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0246 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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sa : another character used in Ming times in Yün-nan to

write the so of 80 cowries.

See COWRIES, p. 549.

sa : comes perhaps from sâ, itself borrowed from. Ch. so by one language of Yün-nan.

See COWRIES, p. 551.

sa : Lolo, « 0.1 ounce » (ch'ien) in Tsuan ya (Vial : ts'6).

See COWRIES, p. 551.

sa : Lolo, cannot represent Ch. ch'ien; it may have been borrowed from Ch. so.

See COWRIES, p. 551.

sa : (= so), « string » of 80 cowries, given for ch'ien in a modern Lolo vocabulary.

See COWRIES, p. 561.

Sa-êrh-k'o-ssü : on the Chinese map of c. 1330, clerical error for Ch'ê-êrh-k'o-ssû.

See ÇIC, p. 608.

sa-ha-la : Mong. saqalat < Pers. saglât and sagirlât, « scarlet ». The name of a woollen cloth before being that of a colour. See EGIPTE, p. 640.

Sa-ha-lien : his biography in Chin shih gives informations about Chinghiz-khan's death at Ch'ing-shui.

See CINGHIS, p. 326.

sa-la :lo word for « cotton », probably represents Ch. so-lo (*sei-lâ).

See COWRIES, p. 551.

Sa-la-ha-hsi : (Sarah s) Chinese for Sära} s, Serakhs.

See CIELSTAN, p. 264.

Sa-li : in Kan-su, must be Mongolian.

See CINGHIS, p. 319.

Sa-li : (*Sâri) Ho-shih-la halted in this region (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

Sa-Ii : must be in a line from the eastern end of the southern

bend of the Tula to the southern bend of the Kerulen.

See CINGHIS, p. 323.

« Sa-li » : (« Valley of ») the many mentions of it have given rise to the theory that there were four of them.

See CINGHIS, p. 319.

Sa-li, *Sa'ari : it seems that this, in Ming-tsung's itinerary, and not its Sa'ari-kä'är, would correspond to the Sa'ari-kä'är of Yung-lo's itinerary.

See CINGHIS, p. 324-325.

sa-li-an : sa-na-han, the Nü-chên term for « wife », represents the word transcribed like that in the late Juven Vocabulary. See CIORCIA, p. 375.

Sa-li-ch'ieh-êrh : one of the Chinese renderings of Sa'ari-kä'är.

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

Sa-li-ch'ieh-êrh : (*Sari-Ur) Hoshih-la halted there (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

Sa-li-ch'ieh-êrh : (Sari-kâr) south of the Onon on a map of the Yiian-shih lei-pien.

See CINGHIS, p. 323.

Sa-li-ch'ieh-êrh : (Sâri-kâr < Sa'arikä'är) this is the Shuangch'üan-hai where Yung-lo halted. See CINGHIS, p. 323.

Sa-li-ch'uan : according to YS, Chinghiz-khan died there, in the hsing-kung of Ha-Iao-t'u, on August 25, 1227

See CINGHIS, p. 310.

Sa-ii-ch'uan : « Sa-li Valley », one of the Chinese renderings of Sa'ari-kä'är.

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

Sa-li-ho : « Sa-li River », one of the Chinese renderings of Sa'arikä'är.

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

Sa-li-man : (Sarban). Ai-buqa fought against him. He was one of Nomoyan's captors.

See GIORGE, p. 737.

Sa-li-man : according to T'u CM, he was the son of Ürtingtas and a grandson of Mongka. He entered into a conspiracy against Nomoyan.

See NOMOGAN, p. 796.

Sa-li (Valley) : Chinghiz-khan died there according to the Cho-kêng lu.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

« Sa-li Valley » : Sa-li-ch'uan, the place of Chinghiz-khan's death according to YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 310.

« Sa-li Valley » : the place name in Mongolia corresponding to it is always written Sa'ari-kä'är in the Secret History.

See CINGHIS, p. 319.

Sa-ii-Valley » : the one mentioned in the YS can only be the Sa' arikä'är of Mongolia.

See CINGHIS, p. 326.

Sa-li Wei-wu : this is the Sally Uiyur or « Yellow Uighur » of south-western Kan-su.

See CINGHIS, p. 319.

Sa-mu-ha-êrh : *Samuyar = Samayar.

See SAMAGAR, p. 824.

sa-na : this is the Nü-chên term for

  • wife » according to the Ta-Chin kuo chih.

See CIORCIA, p. 374.

sa-na-han : this is the Nii-chên term for « wife » according to the San-ch'ao pei-mêng hui pien. See CIORCIA, p. 375.

sa pa-êrh : from « sahabiri » or

  • Mhbari, a misreading of .âhboi, « royal scent », one of the Persian epithets of « ambergris ».

See AMBERGRIS, p. 33-34.

sa-po-chieh : refers actually to « amber », not bo « ambergris »; it must be the Arab. sabaj,

  • jet »;

See AMBERGRIS, p. 34.