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0148 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 148 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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134   INDEX

jun : Chin., a intercalary [month] » > fan (in fan ai). See CINGHIS, p. 307.

jung : this may be the pronunciation for OA in tou-to-érh. See COTTON, p. 430.

jung : ch., a floss a ,a a textile with

a nap », finally r velvet •.

See COTTON, p. 430.

s Jusgâna • : Yule's Dogava.

See DOGAVA, p. 626.

a Jun-qûi ' : correction proposed for

  • )ßùn-qùi », supposed to be Chung-kuo; it is not plausible. See CATAI, p. 228.

  • Jwi-ii : Wei-ahih, name of a king of Khotan in the 1st cent. See COTAN, p. 419.