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0089 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   75

is « Urmûz » (Ibn IJorda8bäh, 844-848).

For the Ha-êrh-ma-mou of YS, Hormuz is most improbable. In the Chinese texts of the Mongol dynasty, if we except Hu-li-mu-tzn based on a Mussulman map, Hormuz occurs only once, as Hu-lu-mu-ssü. Hormuz comes to the front in Chinese texts only in the first half of the 15th cent.

The embassy arriving in 1433 must have been sent in 1432 by Saifu-'d-Din.

See p. 576-582.

Curr : = Kur, Kurr. river of which Rubrouck speaks.

See GIORGIENS, p. 738.

  • Curti » : in Ricold, for the Kurds. See CURD, p. 575.

  • Cuthe » : var. of Odoric's « Çuche D. See CUIUCCI, p. 573.

  • cuttanee » : Anglo-Indian, derived from Pers. qutuni, and not from Ar. kättân.

See COTTON, p. 427.

it Cuyuc » : in Plan Carpine, correct form for Güyük.

See CUI, p. 570.

  • Cuyuccan » : in Plan Carpine, correct form for Giiyük. See CUI, p. 570.

  • Cuyuckan » : in Plan Carpine, correct form for Güyük. See CUI, p. 570.

  • Cuyx » : occurs, for Ki"s, in the Spanish version of Barbosa, who does not mention it in the Portuguese text.

See CHISCI, p. 245.

cù lao : Annamese, borrowed from the Cham.

See CON DUR, p. 406.

  • Cyn » : Manzi, by Marignolli. See CIN, p. 276.

  • Cyngiiin » : in Odoric, for Singili, Cranganore. See COILUM, p. 401.

  • Cynkalan » • (« i.e. Great India ») by Marignolli, for Canton. See CIN, p. 276.

  • Cynkali » • (of « Mynibar »), opposed by Marignolli to « Cynkalan, Great India »; has nothing to do with « ein ».

See CIN, p. 276.



Cyprcea : in Greek, it was called « pig [-shell] ».

See PORCELAIN, p. 805. Cyprcea annulus : « cowry ».

See COWRIES, p. 533.

Cyprcea annulus : this is the cowry found in the Philippines, it had replaced the Cyprcea monta in Siam in 1872.

See COWRIES, p. 557. Cyprcea macula : this is the Cyprcea

called tzü pei or ta-pei since the 4th or 5th cent.

See COWRIES, p. 542. Cyprcea moneta : cowries, Polo's « porcelains D.

See COWRIES, p. 531.

Cyprcea moneta : « cowry »; it came to be used as regular currency in Asia and later in Africa. See COWRIES, p. 533.

Cyprcea moneta : true cowry, Ch. specific designations of it have been in use at least since the early 5th cent. A. D.

See COWRIES, p. 542.

Cyprcea moneta : the cowries which came to Siam from the Maldives according to the Chinese texts of the early 15th cent.

See COWRIES, p. 556.

Cyprcea moneta : this is not the « fish » found in the Maldives according to Ibn-Ballutah, which must be the bonito.

See COWRIES, p. 559. Cypress of Zoroaster : diraht-i sol, « the sol tree b.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 629-630.

Cyprus : (at the beginning of the 16th cent « camocas » was still made in).

See CAMOCAS, p. 146. cytiacam : in the Prague ms.

See ASSASSIN, p. 54.