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82   INDEX

l.`undur : < Kiundur > Kundur, > Sundur.

See CONDUR, p. 406.

l:undur-fnlât : has been used as a transcription of Sundur-fülät. See CONDUR, p. 406.

Z`urtä : (« Churché », i. e...) this is not the Mongol form of the name.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

l`ur&it : this form occurs in Uighur in the legend of Oyuz-khan. See CIORCIA, p. 366.

Curtin : (« Churchin n, i. e...) this is not the Mongol form of the name.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

6.ur6u : (öüröü) « brother-in-law D, occurs in various Turkish dialects; ürtüt is not a plural of that.

See CIORCIA, p. 381.

« Z`urcuq » : miswriting in Uighur of the (ürtük of the SinoUighur Vocabulary.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

Z`übä : (or Jübä) by Wagsäf, it is t ubai.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263. 4 Übäi : (Polo's « Cibai n) grandson of Baidar, Zayatai's sixth son. See «Ciagatai », p. 254.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 262. l:übâi : (or Jübäi) son of Aluyu and brother of Qaban. The form of the name is established by

a Sino-Uighur inscription of 1326 but its origin is not clear. If he has not been identified earlier, it was because of misstatements in YS and misreadings in our editions of Persian historians.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 262, 263.

l:ürtân : occurs by Kâsyari in 1076, it is Cärtän.

See CIARCIAN, p. 262.

l.`ürtät : (or Jürjät) this form of the Nuzhab al Qulûb is a misreading.

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

c~ürc~ü : (Jur6u), occurs in various Turkish dialects, « brother-in-law n; (ürtüt is not a plural of that.

See CIORCIA, p. 381.

(.`ürtük : this form, apparently given in the Sino-Uighur Vocabulary, is a mistake.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

« l,`ürtür D : this is a wrong reading for the (ürtük of the SinoUighur Vocabulary.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

Z`ürtüt : the suggestion according to that it is « the Chinese designation Dzut-Dzut of the Avars » must be rejected.

See CIORCIA, p. 381.

Cürtüt : the second -ü- can only

be of secondary appearance. See CIORCIA, p. 385.

Z`ürtüt : this Turkish name of the Mongols among the Kurdak must be the outcome of the Mongol name Jürtät of the

  • Jure'en.

See CIORCIA, p. 381.

l:ütâi : by Blochet, for Cübai. See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

Cilrtà : it cannot be said if Raid's form for « Ciorcia n must be transcribed in that way or Jûrtä.

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

  • Cûrtäb : (or « Jûrtäb ») this is a misreading for Raid's C:ûrta or Jûr&i.

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

(`ûrtäh : (= l.`ûrtä) this writing for « Ciorcia D in Raid is arbitrary.

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

  • l,`ynstn D : in a Sogdian document probably of the end of the 2nd cent.; may be `Cinastan or

  • Z`énastan or #l:instan. See CIN, p. 270.

  • Z`ynstn n : an Iranian form of the type of this Sogdian form may be represented by the Chinese Chên-tan.

See CIN, p. 271.

  • Lüba D : by Barthold, for Cubai. See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.