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0238 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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224   INDEX

Qàmjù : in Abù-'t-Fida, for Kan-chou occurs again in the account of Sàh-Rilb's embassy in 1419-1421.

See CAMPÇIO, p. 150.

Qiimrùn : wrongly interpretation of K'un-tun in K'un-tun Ts'êngch'i.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 600. Qàmul : (in 1420, Sàh-Ru}fs envoys passed through).

See CAMUL, p. 154.

gâgâ yil : the year of Chinghizkhan's death in Rasidu-'d-Din. See CINGHIS, p. 305.

Qàrà : (Mufaz7,al's fantastic description of the Chinese town of) may or may not have been altered from Han-baliq.

See CAMBALUC, p. 143. Qa"sàn : another writing for Kàsàn, Polo's « Caxan ».

See CAXAN, p. 235.

Qàsyar : another spelling for Kàsyar given by Abù-'t-Fida in the beginning of the 14th cent. See CASCAR, p. 206.

Qa igar : Mongolian writing of the name Ka"syar by the compilers of the Hsi-yii t'ung-wen chih in 1763.

See CASCAR, p. 204.

Qà.5gar : in Mohammedan works, for Kàsyar; the form may he a misreading.

See CASCAR, p. 206.

Qàsgar : should be the proper form for Käsyar in Chinese Turkestan, with the Mong. pronunciation. See CASCAR, p. 208.

Qäzän : Syriac form of Ghazan. See CAÇAN, p. 120.

gcizi : Anglo-Indian form of gâçli. Also basis of Modern Chinese transcriptions.

See ESCEQE, p. 648.

Qàidu (Qaidu) : (Pers.) is Qaidu, a Mong. proper name.

See CAIDU, p. 124.

Qàmùl : for Camul, in the Persian account of Gardezi, in 10501052.

See CAMUL, p. 154.

ginpdr : Arab. form for « cantar ». See CANTAR, p. 158.

qirmiz : this is not a true Semitic word.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

qirmiz : Arm., Porphyrophora Hamelii.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

qirmiz : Ar. « kermes »; has an adjectiv. form qirmizi.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

qirmizi : Ar., adj. form of qirmiz, «kermes »; French. cramoisi, cramosin and carmin go back to it.

See CREMOSI, p. 564. qirmiziyun : > Ar. qirmizi. See CREMOSI, p. 564.

qisis : (or qasis, qiss), is the Arabic word for kasiil.

See CASSES, p. 214.

qiss : (or qasis, qisis), is the Arabic word for kafil.

See CASSES, p. 214.

Qi"sm : (or Kism) the name is supposed to be unknown in the 13th cent.; nevertheless, it may have existed almost in Polo's time. See CHISCI, p. 245.

Qit-qùluyàt-ätät : altered from *Jitgùluyàt ätät, « Sands of *Jit. gùluyàt ».

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

Qiyan : by Blochet, for Qaban in Chin. Chi-yen, by T'u Chi. See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

Qiyàn : or Qian. It is the true form of the name « Quian » used by Polo, and appears only in Gardizi's text.


Qin;änfu : given in the fantastic itinerary of Ibn Battùtah across China, it probably represents Kinnanfu, i.e. Shàn-hsi.

See QUENGIANFU, p. 813. Qis : it is the Arabic form for Kis. See CHISCI, p. 244.

gimir : misreading of gïmiz. See CHEMIS, p. 240.

gïmïz : the form given by Kàsyari in 1076 and represented by Polo's « chemis ». Persian and Arabic form of the word.

See CHEMIS, p. 240.

Qipcaq : (on the legend concerning the).

(See also : « Esca », p. 647.) See CARACHOÇO, p. 164. Qipeaq : (khanate of).

See BATU, p. 90.

Qipcaq : (origin of Baibars).


Qipcaq : Turks from there, in the service of the « king of China » (Chinghiz-khan) are mentioned in Magrizi's History of Egypt. See CINGHIS, p. 304.

Qipeaq : mediaeval Western travellers and chroniclers used the name of the Comans as a synonym of that.

See COMAIN, p. 402.

Qipeaq : Sir E. D. Ross connects this with the legend about the first Uighur King in Z. It also occurs in the Oyuz-khan in Uighur. According to Pelliot, it originally meant « desert », and the « hollow of a tree » is a late invention.

See ESCA, p. 647-648.

Qipcaq : a tribe of Turkish origin, hereditarily in charge of the Imperial mares.

See HORLAT, p. 744.

gïryuï : name of sparrow-hawk in Turkish (miswritten « cheegey » for « chergey » in Codex Cumanicus).

See AVIGI, p. 58.

qirmiz : Turk. < qirmiz. See CREMOSI, p. 565.

*Qirgïz : « Kirghiz », this reading for a corrupt name in Raid seems improbable.

See CINGHIS, p. 342.

gislaq : (Rasid) « winter », Ariqbögä used to spend it at the * Ürüngä.

See CINGHIS, p. 342.

Qità-khan : according to Mussulman sources, the first recorded embassy came to Ghazna in 10261027.

See CATAI, p. 221.

*Qïtan : Uighur pronunciation required by the forms « Ge-tan » and « Ge-tin » of the Tib. translation of « Ch'i-tan ».

See CATAI, p. 220.

« Qitaÿ » : designation for the Ch'itan in the Turkish inscriptions of the Orkhon in the 8th cent. See CATAI, p. 218.

Qïyat : Chinghiz-khan's clan. See UNGRAT, p. 870.

gïzil : Turk., « red »; a connection with qirmiz can hardly be retained.

See CREMOSI, p. 565.

Qïzit-cal : (Turk. « Red Stream ») must be the Red River and thus a tributary of the Araxes. See DRAY (LONE) TREE, p. 636.