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INDEX   237

Sängkür : (the modern Sängkür) mentioned east of the Burganqaldun.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

sängi : (or sänggi) Uighur spelling, for zängi, is a misreading. See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 599.

*sängi : sêng-ch'i normally renders this original, not zängi.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 599.

Sängkür : (or Sängkür), now called Cenkir, flows into the Kerulen at the southernmost point of the curve of the latter.

See CINGHIS, p. 322.

sara, sârt : Keim. < Mong. sa'ari, a loins ».

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

säräh : Pers. « breadth of white silk », once connected with « a p » and « Seres ».

See C1N, p. 265.

a Stirgäs » : pi. « Särgäsüt », the Circassians (Secret History). See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Särgäsüt » : (pl. of « Särgäs ») in the Secret History, for the Circassians.

See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Särkäs » : pi. « Särkäsüt », the Circassians (Secret History). See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Särkäsüt » : (pi. of « Särkäs ») in the Secret History, for the Circassians.

See ÇIC, p. 607.

särvi : Osm. Turk. for « cypress », in Persian särw.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634.

särw : cypress. According to Houtum-Schindler, « sol » is one of the dialectical forms särw. Seems to be attested only in kurdish.

See DRY (LONE) TREE p. 629.

särw (Pers.) > Osm. Turk. särvi, « cypress D. Fallmerayer derives this from sirpe.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634.

Särahs : cannot be represented by the Chin. transcription Hsiehia-shi; appears as Sa-la-ha-hsi. See CIELSTAN, p. 264.

sä'üji : « loins », sometimes « hill ». See CINGHIS, p. 320.

*Sä'üji : « Loins », « hill » in place names, Hsiao-chih in YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 322.

Sä'ü)i-yin obô : may be on the itinerary of Ho-shih-la.

See CINGHIS, p. 322.

Sä'üsä : name given to the « Altan qan » by the Mongols. Intended to render the Chinese hsiaossd, « small servant ». Seems to have been adopted because of its phonetic analogy with Shou-hsü. Also a name given to the Ming Emperor Ching-t'ai by the Mongols.

See FACFUR, p. 661.

sBal-ti : the Tibetan texts distinguish this name from 'Bru-lal or Bru-ia.

See BELOR, p. 92.

sbaü : (Khmêr) : brazil-wood. See BRAZIL, p. 104.

S. Barçauma (monastery of) : was in the south-east of Malatia, not far from Gargar, the present Borsnn Qal`äsi which was at times the residence of the Jacobite patriarch in the 12th and 13th cents.

See BARSAMO, p. 82.

*Scacatay : mentioned by Rubrouck; the restoration of the name would be Cayatai.

See CIAGATAI, p. 252.

Scaliger : his work, Exotericarum Exercitationum Liber quintus decimus de Subtilitate was published in 1557.

See COTTON, p. 524.


This is Ishkashm (ISkasm). The old Chinese transcription is S8-chia-shên.

See p. 826-827.

Schech : perhaps equivalent to « Sech » in Z.

See ESCEQE, p. 648.

« Scheikham » : this must be a misreading of Sän}ü. See ÇAITON, p. 596.

« Scheikhoun » : this must be a misreading of Sânjù.

See ÇAITON, p. 596.

scherani : (It., « bandits »), is « a scaranis » of Latin version. Probably, has taken the place of caraunas.

See CARAUNAS, p. 195.

« Schiras » : in Schiltberger, for Sirâz. See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.

Schorian : it seems clear that it

is an erroneous reading of Polo's Scotra, i. e. Socotra.


« Sciamuthera » : name applied by Conti, c. 1430, to the whole island.

See SUMATRA, p. 838.

« Sciechutai » : on Mauro's map, could be Sukhotai, the capital of Siam.


In all cases this represents shêng. There were twelve in the Mongol period, one being the metropolitan Chung-shu-shêng, the others the provincial « moving » Chung-shu-shêng.

See p. 827-829.


Must be interpreted as Si -}- er. The name is usually transcribed Sihr, a place on the southern coast of Arabia, but the real vocalization in mediaeval times must have beem Sihär.

See p. 829.

« Scierno » : on Mauro's map, could be Sahr-i-nau, i. e. Ayuthia. Would be another spelling of of Poggio's « Cemove ».

See CARAGIAN, p. 180.

« Scierno » : it is probably Lakhnaoti (or Gaur) in Bengal.

See QIUAN-QUTANSUI, p. 818. « *Sciolistan » : « Suolistan » of Z and R may represents this original.

See CIELSTAN, p. 263.

*Sciraç : the expected « Polo-Rustichello » spelling should have been that.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.

scorolius : (scuriolus) Mediaeval Latin forms of squirrel of which there seems no phonetic connection with ercolin.

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

scoyroli : rendered siagingiaf in Persian and caratein in Turkish, according to the Codex Cumanicus.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

scuriolus : (scorolius) mediaeval Latin forms of squirrel of which there seems no phonetic connection with ercolin.

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

Sdam : another form of the Mosso