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INDEX   113

Ho-hsi : (the region of Kan-chou acquired a greater importance when was installed there in 710, a Vice-Commissioner of).

(See « Caidu », p. 124, and « Tan-gut »).

See CAMPÇIO, p. 151.

Ho-hsi : Ch. > Mong. Qasin; it is Rasid's « Win », i.e. HsiHsia.

See CINGHIS, p. 315.

Ho-hsi : Kan-su.

See FACFUR, p. 660.

Ho-hsi : Tangut (Kan-su). See YARCAN, p. 883.

Ho-hsi-wu : start of the « letting run » if the competition is in Peking (Cho-kêng lu).

See CUIUCCI, p. 572.

Ho-k'ou : « Mouth of the River », element so frequent in the Chinese toponymy.

See CAGUY (< *CACU), p. 122.

Ho-lan : appears in Chinese at an early date. As « double » surname it goes back, under the T'o-pa Wei.

See CALACIAN, p. 134.

Ho-lan (chou of) : exists during the T'ang.

See CALACIAN, p. 134.

ho-lan : for « piebald » among the Northerners.

- Texts give ho-lan as an Altaic word for a « piebald horse ».

See CALACIAN, p. 134.

Ho-lan-shan : the Chinese translation of Alasai, the Chinese name of the mountain now called by the Mongols A-lashan mountains.

See CALACIAN, p. 133. Ho-li-ho-sun : Qoryosun.

See ACMAT (1), p. 10.

Ho-lin : first mention of Qaraqorum in the Yüan shih in 1235.

See CARACOROM, p. 165.

Ho-lin : (Qara-qorum) became in 1260 the seat of a hsüan-weissii.

Became in 1307 the seat of a « moving Grand Secretariat », with a « general administrator ». See CARACOROM, p. 168.

Ho-lin (Qorum) : (mountains) occurs in the YS who gives some information on the ancient seat of

the Uighur empire of T'ang times.

See CARACOROM, p. 166.

Holing : (= Kalinga, Java) sent sêng-ch'i boys and girls to China in 813 and 818.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 599.

Ho-lo : hsien captured by Chinghizkhan in the autumn of 1226 (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 310.

Ho-lo-tan : this kingdom mentioned in the Sung shu remains unidentified.

See COTTON, p. 439.

Ho-lo-t'o : seens to duplicate erroneously the kingdom of Hole-tan mentioned in the same chapter of the Sung shu.

See COTTON, p. 439. ho-man : occurs for man.

See COTTON, p. 453.

Ho-ning : the administrative name of Ho-lin (Qara-qorum) since 1312.

See CARACOROM, p. 165 and 168.

Ho-shang : a man called Ho-shang was mentionned in the accounts of the siege of Hsiang-yang. See ACMAT (1), p. 11.

ho-shang : means « Buddhist monk », was also very often used as a personal name.

See ACMAT (1), p. 10.

ho-shang : respecful title for the Buddhist Monk in Chinese. Its remote original is the Skr. upâdhyeiya. It is the only word anciently said to be Kàsyarian and even this case is open to doubt.

See CASCAR, p. 211 to 214. ho-shang : Buddhist monk.

See MARSARCHIS, p. 775.

ho-shê : Chin. transcription, with hoshang, of the Skr. upâdhyiiya. See CASCAR, p. 212.

Ho-shih-la : alias Ming-tsung, enthroned north of Qara-Qorum on February 27, 1329.

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

IIo-shui : according to Charignon, this name appears on ancient Chinese maps as a designation of the Huang-ho.

See QUTAN-QUTANSUI, p. 818. Ho-tan : (*Xuât-tân) name given by the Iranians to the kingdom of

Ch'ü-sa-tan-na according to Hs üan-tsang.

See COTAN, p. 409.

Ho-tan : this Iranian form mentioned by Hsüan-tsang already heralds the IJotan of later Mussulman tradition.

See COTAN, p. 411.

« Ho-thon » : given for Khotan by the Mongol 'Jigs-med nammkha writing in Tibetan in 1819.

See COTAN, p. 417.

Ho-tsun : to be read Ha-tsun, the religious name taken by ChaoHsien, and probably represents Tib. mka'-bcun; it is written Ha-chên in a Ming work.

See FACFUR, p. 660.

Ho-t'ien : new administrative name of Khotan in the 18th cent., combining IJotan with Yüt'ien.

See COTAN, p. 416.

hodun : Mong., « star », in written Mongol odun.

See COTAN, p. 416.

Hodun na'ur : Mongol name of the Hsing-hsiu-hai.

See COTAN, p. 416.

Hoi-yin Uryânggat : (Mong.) the « Uryânggat of the Woods ». See CINGHIS, p. 337.

*Hok-ka : Fu-chien people » _ *Chocha, may be the origin of « Choncha ».

See CHONCHA, p. 246.

Hok-lo : « Choncha » may be < *Chocha = *Hok-ka, a possible synonym of this modern form. See CHONCHA, p. 246.

« Holubeim » : alteration of « Qubilai » in the Catalan Map of 1375.

See CUBLAI, p. 566.

Holy Land.

See ACRE. p. 12.

Honorius IV : a Pope.

See SAIN, p. 824.

Hoqu : was Güyük's son (the third one), took Qaidu's side against Qubilai.

See « Barac », p. 76.

See BADASCIAN, p. 65. Hoqu : his son was captured in 1278 at the Liu-p'an-shan.

See CINGHIS, p. 312.

Hoqu : (> Oqu) Güyük's youngest son; his rebelion cannot have taken place later than 1275. See COTAN, p. 423.