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0271 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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Ta-Hua-mien : Phillips in 1895 read it in the Amoy dialect, « Dakolien » _ « Dragoian, or Dagoyam » but such fantastic solution must be eschewed. See DAGROIAN, p. 614.

Ta-Huang-hou : « Great Empress »; title received by Tägultin according to YS.

See CUBLAI, p. 567.

Ta-jên kuo : the Kingdom of Giants. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 687.

Ta Ju-chê : « Great Ju-chê », among the tribes designated as Shihwei in the T'ang period.

See CIORCIA, p. 386.

Ta Kin ho : a river.


Ta Ko-lan : « Great Quilon », in the revised Hsing-ch'a shêng-lan; this is an arbitrary creation. See COILUM, p. 400.

Ta-ku-êrh : (* Dagur?). Name of the king of Su-mu-ta.

See SEMENAT, p. 830.

Ta-kuang-wing-ssû : « Temple of the Great Light ». Name of a Christian church built by An Ma-chi-ssû.

See MARSARCHIS, p. 775.

Ta-kuei-chu Lo-tien-wang : « Great Chief of the Devils, Prince of Lo-tien » (T'ang times).

See COGACIN, p. 395.

Ta-la-chien : (Talakan). Mentioned by Hsüan-tsang, it must be the western Talagän.

See TAICAN, p. 843.

Ta-Ian-ta-pa : a place in the region of the Ch'ing-shui mentioned in Ca-yin's biography for the time of Ögödäi.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

Ta-Ian-ta-pa (« region » of) : Ögödäi was there in the fifth month of 1234.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

Ta-Ian-ta-pa-ssû : « region » of Pa-li-li, where Ögödäi was in the autumn of 1234.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

Ta-ian-ta-pa-ssû : a « region » where Güyük was elected Great Khan in 1245.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

Ta-lang (Ocean of) : is corrupt for « Ocean of (Pa)-to-fang, i. e. of Patlam.

See BETTALA, p. 95.

Ta-li : western capital of Qara-Jang. Chief capital of the Ta-li kingdom before the arrival of the Mongols in 1253-1257. See CARAGIAN, p. 170.

Ta-li : mentioned in a text of 1267 concerning the mission of Hügäêi to Yün-nan.

See CARAGIAN, p. 171.

Ta-li : name of the Nan-chao kingdom at the time of the Mongol conquest.

Retained in Chinese administrative nomenclature down to our days.

Was founded at the end of the 8th cent.; another city of the same name had been founded in the early 8th cent., but not on the same site.

See CARAGIAN, p. 176.

Ta-li : Hügäci was sent to govern it in 1267.

See COGACIN, p. 394.

Ta-li : the passage on po-tieh in the Sung shih does not refer to this kingdom but to Champa. See COTTON, p. 454.

Ta-li : (Yün-nan); no mention of a shell currency there is made in the Ling-wai tai-ta.

See COWRIES, p. 544.

Ta-li : the « Directing Commissariat » of the Chin-ch'ih was southwest of it (YS).

See ÇARDANDAN, p. 605.

Ta-li : « Directing Commissariat of..., Chin-ch'ih and other places » (YS, 1286).

See ÇARDANDAN, p. 605. Ta-li : Nairu-'d-Din was transferred there in 1277.

See NESCRADIN, p. 793.

Ta-li kingdom : it was formerly the Nan-chao.

See IACI, p. 746.

Ta-li-po : « * Dari Lake », for the

  • Dalai-nör ».

See CINGHIS, p. 355.

ta-li-ya : (tariyaq) « opium ».

See ASSASSIN, p. 54.

to-ling : « water chestnut » (the fruit of the mu-mien is like...).

See COTTON, p. 498.

Ta-lu-man : mentioned in the Ying-yai shëng-lan. Phonetically, the nearest approach to

  • Dagroian ».

Ta-lu-man must be the corrupt
Sarba of Ibn BaRuläh, perhaps

to be read Tarman or Taruman. See DAGROIAN, p. 613.

ta-mai : « barley »; this reading for to-ling, « water-chestnut », is improbable.

See COTTON, p. 498.

  • Ta Mêng-ku » : according to the Fo-tsu li-tai t'ung-tsai, this designation was given only in 1211 to his Empire by Chinghiz-khan.

See CINGHIS, p. 285.

Ta-ming : (Prince of...); this is Hoqu > Oqu.

See COTAN, p. 423.

Ta-mo : abbreviated form of Po-t'i-ta-mo, Bodhidharma. The early missionaries have mistaken it for a transcription of S. Thomas.

See TENDUC, p. 850.

Ta-mo i hsi : « West of the Great Desert n, mentioned in connection with the « sowed sheep » by Ch'u-shih (Fan-ch'i).

See COTTON, p. 516.

to-ni : « great ni », « broadcloth ». See COTTON, p. 431.

a Ta-o-t'ê-k'o » : (« Great 0-t'ê-k'o »), for the location of Chinghizkhan's tomb, is merely taken from the Chinese version of

  • Sanang Setsen ».

See CINGHIS, p. 346.

ta-pei : « great pei ».

See COWRIES, p. 535.

ta-pei : (Shu ching) rendered

  • large tortoise-shell »; it must be a sea-shell.

See COWRIES, p. 537.

ta-pei : « great shell », one of the items of the shell currency in the system of Wang Mang; it was worth 108 cash.

See COWRIES, p. 540.

ta-pei : « great pei », produced in Annam according to the Chiaochou chi.

See COWRIES, p. 542.

ta-pei : since the 4th or 5th cent. has been with tzû pei the designation of the Cyproea macula.

See COWRIES, p. 542.

ta-pei : « great pei »; in this paragraph, the Ling-wai tai-ta does not mention a shell currency in Yiin-nan.

See COWRIES, p. 544.