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278   INDEX

Tuwa (or Du'a, Dua, Duwa) : Baraq's son.

See CAIDU, p. 128.

tüld : Skr. ; Ch. tou-lo (in tou-lo-mien

  • cotton ») is a transcription of it.

See COTTON, p. 430.

tülapatikä : cf. this form in Mahavyutpatti for the restoration

tülaputikäsu[pä.; i]   of Skr.

See COTTON, p. 430.

tulaputikäsu[päni] : this may be the true form of the corrupt Skr. kulapatriiasu.

See COTTON, p. 430.

tülasadrs`asu[päri] : this may be the true form of the corrupt Sanskrit kulapatrisasu.

See COTTON, p. 430.

Tûnkat : in the valley of the Chu River; it is the Tun-chien (Tünkänt) of Chinese texts. See CASCAR, p. 209.

Tùn-u-Qàin : Polo's « Tunocain ». Name of two neighbouring cities in Kuhistan.

See TUNOCAIN, p. 863.

« Tùsi Taifü » : misreading for

  • Nu i-Taifn » name of the founder of the Qarà-IJitai empire by Rasïdu-'d-Din. See CATAI, p. 222.

*Tügan : this is in Raid the nearest counterpart to « Cogatai ». See COGATAI, p. 395.

*Tugü-Tämür : in 1294, was sent as an envoy to Ko-lan = Quilon. See COILUM, p. 400.

tük tümän : this expression in Turkish and in Mongolian means wan-wan « ten thousand times ten thousand ».

See TUC, p. 861.

tüläilä : Mongolian technical term corresponding to shao-fan, « to burn food ».

See CINGHIS, p. 356.

tümän : « Ten thousand ».

Polo's « Toman ».

Has been employed as a technical term for a corps of 10,000 men.

See TOMAN, p. 858.

*Tiirgän : (or *Tügän) the difference of phonetic « class » disposes of any connection between this name and the Toyönêar of Chinese sources.

See COGATAI, p. 395.

*Tiirgân : (or *Tiirgan, or *Tûgan), this is in Raid the nearest counterpart to « Cogatai ». See COGATAI, p. 395.

türimäkäi : probably transcription of *dörümkäi by Kovalewskiï, translated « strong » and « audacious ».

See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

Türkmän : the origin of the name is not clear. It appears for the first time in Maqdisi (10th cent.) and is soon applied to the Qarluq and to the Oyuz.

See TURCOMANIE, p. 864. türmä : one of the transcriptions of the name to which t'u-lu-ma refers.

See COTTON, p. 515.

Türmägäi : (= Dörmägäi, Ling-chou) in « Sanang Setsen ». Chinghiz-khan died there on August 25, 1227.

See CINGHIS, p. 317.

Türmägäi : according to the Altan tobci, Chinghiz sacked the city and later, fell ill there.

See CINGHIS, p. 317.

türrnke : Kalmuck word, written Mong. türümkäi, means « poor », miserable ». Perhaps the same as the dörmägäi of the Secret History.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

türümkäi : Mong. form of the Kalmuck word tarm&. Perhaps the same as the dörmägäi of the Secret History. It means

  • poor », « miserable ».

See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

tyäjya : Skr. « rejected », pronounced « tiyächam »; this cannot explain « coiach ».

See COIACH, p. 397. TYFLIS.

The name of Tiflis is Georgian Thbilisi, derived from thbili, « warm ».

See p. 865.

« Tyr » : (« ...inscriptions ») or

  • inscriptions of the Yungning-ssü », of 1413 and 1433. See CIORCIA, p. 389.

tyriacam : (theriaca) in the Venice ms.

See ASSASSIN, p. 54.

Tzü-chih t'ung-chien shih-wên : wrongly attributed to Shih Chao; is in fact by Hu San-hsing. See COTTON, p. 501.

tzü-chung : impedimenta (not the name of an individual). See CINGHIS, p. 311.

Tzü-ch'an : Kung-sun Ch'iao. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 680.

Tzû ên : the head official of the local district of Ch'i-ch'u in Yiin-nan in 1411.

See COWRIES, p. 547.

tzü fang : « carpel », in the description of mu-mien in the Lo-foushan chi.

See COTTON, p. 461.

Tzû-fang : it is a name of Chang Liang (B. c. 187 or 189).

See LINGIU, p. 765.

Tzü-ho : name of a kingdom under the Han.

See YARCAN, p. 881.

tzü-hua : « seed flower », said to be the same as chi pei flowers. See COTTON, p. 464.

Tzü lin : (of Lü Shên, c. 270), mentions tieh as « fine woollen cloth ».

See COTTON, p. 451.

tzü pei : « purple shell », used as currency in Hai-nan (Lingpiao lu-i, Mao Chin).

See COWRIES, p. 541

tzü pei : the Pên-ts'ao does not mention only that, but also the cowry properly so called. See COWRIES, p. 541.

tzü pei : « purple shell »; this is an ancient term in Chinese, but it is not certain that, from the beginning, it referred to the same shell as in works posterior to our era; since the 4th or 5th cent., it has been the designation of Cyproea macula. See COWRIES, p. 542.

tzü pei : name given by the Pênts'ao to the ta-pei (Ling-wai tai-ta).

See COWRIES, p. 544.

tzü-shih : « purple stones », used under the Chou according to Huan K'uan (1st cent. B. c.). See COWRIES, p. 539.

tzü-yang : « lambs » (...come out of the ground) (Ch'u-shih). See COTTON, p. 516.

Tz'ü jên-tien : on August 19, 1342, Marignolli presented there a horse to Shun-ti. It is said in the Chin pien that it was a hall of the Pai-i ordo.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 250.