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INDEX   209

« perdriz cailles » : (FC1), « pernis et quatornis » in F.

See CATORS, p. 230.

Perlak : on the southern coast of Sumatra, about 35 miles south

east of Diamond Point. See FERLEC, p. 725.

  • pernici » : in Ramusio, tridges ». See CATORS, p. 230.

  • pernis » : mentioned by Polo in the chapter on Yazd, « perdrix » in FA.

See CATORS, p. 230.

pernise : Boerio says that this it the « common partridge » in the Venetian dialect.

See CATORS, p. 233.

« peroli danbro (d'ambro) » : (amber) in Polo's inventory.

See AMBERGRIS, p. 33.

  • Persia » : in the Marino Sanudo map but due in fact to Paolino da Venezia; « Ethiopia » was misplaced between it and « India magna ».

See ETHIOPIA, p. 650.

  • Perzae-dadain » : misreading of «Zardadain» of the Catalan Map. See ÇARDANDAN, p. 603.

Pescadores : cowries are known to occur there.

See COWRIES, p. 534. petit-gris : in French the Siberian squirrel.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

pen-fu : Chinese name of a cetacean, which yielded oil, which could be used to feed lamps.

See CAPDOILLE, p.160.

Pên-ts'ao : Mao Chin is wrong when saying that it mentions only the tzü pei.

See COWRIES, p. 541.

Pên-ts'ao kang-mu : it existed in Mao Chin's days and contains one paragraph on tza-pei, another on pei-tzü.

See COWRIES, p. 541.

Pên-ts'ao kang-mu shih-i : (of Chao Hsüeh-min) was completed in 1765 (there was no earlier edition).

See COTTON, p. 464.

p'êng : strung cowries; the question is still debated as to how many shells made a p'êng.

See COWRIES, p. 538.

p'êng : (of two « great shells ») was worth 216 cash in Wang Mang's

currency system, one shell being valued at 108 cash. See COWRIES, p. 540.

p'êng : the shell currency in the system of Wang Mang could be made into...

See COWRIES, p. 540.

P'êng-Chia-la : Bengal.

See BANGALA, p. 74.

P'êng-Chia-la : (Tao-i chih-lio) this is certainly Bengal.

See COWRIES, p. 558.

P'êng-chia-lo : Bacanor? Mangalor? See BANGALA, p. 74.

P'êng-ch'êng : name of a hsien, which became the district of Hs ü-chou.

See LINGIU, p. 765. P'êng-ch'ieh-lo : Bengal? See BANGALA, p. 74.

  • P'êng-ch'ieh-lo » : (of India) this name in Chao Ju-kua probably refers to Bengal.

See COWRIES, p. 558.

P'êng Shêng : the ascription to him of the (Hsü) Mo-k'o hui-hsi is erroneous.

See COTTON, p. 499.

P'êng Ta-ya : Chinese envoy, went to Mongolia probably in 1232; describes the tomb of Chinghizkhan.

See CINGHIS, p. 333.

Pégaya Orda : was in Siberia, near Narym (on the Ob), down to the 16th cent.

See CALACIAN, p. 135.

Phare (Pharos) : according to Pelliot, the restoration of Polo's « Far ».

See FAR, p. 670.

Pharos : at Constantinople, and must be the place meant by Polo.

See FAR, p. 671.

plia-tien : thai, « loin-cloth »; this etymology for po-tieh is not worthy of refutation.

See COTTON, p. 443.

  • Phendubtar » : Armenian calling for Baibars. See BONDOCDAIRE, p. 100.

Philip the Fair : letter in Mongolian sent by Aryun to Ph. the Fair. See ARGON (1), p. 48.

Philip the Fair : (in 1305, Uarbanda Oljäitü's letter to). See CAÇAN, p. 121.

Philip the Fair of France : (Oljäitü's letter to) written in 1304.

See CAIDU, p. 128.

Phison : mentioned by Hethum and Fra Mauro as being in « Spahen ». See ISPAAN, p. 753.

Phison : this river, owing to the diversity of languages, was called « Scierno », « Gages », « Phison »,

  • Quinanfu », « Thalay ». See QUTAN-QUTANSUI, p. 818

  • Phison » : one of the four rivers which issued from Paradise. See « Quian ».

See GION, p. 737.

  • Pho-dkar » : (may be Bokhara) the ending « gar » has no chance of being Indian; the name must be left out, like « Ka yar » itself. See CASCAR, p. 205.

Pho-dkar : Late transcription of *Bobar, Bokhara; see « Bucara ». See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 713.

Pho-la'i-chu : is not represented by

  • Bourei tchou ».

See BRIUS, p. 107.

Pho-lha'i-ch'u : « River of the Male God », other name of the Upper Yang-tzü, according Klaproth. See BRIUS, p. 106.

  • Phunduqadar » (? corr. « Phunduqdar ») : in Georgian.

See BONDOCDAIRE, p. 100. Phye-ma : according to F.W. Thomas, it is Hsüan-tsang's P'i-mo. See PEM, p. 801.

pi : jade discs, put, under the Chou, into the mouth of the great officers according to early commentators corrupted into lai, « to come » in the Po-hu t'ung. See COWRIES, p. 537.

pi : Ch'in Shih-huang-ti established a double « currency ».

See COWRIES, p. 538. Pi-chi-shan.

See IACI, p. 746.

Pi-chou-chai yü-t'an : (by Shên Te-fu) has the only passage relating to the « sowed sheep » in the miscellaneous works of Ming writers.

See COTTON, p. 520.

Pi-li-shu-Chiang : « Pi-li-shu river », of Ming shih, is the 'Bri-Chu. See BRIUS, p. 107.

Pi-na-ti : (or Pi-no-ti) name of the king of Chü-lan, Quilon, in 1280 in YS.

See COILUM, p. 400.

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