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0293 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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Tz'û t'ung : the equivalence of « Zaiton » with this is probably right; it is given as an ancient name of Ch'iian-chou.

See ÇAITON, p. 583.

Tz'ü-t'ung : (...Barrier) in Yün-nan. See ÇAITON, p. 585.

Tz'ü t'img : the equivalence with « Zâitün » can be accepted. See ÇAITON, p. 586.

tz'ü-t'ung : name of a thorn-bearing tree, probably here the Acanthopanax ricinifolium. See ÇAITON, p. 584.

tz'ü-t'ung : also called jui-t'ung (« auspicious » t'ung). See ÇAITON, p. 584.

tz'ü-t'ung : planted at the wall of Ch'üan-chou, which, was called T'ung-ch'êng (Fang-yü shênglan).

See ÇAITON, p. 585.

tz'ü-t'ung : no mention of it seems to occur in connection with a city in any T'ang work, but the tradition was established in Sung times.

See ÇAITON, p. 585.

tz'ü-t'ung : « grows at Ch'üanchou » (Êrh-ya i).

See ÇAITON, p. 585. tz'ü-t'ung : this is ts'i-d'ung. See ÇAITON, p. 587.

tzü-t'ung : tz'ü-t'ung has been transcribed as if it were that. See ÇAITON, p. 587.

Tz'ü-t'ung-ch'êng : « City of the tz'ü-t'ung », the term actually goes back to Sung times. See ÇAITON, p. 584.

Tz'ü-t'ung-ch'êng : given as an equivalent of T'ung-ch'êng in the Chung-kuo ku-chin ti-ming to tz'ü-tien.

See ÇAITON, p. 585.

Tabari : according to Le Strange there is nothing about the Kismar cypress in this chronicle. See DRY (LONE) TREE, p.630.

Tafgan mountains : is the name of Mount T'an-han, which occurs in Chinese sources. Tafgân is not a corruption of Turfân.

See CARACHOÇO, p. 164.

« Taifü » : (in Nüsi.Taifü) transcribes the Chinese t'ai-fu. See CATAI, p. 222.

0 951308 9

Taigan : or Taligan, in North-Eastern Afghanistan; cf. Y, I, 154.

See TAICAN, p. 842.

Talagan : or Taligan, or Tâlgän. The western one was, according to Ya'güt, a very important town, and formed part of Tobäristân.

It was conquered by Chinghizkhan in 1221.

See TAICAN, p. 843.

« Talän-däbsäng » : misreading for Tülân-däbâs.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

« Talän-däban » : misreading for Tülän-dâbâs.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

Talegan : or Taigan. The eastern one was, according to Yâ qüt, a place of no interest in the region of Balkh.

See TAICAN, p. 843.

Taligän : See Talagan.

See TAICAN, p. 843.

Talib : another name of Isma'il, mangonel-maker was from Ba'albek and Damascus.

See ABAGA, p. 4.

'Pagan : See Talagiin.

See TAICAN, p. 843.

«Tamyäc» : other form of qTa(3yac»; name given by An-Näsäwi to the capital of the Jucen (Peking).

In the Tabageit-i Nügiri, this country is « the region of Qaraqorum ».

See CIN, p. 274.

« Tamyäc khan » : title of the fayfür, or Emperor of China in Al-Birünï.

See CIN, p. 273.

taiga : silver coin in Orissa (Wutieh).

See COWRIES, p. 553. taiga : < tar ka, « tanga », Ch. t'ang-chia.

See COWRIES, p. 558.

tanka : >   « tanga », Ch.

See COWRIES, p. 558.

taickaka : (tanka > tang(4«tanga »). See COWRIES, p. 558.

tciga : (in Ya`güt, for the cloud seen in Zin)) the translation « arch » is in agreement with Polo's supposed drawing. See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 603.

Tülan-dâbâs : is it certainly the

Ta-lan-ta-pa of Cayän's biography.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

Tülas (or Tuwalas) : name.

See ALAINS, p. 17.

Türan-;ah : the king «Turonxi D.

See CURMOS, p. 577. Türän-sah : the date of his reign is

not certain.

See CURMOS, p. 578.

Tuwalâs (or Nis) : name.

See ALAINS, p. 17.

*Tara-mürän : alteration of Qaramürtin (Ha-la-mu-lian) in YS. See CARAMORAN, p. 183. Tafgân : (mountain) mentioned north of Cinänc-kä0 in the I7udüd al-`Alain.

See CARACHOÇO, p. 164. Tauyâßt. : (for *Tauyéu;) by Theophylactus Simocatta, it is China. See CATAI, p. 217.

Tayxi; : in George Pachymeres, for « Chinghiz-khan ».

See CINGHIS, p. 281.

T t.v(6Ta :   (more   correctly

Tcvla-rav) occurs three times

in Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th cent.); the connection with skr. Cinasthäna is not open to doubt, but the form is certainly Iranian.

See CIN, p. 267, 268.

Toi o0cala T 0 5 pavo&pa : also called Fänär-gapusi (Gate of the Lan-

tern), « Portha Phani », « Porta del Pharo ». Located quite inside the Golden Horn and can't come into consideration. See FAR, p. 671.

*Oiv (?; Diva, eivaL) : name under which classical antiquity knew China and the Chinese.

See CIN, p. 264.

*Oiv(?) : occurs at the end of the 1st cent. A. n. in the Periplus

of the Erythraean Sea, but we dont know if it is the form intended by the author, it is only mentioned in the obliques cases.

See CIN, p. 266.

Oiv : the view has long prevailed that it was a name used by those who had heard of China by sea.

It renders a form connected with Skr. Cilia; it is really *(`In, if 0- renders 6.

See CIN, p. 267.