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INDEX   39

  • Caspei » : according to Odoric, it is the name of mountains of the Kingdom of Cadeli.

See COTTON, p. 522.


See BACHU, p. 62.

  • Caspian » : (mountains) they are not « of course the Caucasus »; in the 14th cent. they were located north and south of Mongolia.

See COTTON, p. 522.

Caspian Mountains (Caspios montes) : in the course of his advance, Chinghiz reached them, which being in this part made of magnetic stone (de lapide adamantino).


Caspian Sea : Polo speaks of the recent Genoese raiding expedition on this sea.

See GEL, p. 735.

« Caspios » : « now Kasbin »; this identification of Odoric's « Caspei » is a mistake.

See COTTON, p. 522. CASSES.

It is probably the Oriental word kaiiI, a priest of the secular clergy.

Polo's « regules » must be the « regular » clergy, the monks, and the « casses », the « secular » clergy, the priests.

See p. 214-215.

casses : in F (the Calif of Bagdad took counsel cum seç regisles et cum sec...)

See CASSES, p. 214.

  • Cassianus » : Ghazan in Papal letters of 1291. See CAÇAN, p. 120.

  • castle » of the Ismaiiians : the Alamût fortress of the Old Man of the Mountain.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 631.

« Casum » : _ *Casun, first supposed by Ross to be the popular pronunciation of Kagan; later, he adopts « Casvin » = Qazwin. See CASVIN, p. 215.


It is the city of Qazwin. The Chinese transcriptions are K'ochi-yün or K'o-chi-min.

The Georgian form is Qazmin. See p. 215.

Cata », « Catai » : this designation of China in Western Europe is explained by the « I,)âlâi » of the Arabs.

See CATAI, p. 220.

Cata » : i.e. Cathay, in the passage on the bishops sent abroad by the Nestorian Patriarch, in F and TA.

See CHAIERO, p. 237.


It is the mediaeval name of China, and more particularly of northern China, which we write « Cathay ».

It represents the name of the Ch'i-tan, who became the designation of China in Central and Western Asia in the 10th cent. The basic form in Mussulman countries was Ijitâi or ljâlài. The Ch'i-tan who migrated to the West are known as QarâIjitai, and the Chinese texts speak of them as Hsi-Liao. The form « ljanzi », opposed by Raid to « Manzi » is correct. The equivalence of « Catai » with China was forgotten in Europe after the Mongol period. See p. 216-229.

Cataia» : by Rubrouck, for «Catai ». See CATAI, p. 216.

Catapult makers.

See ABAGA, p. 4.

Catay : = China.


Catay » : in Odoric and in Marino Sanudo's map, for « Catai ». See CATAI, p. 216.

Catayo » : on the Catalan Map, for « Catai ».

See CATAI, p. 216.

Catha » : (or « Chatha ») in Sembat the Constable's letter (1248), is probably the true Cathay. See CATAI, p. 216.

« Cathaium » : mentioned by Conti with its two principal cities « Cambaleschia » and « Nemptai »; the whole seems to transmit hearsay information.

See CIN, p. 277.

Cathay » : our spelling for « Ca-tai », the mediaeval name of China.

Occurs in Hethum, Monte Corvino.

See CATAI, p. 216.

« Cathay » : this form is explained by the « Oâlâi » of the Arabs, for

See CATAI, p. 220.

Cathayo : (Novo Descobrimento do gram..) misleading title of the acount of a journey of Antonio de Andrade to western Tibet in 1624.

See CATAI, p. 229.

Catholicos : name of the Nestorian and Armenian patriarchs, but Polo uses this title only when speaking of the Nestorians.

See JATOLIC, p. 654. CATORS.

  • Cators » and « quatornis »
    should be the same word, i.e.

  • quails ».

Polo's « cator » is not the cakora or « chak6r » or the Caccabis chukar, known in Chinese Turkestan as käklik.

Polo's « francolin » is the Pers. durrq, similar to the käklik. It seems that cators, quatornis have the Venetian value of cot6rno and are a kind of partridge. See p. 229-233.

« Cattigara » : (Ptolemy) its first component may be Chiao-chih. See CAUGIGU, p. 234.

« cattua », « cattuia » : in Pegolotti for silk coming from afar.

See CATAI, p. 216.

Caucasian Alburz or Manie : in Hethum.

See ALANIE, p. 25.

Caucasus (the) : according to Risch, they are the Caspian Mountains. See DARKNESS (PROVINCE OF), p. 620.

« Cauchi » : this « island » of which Legazpi heard in the Philippines in 1571 is Chiao-chi, i.e. Annam. See CAUGIGU, p. 234.


This is Chiao-chih-kuo, Ton-king.

The old name Chiao-chih survives as the first element of our « Cochinchina ».

The etymology is certain, but Polo's description is rather baffling.

See p. 233-234.

« Caugigu » : is Chiao-chih-kuo, the Annamite Kingdom, then centred in Tonking, in Polo's text. See AMU, p. 39.

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