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0261 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   247

  • spittle » : name given by the Chinese to what is an intestinal product, in the texts referring to « ambergris ».

See AMBERGRIS, p. 38.

  • Spring of Goliath » : place where Ch'i-tu-pu-hua was beaten and lost his life in 1260.

See MULECTE, p. 786.

Sri Lovo : « Lovo Women », name given to the inhabitants of the Srôk Lovo.


srin-bal : lit. « worm wool », one of the names of cotton in Tibetan. See COTTON, p. 530.

Srôk Lovo : name under which the Kingdom of Women is known in Cambodia.


Srughna : or Srughna.


  • Ssereng Bodomal » : erroneously supposed to be mentioned in

  • Sanang Setsen ». See CINGHIS, p. 352.

  • Ssiras » : or « Sfiras » (? < « *Sciras ~c»); on the Catalan Map, for JIr8z.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.

ssü : (*si) « silk », « silkthread »; the derivation of Greek alp from this Chinese form has generally been accepted, but the connection is far from established.

See CIN, p. 265.

Ssü-thou : (north of the Huai) there is little probability that is was a popular name for Su-ch'ien in Polo's days.

See CIUGIU, p. 390.

Ssü-ch'uan : according to Yule, Ho-chou is there.

See CAAGIU, p. 114.

Ssü-ch'uan : on March 8, 1299, the

  • moving Grand Secretariats » of... and of Fuchien were abolished (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 592.

ssü-êrh : (ssü with the addition of the êrh surfix of Northern Chinese) ought never to have been adduced to explain alp. See CIN, p. 265.

Ssü-ho : this was, in Polo's time, what was from 1324 to 1853 the lower Yellow River.

See CIUGIU, p. 390.

Ssü-i shu : lost « Memoir on the four Barbarians » by Chia Tan (730-805), must be the source of the Mu-lu form in the Hsin T'ang shu.

See COTTON, p. 494.

Ssü lien : in Chao Ju-kua, this is not Siam but a wrong duplicate of Po-ta, Bagdad.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.

ssü-mien : « silk floss », occurs in Li Shih-chên's quotation from the Nan-yiieh chih.

See COTTON, p. 456.

ssü-mien : « silk floss », occurs in the pseudo quotation from the Nan-chou i-wu chih.

See COTTON, p. 457.

Ssü na : mentioned as a Chinese rendering of « Cina », without authority.

See CIN, p. 270.

Ssü pa : « Private cowries »; this edict of 1276 shows that cowries exported to Yün-nan came by sea from foreign countries. See COWRIES, p. 546.

Stage of Hsi-no-lo : mentioned in the T'ang itinerary to Lhasa. It was to the north or northeast of the Hu-mang Gorge. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 706.

Stage of Hsi-no-lo.


Stage of Na-lu : it was the western frontier of the T'u-yü-hun. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 704.

« Stambhola » : residence of a fanciful son of Z`ayatai, « Kodkhar ». See CIAGATAI, p. 253.

Stateira : a daughter of Darius who was one of the wives of Alexander.

See DARIUS, p. 615.

-stein : Iranian equivalent of more frequent use, of Skr. -sthdna.

See COTAN, p. 410.

starna : not used in the Venetian dialect (which uses cot3rno), is the Italian name of a kind of partridge.

See CATORS, p. 233.

°sthan : = Skr. sthdna; the « place » of « Gosthan » is not intended by the translator to render that.

See COTAN, p. 411.

-sthdna : names of countries formed with it are known in Sanskrit, mainly in regions in which they were used in imitation of Iran. -stein > -stein.

See CIN, p. 271.

stheina : Skr., « station», «country», occurs mainly in the geographical nomenclature of the North-West.

See COTAN, p. 410.

Stà¢viivara : or Sthsn"avara, (is) Thanesar.


stornelli : (VB) probably represents *starnelli, « great partridges », which is the meaning of starna maggiore, cot6rno.

See CATORS, p. 233.

« Straits of Anian » : Polian origin of the name.

See AMU, p. 40.

Straits of Singapore : South of the Island of Singapore.

See PENTAN, p. 802.

Stririijya : a « Kingdom of Women » mentioned in Indian texts as being located to the extreme north-west of India.


Strirajya : a Kingdom of Women ». See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 712.

Strirâjyam : or the Kingdom of Women, Kingdom of Amazons.

See ALEXANDRE (1), p. 27.

stüpa of Manikyala : is the tomb of Bucephalus according to a belief of the Panjab.

See BUCEFALO, p. 110.

su : also used in the terminology concerning gharu-wood.

See FANSUR, p. 669.

Su : (chou of-, = Su-chou), seized by Chinghiz-khan in the summer of 1226 (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 309.

Su-chên : the Nü-chên are this ancient kingdom (San-ch'ao peimêng hui-pien).

See CIORCIA, p. 373.

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