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0044 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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bundugddr certainly a Court title of the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty.

See BONDOCDAIRE, p. 100.

Bundugdari : is an epithet of appurtenance, due to the fact that Baibars' first master was a bundugddr.

See BONDOCDAIRE, p. 99. bunduqi : or « sequin » called from «

Bunduqiya n, the name of Venice among the Arabs.

See BONDOCDAIRE, p. 101.

Buqa or Buya : a Lalair, was the most powerful official, in Persia at the end of Abaya's reign and during that of Aryun.

See BOGA, p. 97.

  • Buga-[s]ucigai (?) : this doubtful name which occurs on the « stone of Chinghiz-khan » may be the *Buqa-suèiqu mentioned by Rasidu-'d-Din.

See CINGHIS, p. 309.

*Buqa-suciqu : according to Rasidu'd-Din, Chinghiz-khan remainned there before reaching his ordo.

See CINGHIS, p. 309.

Buqa-tamiir : sent by Qubilai to conquer Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 423.

buqar : in Uighur and Mongolian, is the supposed origin of Bokhara (in the Ming Period).

See BUCARA, p. 108.

  • Buqar » : for Bokhara, in the Secret History.

See BUCARA, p. 109.

Buqaraq : (in the Turkish runic inscriptions of the Orkhon) for Bokhara.

See BUCARA, p. 108.

*buralki, *buralgi : as a common noun has not been met with as yet in any Mongol document.

Its probable linguistic connection with bularyu is not clear. See BULARGUCI, p. 113.

Buralqi and Buralyi : common proper name (in Rasid).

See BULARGUCI, p. 113. Burâk : or Baraq.

See BARAC, p. 75.

Buragèin : (?) father of Baya'ucin. See CUBLAI, p. 568.

  • Burgin-gal-diit » : faulty reading of the name Burqan-qaldun. See CINGHIS. p. 339.

Burysèi : such a place is known between Kura and Tarbayatai. See CINGHIS, p. 341.

*Buryadu : might be construed as an older form of Buryasutu, Buryasutai.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

burydl,burydli : metathetic form of bulydri (form the name of the ancient Bulyar of the Volga).

See CAMUT, p. 156.

buryasun : Onggin-Burbatai, Burbatai are probably derived from it.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

Buryasutai : Buryadu might be construed as an older form of it.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

Buryasutu : *Buryadu might be construed as an older form of it.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

buryul and bulgur : in Osm. Turkish for the name of the « semolina ».

See BOLGARA, p. 99.

burl) an : Uiy. > « Burqan », usual Mongol word for Buddha.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

burban : (burqan), « Buddha », occurs in the orography of Central Asia.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

  • Burhan-galdan » : misreading of « Burgan-yaldun », Burgangaidun.

See CINGHIS, p. 339.

Burhan-baldun : on some maps, this is the name of the mountains at the source of the Onon.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Burhan-gaidun : the word-for-word version of the Secret History says that it is the « name of a mountain n.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Burbatai : this name is more probably derived from buryasun than from Burgan,Burban. See CINGHIS, p. 341.

Buriat : tribe name.

See BARGU, p. 77.

Buriat : they are pratically unknown in Mongol history.

See HORIAT, p. 744.

  • Burkhan Buddha Range » : mentioned in our maps south-west of the Kökö-nör.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

  • Burkhan-iila n : mentioned in our maps south of Uliasutai. See CINGHIS, p. 341.

  • Burlughi » : (in Quatremère) the same name with a wrong vocalization, of Bularyu.

See BULARGUCI, p. 114.

  • Burlugou » : is no other than the Mongol Bilaryu or Bularyu who was in the service of the ilkhans.

See BULARGUCI, p. 114. Burma.

See AMU, p. 39.


See BEYAMINI, p. 96. Burmese : used « hui-hui » guns against Chinese troops.

See ABAGA, p. 5.

Burqan : (bur/ an), « Buddha », occurs in the orography of Central Asia.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

  • Burqan » : usual Mongol word for Buddha.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Burqan-bosqaqsan : (Secret History) Uryangqai lords of the Burganqaldun.

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

  • Burqan-bosqaqsan » : (= Burqan bosgagsan), « Who has raised Buddha ».

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

  • Burgan-yaldun » : this is the Burqan-galdun.

See CINGHIS, p. 339.

Burgan-galdana : (read « Burgangaldun ») according to the Altan tobei, some give it as the place of Chinghiz-khan's tomb.

See CINGHIS, p. 345.

Burgan-qaldun : (Mountain) plays a great part in the history of Chinghiz-khan.

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

Burqan-galdun : (Rasid's « Bûrgangaldnn n); the name is well known.

See CINGHIS, p. 339.

Burqan-qaldun : the true rendering must be « Buddha-Cliff »; the name must refer to a sacred « cliff » at the source of the Onon.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

  • Burgan-gaidun » : Burgan-gaidana in the Altan toböi. See CINGHIS, p. 345.