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0299 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 299 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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Vaçiavâmukha : or « Mouth of the Mare ». An abyss which, according to Indian legends drains and volatilizes the waters of the Ocean.


Vaeq » : (corrupt for *Vaiq).

See BALC, p. 71.

vai (the), vairs ») : called organni by Pegolotti. The same as the vari organini.

See ERCOLIN, p. 646. vainuriya : pseudo-Skr. instead of vaiçluriya [vai 1ürya].

See COWRIES, p. 532.

vaio : Italian form of old French and English vair.

See ERCOLIN, p. 643.

vaio : according to Evans, c a quality of fur ». Not confirmed in mediaeval usage where vair is the name of the animal as well as the fur.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

vair : according to Yule, the name appropriate to the fur prepared rather than to the animal. Not confirmed in mediaeval usage where vair is the name of the animal as well as the fur.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

vair : in the original French text, this is the term for « squirrel s. < Latin varius, « variegated ». One of three main names of squirrels in mediaeval texts. See ERCOLIN, p. 643.

« vaine » : a general name for fur trade.

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

*'vaJ1 , *'vajha : supposed to be the Chin. ho-shang (ho-shê) ; the Khotanese form was *uJJha; probably the only Kashgarian form determined hitherto.

See CASCAR, p. 213, 214.

vakkali : would-be Skr.; Ch. hua-mien is given as its translation. See COTTON, p. 465.

valkala : Skr. « bark garment »; the would-be Skr. vakkali must be a Prâkrit form of it.

See COTTON, p. 465.

(Valley of) Hebron : the place where, according to legend, Seth buried his father Adam. Maundevile locates the Dry Tree in this Valley, but for him it was an oak.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634.


According to Polo, « master of ten thousand ». Must be a transcription of the title wan-hu « myriarch D.

See p. 870.

Vanchu : from Ramusio, must be Kao Ho-shang.

See ACMAT (1), p. 11.

Varga : old native name from which « Bengal » derived. See BANGALA, p. 74.

Vangâla : (Vatigâ]a) the Vangâla seem to have invaded and occupied part of Vatiga or Bengal.

See BANGALA, p. 74.

vardta : Skr., « cowry s.

See COWRIES, p. 557. varäFaka : < vardta, Skr., « cowry s. See COWRIES, p. 557.

varhdr : (Sogdian form of Bokhara) « monastery ».

See BUCARA, p. 108.

vari : for vair in the Codex Cumanicus.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

varis organinis : in document summarized in Brâtianu, mention is made of money to be used in vans organinis.

Same as the vai (« vairs »), called organni by Pegolotti the later form probably a misreading of organini.

See ERCOLIN, p. 645, 646.

*varnak : this would be the normal restitution of yüeh-no.

See COTTON, p. 483.

varnakambala : Skr., renders Ch. ch'ii-shu (or ch'ii-y ii).

See COTTON, p. 484.

*varnakamula : Skr., corrected to *varnakamiila, but varnakambala is meant (Ch. ch'ii-shu). See COTTON, p. 484.

varnakd : Skr.; yüeh-no may be regarded as representing some Prâkrit form of that.

See COTTON, p. 483.

varnd : (usually « colour ») Skr. varnakd is derived from it.

See COTTON, p. 483.

Vas of Jordanes (the) : probably identical to the Finnish Yes'

of the Chronicle of Nestor.


Vasmuli : an older form than Gasmuli (Guasmuls).

See ARGON (2), p. 49.

(John and James) Vassal : they wrote a letter in French 1276; see « Bargu D.

See NOROECH, p. 797.

vdld : Pers.; the theory that yüehof yiieh-no would represent that is erroneous.

See COTTON, p. 483.

Ydlakhilyas : (the 77i...); according to the Indian legend, he hung upside down on a tree.

See COTTON, p. 519.

Vârugaka : Skr. form identified by S. Lévi.

See FANSUR, p. 662.

vdi : Annamite, « cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 436.

vechi : perhaps an altered form of sech » in V.

See ESCEQE, p. 648.

Veddah (the) : the wretched aborigines of Ceylon.