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0022 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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Alternation r-\..,1 l : must have taken place in North-Western India or Eastern Iran.

See BARLAM, p. 81.

  • Alton » : must be Hulägii.

See ULAU, p. 867.

altin, altun : the Mong. word for « gold », altan, is connected with this Turk. form.

See CIORCIA, p. 380.

Altun-l2an : ( = Altai) the name « Altunqan » should be considered as such.

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

Aitun-yis : in the Orkhon « runic » inscriptions.

See ALTAI, p. 31.

  • Altunqan » : name of a mountain in the land of the Uigurs. See ALTAI, p. 31.

  • Altunqan » : the name should be considered as Altun-ban=Altai. See CINGHIS, p. 341.

Aluyu : son of Baidar, sixth son of Cayatai.

See CIAGATAI, p. 254.

Aluyu : grandson of l`ayatai and father of Cübäi and Qaban. See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 262.

Aluyu : Cayatai's grandson, he fixed his capital at Khotan; this is the true form of the name, not Alyu.

See COTAN, p. 423.

Alvan (Ayvan).

See ALANIE, p. 25.

Amaji-Nägüdäri : a Mongol of the chronicle of Herat may be the same as the « Aladu », « Alaju » who had at one time Qaraunas under his command.

See CARAUNAS, p. 194.

Amaterasu : the Sun-goddess from whom the Japanese Emperors would be the descendants. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 685.

Amazons : Yule saw in Polo's story « a mere ramification of this ancient and widespread fable D.


Amazons : it is hard to say whether there can be any connection between the kingdom of women and the western traditions concerning them.


Amazons : in a text of Clavijo, it is said that fifteen days from the city of Samarkand, in the direction of Catay, there is a country inhabited by them.


amas : (< mas) Mal., « gold »; the derivation of « mace » from it is a failure.

See COWRIES, p. 561.

ambas : (or ambôh) Khmer, « spun cotton »; there is no reason to connect it with Khmer krabas,

  • cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 436.

amber » : Pelliot accepts it as a genuine statement.

See AMBERGRIS, p. 32. amber » : this word was borrowed in the 11 th cent. from Arab : `anbar, which does not mean

  • amber » but « ambergris ». See AMBERGRIS, p. 33. AMBERGRIS.

An intestinal concretion of the

sperm whale or cachalot. See p. 32-38.

  • Ambergris Island » : Lung-hsienhsü, the island lay of the north-western coast of Sumatra. See AMBERGRIS, p. 37.

ambôh : (or ambas) Khmer, « spun cotton »; there is no reason to connect it with Khmer krâbas,

  • cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 436.

  • ambra », « ambre » : the common usage in Italian and French is to employ « ambra », « ambre » indiscriminately for both products.

See AMBERGRIS, p. 32. ambracan : « ambergris ». On Fra Mauro's map.

See AMBERGRIS, p. 32-33. ambracanno » : for Evans it is only it, which is considered as

  • ambergris ».

See AMBERGRIS, p. 32.

ambra concia : means « finished ambra », « worked ambra See AMBERGRIS, p. 32.

ambra zalo : « yellow amber See AMBERGRIS, p. 32.

« ambre » : amber.

See AMBERGRIS, p. 32.
ambrum : understood as « amber-
gris » in regard to Tibet.
See AMBERGRIS, p. 32.

« Ameri » : is probably for « Lameri » = « Lambri » (epithet for brazil-wood in Pegolotti). See BRAZIL, p. 104.

Ameto » : Latin translation of Ah mad .

See ACMAT (2), p. 12.

(< Amir Roknadin Mahmud » : name of a king of Hormuz, who reigned thirty-five years, and died in the year of the Hyxara 676, i.e. A.D. 1278. See ROCNEDIN ACMAT, p. 821.

Amir-amirän : « Emir of emirs », name of the prince of Tsêngt'an.

See CURMOS, p. 581.

amir-i buzurg : seems to be an arbitrary invention for the Persian words to explain fa'utquri.

See CINGHIS, p. 293.

amir-i mu`azzam : « great emir » the Persian word is actually used to explains fa'ut-quri.

See CINGHIS, p. 293.


In most mss. Pelliot takes (( Amu » to be a corrupt representation of *Annam.

See p. 3940.

Amu : this province bordered on the Gulf of Tonkin.

See TOLOMAN, p. 857.

« Amu » : (Tongking) Polo mentions there a cowry currency.

See COWRIES, p. 552.

« Amu » : Polo's return journey slid not start from there.

See CUIGIU, p. 571.

Amu-daryä : river called the Jihùn by Polo.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 633.

Amu-daryâ : (= Gion) river in the country of the Dry Tree. See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 631.

An : naine under which Bokhara was known c. 600 A.D.


'An-ce : or 'An-se is the kingdom of An-hsi of Han times and the name of which rendered Arsak. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 713-714.

An-chi-yen : (Andijan) according to Juan K'uei-shêng, the mountains south-west of it are full of « heavy bone sheeps ».

See COTTON, p. 521.