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INDEX   103

only pronunciation in transcriptions of the character read chü and ch'ü.

See COTAN, p. 409.

*G'ku-sat-tan-nâ : the kingdom of Ch'ü-sa-tan-na in Hsüan-tsang's Memoirs.

See COTAN, p. 409.

Gil and GiIan : one is the real name, the other a form derived from an old oblique plural.

See GEL, p. 733.

*G'ji-b'âk : Ch'i-po, corrupt for Chê-po.

See COTTON, p. 448.

*G'jie..   : Ch'i-sha, mentioned by
the pilgrim Chih-mêng and wrongly connected with Kasyar.

See CASCAR, p. 201.

gla-wa : Musk-deer in Tib.

See GUDDERI, p. 742.

u glutton » (Gulo luscus) : Charignon's translation of « ercolins ». See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

go : means « place » in Tibetan; is at the beginning of the name of Khotan in Tib. «Gosthan ». See COTAN, p. 411.

*Go : it may be the name of the country or of the people.

See COTAN, p. 413.

« *Go » : (« Place or the... ») the parallel forms.

*Godan and *Gostana had, probably, this meaning.

See COTAN, p. 412.

« Go-dan » : (or « Gothân ») something of the supposition that Yü t'ien, Ch'ü-tan. etc. represent such words may be retained. See COTAN, p. 410.

Goa : the new name of « Sindâpar ». See ELI, p. 643.

Gobi : the traditions locating Chinghiz-khan's tomb south of it may be proved to be late inventions.

See CINGHIS, p. 349.

Gobi : the Sandy desert in YS. See EÇINA, p. 638.

GOÇURAT : Guzerat, Skr. Gurjara, Gurjara-râslra > H. and Mahr. Gujarat. Rasidu-'d-Din writes Guzarat. Fra Mauro writes « Cuçirat ».

See p. 739.

*Godan : the name of Khotan must have existed at least in the 2nd cent. B.C. in this form. See COTAN, p. 412.

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Godinho de Eredia : he was born at Malacca of a Portuguese father and of the daughter of king of Macassar.

See TENDUC, p. 850.

Gog and Magog : Causasian area in which a miraculous darkness occurred. This miraculous darkness is often confused with the notion of a land of Darkness.


Gog and Magog : area stated to be 3 months distant from the Wisu.


« Gog and Magog » : may be responsible for the frequent recurrence of « Cin and Maêin ». See CIN, p. 273.

« Goino » : in LT, for Qonyä, « Konieh ».

See COMO ( < *COINS), p. 404.

*Golan : in the beginning of the 15th cent., Ko-lan ought to have represented this original. See COILUM, p. 400.

« Gold clan » : name of a kingdom. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 696.

Gold Mountain : according to Thomas, it would be the great Rakapushi itself.


Golden King : « Roi Dor » (q.v.). The popularity of « Daire » or « Dayre » may explain that the name should have been rendered « Darius » in « the old Latin versions ».

See DARIUS, p. 615.

« Golden King » : (kingdom of the...) this became the name of the empire of the *Jurcen when they had conquered northern China.

See CIORCIA, p. 386.

*Gomasalagandha : names sanskritized as this one were frequent in the Khotan region.

See COTAN, p. 413.

Gomati : names sanskritized as this one were frequent in the Khotan region.

See COTAN, p. 413.

« Gombo » : misreading of the Kun-po of inner Mongolia.

See CINGHIS, p. 325.

Gombroon : when Sâh `Abbas removed the trade from Hormuz to this place, it was called Bandar `Abbâsi.

See CURMOS, p. 582.

« Gomispola » : «*Gaumispola » in Polo; this is « Pulo Gommes D. See CONDUR, p. 406.

gori-mo : Tib., general name for « grouse ».

See CATORS, p. 230.

« Gontou » : (pseudo-) this is the * Ötiik > *Ötök.

See CINGHIS, p. 346.

« Gordunxä » : the migration of Hormuz to the island is once attributed to him in 1273. See CURMOS, p. 578.

« Gores » : in Western texts of the 16th cent., it is perhaps the name of Corea.

See CAULI, p. 235.

« Gori » : (by Giovanni da Empoli, 1514), it is Coma. By Fra Mauro, is probably the same name.

See CAULI, p. 235.

« Gos-than » : « Gosthan » is impossible in Tibetan unless written as such, which is unlikely. See COTAN, p. 411.

Gossypium : cotton is the produce of this malvaceous plant.

See COTTON, p. 429.

Gossypium arboreum : small tree; the designation adopted for it will always be « cotton tree ». See COTTON, p. 429.

Gossypium arboreum : is not mentioned in recent Chinese works. See COTTON, p. 456.

Gossypium arboreum : it was cultivated from the 12th cent. in Fu-chien but not in Chiangnan.

See COTTON, p. 505.

Gossypium herbaceum : plant of little size the designation adopted for it will always be « cotton plant ».

See COTTON, p. 429.

Gossypium herbaceum : is called mien-hua or ts'ao-mien in recent Chinese works.

See COTTON, p. 456.

Gossypium herbaceum : this was the cotton cultivated in Chiangnan from the 12th cent.

See COTTON, p. 505.