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0211 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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  • O-don-kas-dkar ' : i.e. u Odon (Khotan) and Qasqar (Käsyar) D, the earliest mention in Tibetan of the modern name.

See CASCAR, p. 208.

  • 0-don-kas-dkar » : in a Tibetan chronicle, for Kothan and Käsyar.

See COTAN, p. 416.

I 0-duan D : (YS); the Chinese characters are Wo-tuan.

See COTAN, p. 415.

  • 0-duan nao-rh D : erroneously given as the Mongol form of Hsing-hsiu-hai.

See COTAN, p. 416.

  • -i-o : ai-kên, the Nü-chên term for r husband D, represents the word transcribed like that in the late Jucen Vocabulary. See CIORCIA, p. 375.

  • -la : is the native word for • piebald D.

See CALACIAN, p. 135.

0-la (*At-Lit) : (the native name of the Po-ma tribe, preserved

in Chinese texts as).

See CALACIAN, p. 135.

O-io-chili : (*At-IA-eke) : (the native name of the Po-ma tribe preserved in Chinese texts as). See CALACIAN, p. 135.

0-lo-ssû : or A-lo-ssû, transcription of the name of the Russians in the Mongol period.

See COTAN, p. 415.

0-lü : river by which a large u Lone Tree » stood.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 629.

0-ni : u Russian ni », u Russian cloth ».

See COTTON, p. 431.

0-tuas : (Odon) this should be read instead of A-tuan.

See COTAN, p. 416.

O-t'ieh-ku-hu-lan : (Mountain) Ögödäi died there in 1241. See CINGHIS, p. 321.




0-eu-k'o : mountain north of the Tilla and opposite the Iianûla.

See CINGHIS, p. 346.

0 Yen-êrh : a queen of the Kingdom of Women who came in 691692 to render homage to the Court.


C Ocean of (Pa)-ta-fang : i.e. of Patiam.

See BETTALA, p. 95.

  • Ochian » : mentioned by the Augustine Martin de Rada; it surely meant Fu-chien.

See FUGIU, p. 726.

Oda : (or Uda, Ota, Uta) for Odan in the Mongol MS of Ulänbator.

See COTAN, p. 415.

Odan : to be read instead of Udan, for Khotan in the Secret History. The real pronunciation must have been then Odon.

See COTAN, p. 415.

*Odan : (*Utan, *Otan) the name rendered as Udan in the Secret History could also be read in that way.

See COTAN, p. 415.

*'Odan : Yü-t'ien would be this Hsiung-nu pronunciation of the native form of Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 412.

  • Odjaout-kodi » : misreading for the title given to Tämüjin occuring in Rasid.

See CINGHIS, p. 292.

Odon : Turkish and Mongolian name of Khotan in the Middle Ages; Yü-tun represents it. See COTAN, p. 412.

Odon : Altaic name of Khotan in the Middle Ages; there are other examples of such double names. See COTAN, p. 414.

Odon : occurs as Wo-tuan in YS. See COTAN, p. 415.

  • Odon D : occurs in Käsyari along-

side of u Ijotan ».

See COTAN, p. 414.

*'Odon : Yü-tun would be this pronunciation of the native form of Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 412.

Odon-tala Valley : near the sources of the Huang-ho.


oyruq : Mong., impedimenta (Chin. tzü-chung).

See CINGHIS, p. 311.

Oyrug6i : mistaken for the name of Nambui's son by Rasid. See CUBLAI, p. 568.

Oyrugci : may be the son of Dbrbä;in.

See CUBLAI, p. 568.

Oyrugci : 7th son of Qubilai.

See CUBLAI, p. 569.

ôlâr : pronounciation, at Kula, of ular.

See CATORS, p. 230.

  • Onan Kerule D : (Onon and Kern-

ten) according to Rubrouck, Chinghiz-khan's four main ordos were in this region.

See CINGHIS, p. 343.

Onan-mürän ü täri'ün-ä : the Secret History says that the Burganqaldun lay u at the source of the Onon D.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

  • Onankerule » : by Rubrouck,

=Onon and Kerulen. See CINGHIS, p. 330.

  • ondanique » : for the Polo's word andanique; Yule also proposes this form. The real word must be hundwaniy, • indian steel D. See ANDANIQUE, p. 41.

  • One-armed Folk D : mentioned in the list of barbarian countries in the Huai-nan-tzü.


  • One-legged Folk 3 : mentioned in