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0098 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 98 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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84   INDEX

have theoretically this as «

Pingu ».

See ÇIPINGU, p. 608. ÇIRAÇ.

This is Siràz in Fars, given by Polo as one of the eight « kingdoms D of Persia.

Skim appears in Chinese as Shih-lo-tzi , probably Shê-latzû, and Shih-la-ssii.

See p. 609-610.

  • Çintiyè D : on the Nestorian tablet of 781, ethnical name based on •Çin> Cin.

See CIN, p. 270.

  • Çinstàn D : on the Nestorian tablet of 781, renders the same form as the « Cynstn » of a Sogdian document.

See CIN, p. 270.

t Çonça? D : (see « Gouza », « Zouza'). See ACHBALUCH, p. 9.

« Çuche D : name given by Odoric to four barons who always accompanied the Mongol Emperor; it cannot be restored as käfiktän.


This is Ar. Da'l-Qarnain, « Master of the Two Horns », an epithet of Alexander the Great.

See p. 610.


This is Ar. Du-'i-faqir, vulg. Zuffigar, « Master of the Vertebrae D.

The exact location of the asbes-
tos mines which were under

« Çulficar D's supervision has not yet been determined. The

Pieh-ch'ieh-ch'ih   mountain
mentioned in YS was probably out of China proper; it may or may not be the one mentioned by Polo.

See p. 610-611.

Çulika : (in Indian texts) attempts have been made to trace this name to that of the Sogdians. See CASCAR, p. 201.

« Çurficar D : in spite of this form in F, Polo must have used « Çulficar D.

See ÇULFICAR, p. 610.