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INDEX   215

at Contanstinople when the two elder Polos started for the Crimea.

See p. 804-805.

Ponti (The) : originally a family of Romagna moved to Ferrera, and afterwards to Venice where they were already established as wheat merchants in 863.

See PONTE OF VENESE, p. 805.

pontica : origin to which are borrowed : bunduq (Arab.), funduq (Pers.).

See BONDOCDAIRE, p. 101.


It occurs in mediaeval texts with four different meanings : 1) « cowry »; 2) « china-ware »; 3) « vases of mother of pearl > (?); 4) « purslane ».

See p. 805-812.

  • porcelain money » : imitations of cowries, used in Siam, perhaps as currency, rather for gambling. See COWRIES, p. 554.

porcelete : « cowries », in Fra Mauro. See COWRIES, p. 559.

porcellanum : i.e. « Purslane » which is an herb.

See PORCELAIN, p. 808.

porcelletta : used by Ca'da Mosto and others in the sense of « cowry ». It is a derivative form which has to be traced to Latin porcus, « pig ».

See PORCELAIN, p. 805. porcellette bianche : « white cowries » (Aluise da Ca' da Mosto).

See COWRIES, p. 563.

porcilaca : Latin name of purslane. See PORCELAIN, p. 811.

Porphyrophora Hamelii : an insect found in Armenia; went also by the name of qirmiz.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

  • Porta del Pharo » : Also called Fänär-gapusi (« Gate of the Lantern), « Portha Phani »,

and TonoOco   Toû rpav&pt.
Located quite inside the Golden Horn and can't come into consideration.

See FAR, p. 671.

  • Portha Phani » : also called Fänär-qapusi, « Gate of the Lantern », « Porta del Pharo », and Ton°OsaLa, Toû Qavâp L. Located quite inside the Golden

Horn and can't come into consideration.

See FAR, p. 671.

« poure » : said to have been heard at Tikopia and to mean « shell » in general.

See COWRIES, p. 555.

Prester John (= Ong-khan) : see «Uncan». Died from the shot of.

an arrow received at the siege of a « castle » named « Caagiu ». See CAAGIU, p. 114.

Prester John : (King David = Ong-khan) according to Vincent de

Beauvais, his surviving daughter became the wife of Chinghiz-khan.

See CINGHIS, p. 303.

Prester John : (= Ong-khan) according to André de Longjumeau, Chinghiz-khan had married his daughter.

See CINGHIS, p. 303.

Prester John : according to Plan Carpine, a son of Chinghiz lead

campaigns against them. No accurate geographical data can be expected from the folklore tails involved with these campaigns.


Prester John of India : father of Chinghiz-khan = King David, in the third redaction of the « charta » of 1221.

See CINGHIS, p. 304.

a Prosperous (?) Folk » : mentioned in the list of barbarian coun-

tries in the Huai-nan-tzii.


Province of « Ania » : located in the extreme north-east of Asia on Gastaldi's map.

See AMU, p. 39-40.

« Prut » : according to Gerini, the name of Baros, camphor in Môn, traceable to Baros.

See FANSUR, p. 662.

Pseudo-Callisthenes : fabulous history of Alexander.

See ALEXANDRE (1), p. 26. pseudo-« Ohin Kok djamoto » : in Imbault Huart's Docurn.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 629. Ptolemais : or Saint-Jean d'Acre. See ACRE, p. 12.

Pu : or Ko-pu. Name of a city mentioned in a Ming itinerary.

It is probably a misreading for Lo-pu.

See LOP, p. 770.

pu : « cloth », translation of kärbcis in the Sino-persian Vocabulary of the Board of Translators. See COTTON, p. 433.

pu : Ch., « cloth »; did not in ancient times refer to cotton; must be indigenous.

See COTTON, p. 434.

pu : often used alone by Chao Jukua, was the ordinary name of « cotton stuff » only after Chao's time.

See COTTON, p. 456.

pu : « cloth »; under the Manchu dynasty, it designates cotton goods par excellence.

See COTTON, p. 506.

pu : « cloth » [coins], comprised in the new currency system of Wang Mang.

See COWRIES, p. 539.

Pu-êrh-han-shan : (= Burgan-gaidun) wrongly identified with the Ilan-nla.

See CINGHIS, p. 343.

Pu-êrh-han-shan : « Burgan-Mountain » (from the Chinese abridged version of the Secret History).

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Pu-ha-êrh : = Buqar; in YS, for Bokhara.

See BUCARA, p. 109.

Pu-ha-la : Bokhara, in Ming shih. See BUCARA, p. 109.

Pu-ha-la : (Bokhara) according to Juan K'uei-shêng, the « sheep whose bones are heavy » are produced there.

See COTTON, p. 521.

Pu-ho (*B'uo-xât) : Chinese transcription of Bokhara.

See BUCARA, p. 108.

Pu-hua : Chinese transcription of Buqa.

See BOGA, p. 97.

Pu-hua-la (= Buj arâ) : Chinese transcription of Bokhara.

See BUCARA, p. 109.

Pu-huo (*Puo-Xuât, *Pu iwar?) : Chinese transcriptions of Bokhara.

See BUCARA, p. 108.

Pu-jên-ling : « Unendurable Pass D. See YARCAN, p. 884.

pu-lan-hsi : corresponds to the

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