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0170 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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'156   INDEX

« K'ouen-iouen » : ( « Le... ») Memoir of Ferrand, saying that K'unlun and Polo's « Condur » are Pub Condor.

See CONDUR, p. 405.

Kra : Sondur and Condur cannot be located just east of this isthmus.

See CONDUR, p. 405.

« koure » : (« Salikoure ») the explanation leaves no doubt that the word meant is kä'är, kä'ärd. See CINGHIS, p. 323.

Kozak : (Kazak) Russ. < Qazaq, the Kirghiz.

See CINGHIS, p. 331.

Köêi : Köj3, named in 1554 by Sidi `Ali, for Chiao-chih, i.e. Annam.

See CAUGIGU, p. 233.

Köji : mentioned in 1554 by Sidi `Ali, for Köêi, Chiao-chih, i.e. Annam.

See CAUGIGU, p. 233, 234. Köii : Rasidu-'d-Din's Kafli should perhaps be transcribed in this way.

See CAULI, p. 234.

*Könfü, *Köngfn : Kuang-fu would become such a form in Rasid's transcription.

See CIN, p. 276.

*Köngfn : seems to be the best correction for Rasid's « Köngi ». See CIN, p. 276.

« Köngi » : the reading of the name by Raid is uncertain; it is called « din-käiàn » by the Persians. See CIN, p. 276.

Köngi : (Rasidu'd-Din) could be imagined as an explanation for « Choncha ».

See CHONCHA, p. 246.

Körttana : pseudo-Sanskrit form, with the insertion of an unetymological -r-.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Kösi : mentioned in 1554 by Sidi `Ali, for Chiao-chih, i.e. Annam. See CAUGIGU, p. 234.

kö- : Kaim. < kögä-, kö'ä-, « to swell D.

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

kö'ä- : (kögä-) «to swell », «to rise », kögübür, kögäbür are derived from it.

See CINGHIS, p. 344. kö'äbür : kögäbür.

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

köb- : Mong. root, « to swell »; the hypothesis which would trace kiibüng (köbüng) to it may be discarded.

See COTTON, p. 435.

Köbak : a would-be homonymous of Güyük in Rasidu-'d-Din must be a misreading of that. See CUI, p. 570.

köbäng : (kübüng, köböng) modern Mongolian, « cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 435.

kôbür : < kögübür, kögäbür. See CINGHIS, p. 344.

bü : (Qadai was a great-grandson of).

See CAÇAN, p. 120.

« Ködä'ä-aral » : (« Barren Island » of the Kerulen) ; this is the K'o-tochieh-a-la-tun of YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

« Ködä'ä-arulad-un » : corrupt reading for « Ködä'ä-aral ».

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

« Ködä'ä-aruiada-yin » : corrupt reading for « Ködä'ä-aral ».

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

Ködä'ü aral : this is the « Ködä'äaral of the Kälürän » of the Secret History.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

Ködä'ü-aral : its location on the Kerulen is mentioned in the Secret History and in the YS. See CINGHIS, p. 322.

Ködä-ü-aral : supposed to be an island at the confluence of the Sängkür and the Kerulen. See CINGHIS, p. 322.

Ködä'ü-aral : it may be right that the « Great Ordo » of Chinghiz was there.

See CINGHIS, p. 328.

*Ködä : perhaps *Ködô < *Ködö'ä, « Barren ground », K'o-to in YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

Ködö : must be in a line from the eastern end of the southern bend of the Tula to the southern bend of the Kerulen.

See CINGHIS, p. 323.

K'ödö'ä arai : this the « Ködä'äaral of the Kälürän » of the Secret History.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

« Ködö'ä-Aralan » : misreading of Ködö'ä-aral-a, « at Ködö'ä-arai ». See CINGHIS, p. 321.

«Ködö'ä-Arian» : misreading of Ködö'ä aral-a, « at Ködö'ä-aral D. See CINGHIS, p. 321. *Ködöga.aralun : K'o-to-chieh-a-laiun in YS; « Ködä'ä-arai » in the Secret History.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

kögä- : (kö'ä-) « toswell », « to rise »; kögübür, kögäbür are derived from it.

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

kögäbür : (kö'äbür), noun derived from Web-, kö'ä-, « to swell ». See CINGHIS, p. 344.

kögübür : (kö'übür) noun derived from kögä-, kö'ä-, « to swell ». See CINGHIS, p. 344.

Kok-yar : it could be Hsüan-tsang's Chê-chü-chia.

See YARCAN, p. 882.

kökä : (> kökö), « blue »; the name Kökäcin is Mongolian, derived from this form, plus suffix Lei, (-ein), weakened in f i, -fin. See COCACIN, p. 392.

kökä : (kökö) Mong., « blue », Kökötäi is derived from it.

See COGATAI, p. 395.

Kökä : secretary of State to Hüiägü. See BOLGANA, p. 98.

Kökä-nawùr : there is no reason to identify it with the Gan-nor west of the Kerulen, nor with the Ch'ing-hai, i.e. Kökö-nör. See CINGHIS, p. 325.

Kökäêi : this is Rasidu-'d-Din's writing for « Cocacin ».

See COCACIN, p. 392.

Kökäcin : (Lady) married to Ghazan, was sent from China to his father Aryun.

See CAÇAN, p. 121.

Kökäcin : Ghazan married her; the ordo left by Toquz-j atun was assigned to her.

See COCACIN, p. 393. Kökäêin : she died between June 4 and July 2, 1296.

See COCACIN, p. 394.

Kökäcin : when the three Polo brought her to Persia, Kaibatu ordered them to hand her over to Ghazan.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 631. Kökäêin : a princess.


Kökäcin : this is the only name by which Raid knows Bairamäkäcci; the name is Mongolian. See COCACIN, p. 392.