teeth amaranth ». It is the Chinese name

of a kind of « purslane ».

See PORCELAIN, p. 812.

Shu-ch'ih-t'ai : (*1u[r] citai) this is the form given in YS for J ürcàdäi. See CIORCIA, p. 367.

Shu commandery : Ch'êng-tu in Ssûch'uan.


« Shu-hu Hui-hui » : or Jews. See ALAINS, p. 23.

Shu-i chi : attributed to Jên Fang (460-508), is in fact a spurious work which is not earlier than the 8th or 9th cent.

See COTTON, p. 518. Shu-kuo : Vassal kingdoms.


Shu-lo : (*Siwo-lak), first mention in Chinese texts of Käsyar, goe back to c. 130-125 B. C. and remained the only one down to c. A. D. 1000.

See CASCAR, p. 196.

Shu-lo : only the biography of Kumârajiva, of doubtful authority, speaks of Buddha's bowl as being there.

See CASCAR, p. 202.

Shu-lo : renders Kha§a in the translation of I-Ching (705) of the Mahâmâyûri.

See CASCAR, p. 203.

Shu-lo : name of Kâsyar in a list of the « Four Garrisons » by Huich'ao (727).

See CASCAR, p. 204.

Shu-lo : Chinese form of Käsyar. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 713.

Shu-lo : = Käsyar.

See YARCAN, p. 884.

Shu-po : (Jü.bäi) one of the trans-

criptions in YS for Ciibäi.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263. Shu-shên : Tree-gods.


Shu yü chou tzü lu : rare work by Yen Ts'ung-chien, reprinted in 1930. The name I-chi-nai is