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INDEX   51

in 1203 seems to be an interpolation.

See CINGHIS, p. 286.

  • Chiaaday » : first mention in the West of « Z`ayatai n, by Plan Carpine.

See CIAGATAI, p. 250.

  • Chiamala Chesmur » : must be put on a level with « Ariora Chiesiemar ».

See CHESCEMIR, p. 242.

Chiang : (Chê-chiang, Chiang-su) Wang Chêng says that cotton was cultivated there before 1276.

See COTTON, p. 503.

Chiang-chê : wrong explanation for

  • Choncha ».

See CHONCHA, p. 245. Chiang-chê : name of the « moving Secretariat » at Hang-chou. See ÇAITON, p. 592. Chiang-chê » : (« moving Grand Secretariat of »...) = of Hang-chou (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 589.

Chiang-chou : is between P'ing-yangfu and P'u-chou-fu.

Pelliot feels confident that « Caiciu » is Chiang-chou.

The name of Chiang-chou dates from the middle of 6 th cent. It is the name which is continued to be known till the present day.

See CAICIU, p. 124. Chiang-hsi : (« moving Grand Secretariat of... » in YS) this is Lung-hsing.

See ÇAITON, p. 590.

Chiang-hsi : on February 27, 1285, it was asked to abolish the

  • moving Secretariat » of Fu-chien and to establish a hsüanwei-ssü which would be in the dependance of... (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 592.

Chiang-huai : name of the « moving Grand Secretariat » at Yang-chou.

See ÇAITON, p. 591.

Chiang-ko : surname of the king of Ta Yang-t'ung.


Chiang-ling : became Ling-chou (modem Tê-chou, Tê-hsien) in 1253, but Polo heard that name; it is « Ciangli ».

See CIANGLI, p. 259. Chiang-nan : (i.e. Chiang-su and Chê-

chiang) the cultivation of cotton, with an elaborate technique, is mentioned there by Hu Sanhsing in 1285.

See COTTON, p. 501.

Chiang-nan : Mar-Sargis built tern-pies there.

See MARSARCHIS, p. 775.

« Chiang-nan » : the dynasty of the Southern T'ang, whose Emperor Li Yü was subdued by the Sung. See CINGHIS, p. 284.

Chiang-nan t'ung-chip : the Kueissü lei-kao gives a notice from it on the shrine of Huang taop'o, but the edition of 1684 says nothing on the lady.

See COTTON, p. 485.

Chiang-shan : cannot be « Cianscian ».

See CIANSCIAN, p. 261.

Chiang-shui : according to Chari-gnon, this name appears on ancient Chinese maps as a designation of the Yang-tzû.

See QUTAN-QUTANSUI, p. 818. Chiang-tung : « East of the Chiang » = Chê-chiang.

See COTTON, p. 449.

Chiang-tung : (Chiang-su and Chêchiang) Wang Chêng mentions there the cultivation of cotton. See COTTON, p. 502.

Chiang-tung : (= Chiang-su) a cotton tribute was required from it in 1289 (YS).

See COTTON, p. 504.

Ch'iang : a general name for people of Tibetan stock.




Ch'iang of Sung-chou : a tribe in north western Ssu-ch'uan.


Chiao-chih : this old name survives as the first element of our « Cochinchina ».

See CAUGIGU, p. 233. Chiao-chih : (Tongking) Chao Ju-kua mentions mu-mien there.

See COTTON, p. 455.

Chiao-chih : (Tongking) ; mu-mien is mentioned there in the Wu-lu. See COTTON, p. 459.

Chiao-chih : (= Tongking) Hui-lin says that it has mu-mien.

See COTTON, p. 491.

Chiao-chih : this is Tongking. See COTTON, p. 498.

Chiao-chih • (Tongking) 67 cash instead of 70 for one tael of chung-t'ung paper money (Wang Ta-yüan).

See COWRIES, p. 553.

Chiao-chih-kuo : or « Caugigu » in Polo's text, refers to the Annamite Kingdom.

See AMU, p. 39.

Chiao-chih-kuo : (Tonking), it is « Caugigu ».

See CAUGIGU, p. 233. Chiao-chih-kuo : Ch. Tongking > Polo's « Caugigu ».

See COWRIES, p. 552. Chiao-chou : mu-mien is mentioned there in the Wu-lu.

See COTTON, p. 460.

Chiao-chow : mu-mien is mentionned there in the Kuang-chih and in a Kouang-chou chi.

See COTTON, p. 462.

Chiao-chou : i.e. Tongking; the pan-chih hua is located there in a song of Wang Kuang-yang. See COTTON, p. 479.

Chiao-chou chi : a passage of it preserved in the T'ai-p'ing yii-lan mentions pei-ch'ih.

This work cannot be later than the first half of the 5th cent. See COWRIES, p. 542.

chiao-ch'ê : « seed cleansing stand », occurs in the pseudo quotation from the Nan-chou i-wu chih. See COTTON, p. 457.

chiao- jên : this is, in the Shu-i chi, the name of the mermaid who weaves silk.

See COTTON, p. 530.

chiao-hsiao : « mermaid silk », mentioned as a product of the Mediterranean; this may be a textile made from the byssi of the Pinna.

See COTTON, p. 530.

chieh : (in chieh-pei) the ancient final consonant is -p- (*kjvp). See COTTON, p. 441.

chieh : (*kiet) faulty form, occurs for the second character of po-tieh. See COTTON, p. 449.

Chieh-chien-ch'a-han : Ho-shih-la halted in this region.

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

Chieh-chih ch'iao : Bridge of Chiehchih.