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0280 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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266   INDEX

*tengizik : = « tengizich », in the Codex Cumanicus, perhaps a

derivative form of tängiz.

See CINGHIS, p. 301.

teniz : Kirgh., corresponds to Turk. tängiz.

See CINGHIS, p. 300.

  • Temiugu » : (read « Temugin ») var. of « Demugin » by Rubrouck, for « Tämüjin ».

See CINGHIS, p. 289.

  • Temugin » : to be read instead of

  • Temiugu », by Rubrouck, for

  • Tämüjin ».

See CINGHIS, p. 289.

  • terak » (= tiräk) given as the Turkish word for « tree » in general in Codex Cumanicus. See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634.

teräk = tiräk. An old Turkish word listed in Kâsyari and meaning « poplar ».

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634. teredatio » : = Tiridates, on a Fra Mauro's map.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 635. Terek (basin of) : (Hülägü's armies never advanced to the north beyond the).

See BERCA, p. 94.

« Termeli » : = Termelit; on a Fra Mauro's map.


Termelit : an island in the vicinity of Nebile.


« Teronda » : a document of 1289 from Caffa refers to the sale of a slave having this name. See MENGIAR, p. 778.

Terra Feminarum : of Adam of Bremen and the sixth-century text of pseudo-Zachariah the Rhetor.


  • tau-lä : this is Ch. tou-lo, in tou-lo-mien, « cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 430.

Tê-chou : (on the Grand Canal).

On the direct road from Cho-chou to Chi-ning.

See CACANFU, p. 116.

Tê-chou : on the road from Peking to Chi-ning in the Mongol period; Polo's itinerary must have passed there. It is the modern Ling-hsien.

See CIANGLI, p. 258, 259.

Tê-hsien : now for the modern Tê-chou, the Ling-chou of the Imperial envoys of 1276.

See CIANGLI, p. 259.

Tê-hua : locally « Tek-hde », a hsien north-east of Ch'üan-chou and a wellknown centre for the manufacture of white porcelain. See TINGIU, p. 853-854.

Tê-shun : (now Ching-ning) Chinghiz-khan carried this chou in the fourth month of ting-hai (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 310.

T'ê-mu-chên : Chinese transcription for Tämüjin, name of Chinghiz-khan.

See CINGHIS, p. 289.

« T'ê-su » : interversion of characters for Su-t'8.

See ALAINS, p. 16.

t'ê-wu : is used for Wan-hu. See « Vanchu ».

See TOMAN, p. 859.

têng : its value is uncertain. It cannot be traced as a measure word in any Chinese text, except that of Chao Ju-kua (1225).

It is probably the same word which occurs a century later in the Tao-i chih-lio.

See CAPDOILLE, p. 160.

Têng Chi-chih : the younger brother of the king of the kingdom of Pu-tsu, who came in 793 to join the Empire.


Têng-chou (Shantung) : where we find gerfalcons in the middle of the 12th cent.

See BARGU, p. 79.

T'êng-ch'iao : « Bridge of Creepers », built across the So-i River. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 705.

« Thaguthar » : name of l:ayatai's grandson in the Georgian chronicle.

See CARAUNAS, p. 193. THAI.

The twelve « Thai » represent the Yü-shih-t'ai and its representatives in the provinces. Yü-shih-t'ai is generally translated by « Board of Censors ». See p. 851-852.

« Thaigin » (? < * Caiciu) according

to Ramusio, perhaps a conta-

mination with « Caagiu ». See CAAGIU, p. 114.

  • Thaigin » (miscopied « Taighin »), or « Taicin » : according to Pauthier was the transcription of T'ai-ch'ing, the name of a fortified pass, somewhat southwest of P'u-thou-fu; identified with Caiciu.

See CAICIU, p. 123.

« Thakudar » : for Z`ayatai's grandson in the Armenian account of Malakia (late 13th cent.).

See CARAUNAS, p. 193.

  • Tharquasia » : var. of Tharquesia in the Libellus de notitia orbis. See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Tharquesia » : in the Libellus de notitia orbis; read « Charquesia »?

See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Tharzara » : occurs in V as a corrupt reading for « Berta », cannot be connected with « Chariziera ».

See CHARIZIERA, p. 237. Thaurisium : = Tabriz.

See BARIS, p. 80.

thâna : stheina occurs in our Khotanese (« aka ») texts in this Prakrit form.

See CIN, p. 271.

  • The Great and Small Tattooed Faces » : mentioned together on the Chinese map.

See DAGROIAN, p. 614.

« The Great Tattooed Faces » : were perhaps the Battak kingdom of Nagur of the Toba See to the Panè River.

See DAGROIAN, p. 614.

  • Theguthar » : name of Z`ayatai's grandson in the Georgian chronicle.

See CARAUNAS, p. 193.

Themurci » : rendering, in Georgian texts, of the name Tämüjin. See CINGHIS, p. 290.

theriaca » : in use in the East during the Middle Ages.

See ASSASSIN, p. 54.

The Small Tattooed Faces » : were perhaps a Battak kingdom of Nagur (« Nagore ») in the region of Pedir.

See DAGROIAN, p. 614.

The sol tree » : according to Houtum-Schindlers assertion, stands for the Persian dirabt-i sol, the cypress of Zoroaster.