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238   INDEX

name of Li-chiang, Sa-t'am. See CARAGIAN, p. 172.

[« Sea of] Abaskun » : sometimes given to the whole or to part of the Caspian.

See BACHU, p. 62.

[« Sea of] Bachuc » : the Caspian (Odoric).

See BACHU, p. 62.

[Sea of] Baku : or of ill or Giiän is, according to Polo, the same as what he calls Sea of Sarai. See GEL, p. 735.

[« Sea of] Bascon » : the Caspian. See BACHU, p. 62.

[Sea of] Forty li   (Ssû shih-li-hai).
Near the kingdom of the Woman King.


[« Sea of] Gel or Ghelan» : the Caspian in Polo's text.

See GEL or GHELAN, p. 733. See BACHU, p. 62.

[« Sea of] the Hazar » : the Caspian. See BACHU, p. 62.

[« Sea of] Hwarezm » : the Caspian in Russian texts. (Ancient). See BACHU, p. 62.

[« See of] Khvalis » : the Caspian, in ancient Russian texts is a corruption for « Sea of Hwarezm. See BACHU, p. 62.

[ « Sea of] Sarai » : the Caspian in Polo's text.

See « Bachu », p. 62.

See GEL, p. 735.

[« Sea of the] Seven Islands » : Ch'i-chou-yang is the sea to the south-west of the Taya Islands. See FACFUR, p. 658.

[« Sea of] Shirvän » : the Caspian (S. of St Quentin and Rubrouck). See BACHU, p. 62.

[Sea of] Thirty Li : (San-shih-ii-hai). Near the Kingdom of Women. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 692.

« Sebast » : or Sivas.

See BARIS, p. 80.

Sebaste : or Sivas, where was the church of S. Blasius, who was bishop in that town.

See BLASIUS, p. 97.

« Sech » : in Z, may be for *Scech or *Siech (cf. R's Siechi) and perhaps altered into vechi in V and veschovi in TA.

See ESCEQUE, p. 648.

« Sechutera » : = Socotra.


seemul : Anglo-Indian, from modern Hindustani seimal or seimbhal. See COTTON, p. 467.

« Segin » : by Rubrouck, for Hsi-king, Western Capital.

See CINGHIS, p. 328.

« seic » : represents « esceqe » in Joinville.

See ESCEQE, p. 648.

Seide : (Germ.) from Med. Lat. seta, which cannot be derived from the Chin. ssû.

See CIN, p. 265.

« *Seilani » : Ceylonese, has nothing to do with « Sieni », « Seni », according to Pelliot.

See BRAZIL, p. 104.

Selenga : river in the region of the Baikal.

See BARGU, p. 77.

Selenga : the mention of it is a slip of Raid if Buda-ündür is but another name of Burgan-galdun and Burqatu-qan.

See CINGHIS, p. 342.

Selenga : (River) according to Rasid; Chinghiz-khan's tomb is near it. See CINGHIS, p. 342.

« soling » : [sealing) : the name used by foreigners for it is « mayon »

according to La Loubère.

See COWRIES, p. 556.

Seljuk : a Seljuk prince was called Israel.


The Medici Map reads « Somenath ». On Somnath in Guzerat, cf. Y, II, 400-401.

See p. 830.

« Semescra » : see Sumatra.



This is a designation of a silk taffeta. It was sometimes confounded with samite.

See p. 830-831.

« Serae » (the). Pliny followed by Solinus ascribed the dumb trade to the « Serae », perhaps as a consequence of some misunderstanding.


Serakhs : Särabs, occurs in Chinese as Sa-la-ha-hsi.

See CIELSTAN, p. 264.

« Seras » : in Hethum, for Siam. See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.

« Serazi » : in RR and Bel.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.

Seres : Latin name for China and the Chinese; the name was familiar to authors of the 1st cent. B.C.

See CIN, p. 264.

serge : (Fr. Engl.) from « Séres », which cannot be derived from Chin. ssü-êrh.

See CIN, p. 265.

Sergius : it is the « Sarchisi » (King) of the « charta » of 1221, which is a Christian name.

See CINGHIS, p. 304.

sericus : (Lat.) from « Séres », which cannot be derived from Chin. ssû-erh.

See CIN, p. 265.

Serkas » : modern Kalmuk pronunciation of « Särkäs ».

See ÇIC, p. 608.

« Seroctan » : was the Kerait Christian princess; she had not been buried in Kan-chou but in Mongolia.

See CAMPÇIO, p. 152-153.

seta : (It.) comes from Med. Lat. seta, which cannot be derived from Chin. ssû.

See CIN, p. 265.

seta : Lat.; « satin » is not derived from it, but from zeiitiini. See ÇAITON, p. 595.

Seth : Adam's son. For some, the « Dry Tree » was the tree of Knowledge of the Paradise at which he had been allowed to glimpse, and he had seen that the tree was dry.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 632.

setino : Ital.; may be partly due to a contamination of Lat. seta. See ÇAITON, p. 595.

setuni : occurs in Clavijo; must be derived from zâitiini.

See ÇAITON, p. 595.

« Sevasto » : or Sivas.

See BLASIUS, p. 97.

« Seyllan » : = Ceylon from Mari-


« Sezaire » (la grant) : in Les Gestes des Ciprois; it is « Kaisaiyer ». See CAISERIE, p. 130.