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0072 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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from the Shan-chü hsin-hua of 1360.

See CUIUCCI, p. 572.

cho-ki : this form noted in India by Ma Huan represents Hind. Jogi. See CIUGUI, p. 391.

Cho-pa : a kingdom.


Ch'o-lo : (hhien of Shuo-lo) captured by Chinghiz-khan in the autumn of 1226.

See CINGHIS, p. 310.

  • Chobinam » : (and « Cobina[n] ») in Fra Mauro, for « Cobinan ». See COBINAN, p. 392.

*Chocha : (= *Hok-ka) may be the origin of « Choncha ».

See CHONCHA, p. 246.

*Chochan : suggested for « Choncha », would approximately represent the Fuchienese pronunciation of Fu-chien.

See CHONCHA, p. 246.

  • Choiach » : (Ramusio) designation in Ma'abar of unlucky hours.

See COIACH, p. 397.

« choiach » : occurs in Z, also spelt « coiach », « coiath ».

See COIACH, p. 397.

  • Chomari » : in Fra Mauro, for Cape Comorin.

See COMARI, p. 403. CHONCHA.

According to most mss., this was the name of the « kingdom » the main city of which was Fu-chou.

Several explanations have been suggested, but the existence of the name « Choncha » is doubtful.

« Concha » was perhaps corrupt for « Fugiu »; it must have been a very early corruption to have become so general.

See p. 245-246.

  • Chorcha » : hesitation has been felt to identifie it which « Ciorcia ».

See CIORCIA, p. 387.

Chotand » : (= Khotand) this is a slip for « Chotan » = Khotan. See COTAN, p. 417.

chou : « islands », mentioned in the Kerulen in Yung-10's itinerary to Mongolia.

See CINGHIS, p. 358.

  • chou » : = qou. The rendering of the mediaeval Latin esca into

Turkish, according to the Codex Cumanicus. Means « tinder ». See ESCA, p. 647.

Chou Ch'ü-fei : author of the Lingwai tai-ta; remained in doubt about the identity of the « ku-pei plant » and the « chi-pei tree ». See COTTON, p. 438.

Chou Ch'ü-fei : his paragraph entitled « Chi-pei » is very important. See COTTON, p. 496.

Chou-ku-k'o : this kingdom is mentioned in the Nan shih as being one of the small kingdoms which lay in the neighbourhood of the Hua.

See YARCAN, p. 88L

Chou Pang-yen : (1057-1121) the verse of him cited in the P'eiwen yün fu is merely copied from the Hou-Han shu.

See COTTON, p. 448.

Chou Ta-kuan : wrote the Description of the Customs of Cambodia, after having sent as a member of the embassy to that country in 1296-1297.

See TINGIU, p. 855.

Chou Yü : a prefect of Ling-chou in Ssû-ch'uan.


« Chreman », « Chremania » : in Fra Mauro, it is due to misreadings in Polian mss.

See CHERMAN, p. 241.

Christians : under the Mongol dynasty, there were regular officers attending to their affairs. See FUGIU, p. 728.

Christian churches : according to Polo, in Kan-chou, there were three.

See CAMPÇIO, p. 152.

Christian King David : for Chinghizkhan, in the third redaction of the « charm » of 1221.

See CINGHIS, p. 304.

Chronicle of Nestor (the) : the Finnish Ves' of this chronicle are identified with Visa.


Chu : this is the surname of the people of the kingdom of Chu-lu (Mo-lu).

See COTTON, p. 495.

chu : depreciatory therm for sovereign.

See CINGHIS, p. 310.


Ch'iu Ch'ang-ch'un : has an interesting text on the textiles of the Mussulman countries.

See COTTON, p. 514.

Ch'iu Ch'u-chi : Chinghiz-khan's summons to that Taoist monk in 1219 may be adduced for the foundation of the Empire in kêng-shên (1200).

See CINGHIS, p. 284.

« Ch'iung » : « this district of South of the Sea » mentionned in an edict of 1279, was in the island of Hai-nan.

See CHEYNAM, p. 243.

Ch'iung : (= Hai-nan) the importance of cotton weaving there is confirmed by the Sung shih. See COTTON, p. 497.

ch'iung-chih : « Precious branch »; this is another name of mu-mien according to the Wuhsün tsa-p'ei; it is just possible that it was a misreading for p'an-chih-[hua].

See COTTON, p. 482.

ch'iung-chih-ts'ai : « ch'iung-chih vegetable ».

See COTTON, p. 482.

Ch'iung-hua-tao : « Hortensia Island ». Name of the Pai-ea, under the Chin.

See GREEN HILL, p. 741.

Cho-chou : (Polo's starting point was). See : « Giogiu ».

See CACANFU, p. 115.

Cho-chou : (« Giogiu ») on the road from Peking to Chi-ning; mentioned on Polo's itinerary. See CIANGLI, p. 258.

Cho-chou : according to the Yung-lo to-tien two routes followed by official envoys sent to the south, branched off at this place. It is written Join in 1812 by the author of the itinerary obtained by « Mir `Izzet Uliah ». See GIOGIU, p. 736.

Cho-kêng lu : according to it, the enthronement of Chinghiz-khan ought to be dated in January 1207, but this statement is not above suspicion.

See CINGHIS, p. 296.

Cho-kêng lu : this work of T'ao Tsung-i, dated 1366, is the source of the information about « Huang Tao-p'o ».

See COTTON, p. 484.

Cho-kêng lu : (1366) this is the main text on the güyük6; it is copied