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0245 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   231

  • Regio Femnarum » : on the Catalan map.


r region de tenebre » : mentioned by Fra Mauro and the following notice occurs : « Questi populi de Boler e Maliamata al tempo de inverno habitano soto terra. » See DARKNESS (PROVINCE OF), p. 619.

  • Reschan » : (or Keschon) mentioned by Schiltberger for Kism.

See CHISCI, p. 245.

Revolt of the « Red Army ».

See ALAINS, p. 20.

« rGya-gar » : the ending « gar » has no chance of being Indian, the name must be left out, like « Käsyar » itself.

See CASCAR, p. 205.

rgya-mcho : « ocean » used in Tibetan for the title of an Emperor, in the same way as dalai in Mongol, Turk. talui.

See CINGHIS, p. 301. rGya-nag : « Black Broad », Tibetan, translation of « Cina ».

See CIN, p. 272.

rGya-nag-gian : « Other Black Broad » Tibetan translation of « Aparacina ».

See CIN, p. 272.

rGya-sgam-po : > Jagambu, father of the wife of Chinghiz-khan. See CINGHIS, p. 303.

  • Rheims (linen-cloth of ») : Polo speaks in fact of it.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

ribâhi : identical to riyâhi, perhaps a corruption of zabàji.

See FANSUR, p. 670.

  • Right Asut Guard » : created in 1272.

See ALAINS, p. 20.

Rin-chen : Tib., « Great Jewel » > Mong. Irän)in (I-lien-chan).

See CIORCIA, p. 388.

Rin-6hen rpo-rje : in 'Tib. « Jewel Diamond ».

See QUTACATU, p. 816.

  • River Etsin » : or Etsin-gol (Edzinyol) north of Kan-chou (in Kan-su).

See EÇINA, p. 637.

riydhi : identical to ribeihi, perhaps a corruption of zabâji.

See FANSUR, p. 670.

rkyen-k'ab : tibetanized form for « camut » came from India. See CAMOCAS, p.147.

Roche de l'azur : may have been used loosely for blue-stone, i. e. carbonate of cooper.

See GREEN HILL, p. 740.

Roi Dor : the Golden King, this name should have been rendered s Darius » in « the old Latin versions ».

See DARIUS, p. 615.

  • roselet » : in Buffon, for orzeruoli,

an ermine fur.

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

« rosereau » : name for an ermine fur

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

rota : Med. Lat., for rail.

See CANTAR, p. 158.

« rottle, rattle s : in Yule, for rail.

See CANTAR, p. 158.

rotulus : Med. Lat., for rail.

See CANTAR, p. 158.

Roxana : Yule said that « accord-

ing to the legendary history of

Alexander, she was the daughter

of Darius ».

See DARIUS, p. 615.

  • Royal Canal » : or Qanàt-as-Sah.

See CANOSALMI, p. 158.
Rôm : Ram, in connexion with


See ALEXANDRE (1), p. 28. Rôm : Fu-lin, Frôm, the Mediterranean Orient.



This is the name of a king of Hor

muz. The actual reading seems to be « Rucumodi acamat ». The name meant is certainly Ruknu-'d-Din Ah mad .

See p. 820-822.

  • Rucnedin Acmat ».

See ACMAT (2), p. 11.

Ruknu-'d-Din : mentioned by Polo

during his first stay at Hormuz,

i. e. in 1273.


p. 821.

Ruknu-'d-Din IJur"sâh : son of

« Alaodin D.

See ALAODIN, p. 25.

ruotolo : by Pegolotti, for rail.

See CANTAR, p. 158.

ruotolo : unit of weight.

See CANTAR, p. 158.

  • Russian clerks » : Plan-Carpine

was indebted for his information to them, whom he had met at Güyük's court.


Rustam : the mention of his birth with hands full of blood, like Chinghiz-khan, is probably an interpolation.

See CINGHIS, p. 288.

Rustichello : professional recaster of romances.

See ALEXANDRE (1), p. 26. Ram : i. e. Fu-lin.

See ALAINS, p. 17.

Ram or Asia Minor : (« hair-satin n was made in).

See CAMLET, p. 144.


See AMBERGRIS, p. 35.

*Rzie-njä : « Black River » in HsiHsia. It is the « Hei-shui » of the Chinese texts. N.A. Nevski' made it probable that it represents Eçina.

See EÇINA, p. 638.

` o).icivr1 : Roxana, in Persian Rôâanak.

See DARIUS, p. 615.

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