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INDEX   187

mu-mien : Wang Chêng quoting the Kuang chou chi says that the southern Barbarians have it.

See COTTON, p. 503.

mu-mien : « cotton »; Wang Chêng mentions it before 1276 in Chêchiang, Chiang-su, An-hui and Ssû-ch'uan.

See COTTON, p. 503.

mu-mien : « cotton »; an edict of 1295-1296 mentions it as being accepted in payment of State taxes.

See COTTON, p. 504.

mu-mien : « cotton »; the YS says that the old clothes of Chinghiz-khan and Qubilai-khan were made of it or of plain silk.

See COTTON, p. 505.

mu-mien : « cotton »; its use was universally adopted in 1368. See COTTON, p. 506. mu-mien-hua : « tree-cotton-flower »; according to Lu Jung, it is the same as the p'an-chih hua. See COTTON, p. 480. mu-mien hua : « mu-mien flower »; Wang Shih-mou says that it is the same as the p'an-chih hua.

See COTTON, p. 481.

Mu-mien Pu : « the Cotton Pu »; name of an aboriginal tribe of Yün-nan.

See COTTON, p. 463.

Mu-mien p'u : a description of the various kinds of cotton by Ch'u Hua (end of the 18th cent.) See COTTON, p. 506.

mu-mien to hsing-chang : « great field tent of cotton » (T'aiting-ti was presented in 1325 or 1326 with a...).

See COTTON, p. 505.

mu-mien t'i-chü-ssû : « cotton inspectorates », established in 1289 for cotton growing provinces (YS).

See COTTON, p. 504.

Mu-mien t'u-p'u : it never existed as an independant work and belongs to Wang Chêng's Nung shu.

See COTTON, p. 502.

« mu-mien tree » : (of the IVu lu) Li Shih-chên connects it with the « p'an-chih-hua »; Hsü Kuang-ch'i opposed him with very sound reasons.

See COTTON, p. 487.

Mu-na-shan : (« Mu-na Mountain ») this is the Muna of « Sanang Setsen ».

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

« Mu-na » : (« land of the Huang-ho ») it is the Muna-]fan.

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

« Mu-na » : a muddy place of the ») Chinese translation of Munayin kögübür.

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

Mu-nai-hsi : Chinese transcription of Mulâbidah (Ismailians). See MULECTE, p. 786.

Mu-nai-i : in the Cho-kêng lu of 1366; there is a legend about this Mussulman, which seems to apply to the founder of the Mulahidah (Ismailians).

See MULECTE, p. 786.

mu-p'o-lo : (T'ai-p'ing yü-lan) this corrupt rubric is due to the confusion of so and p'o, and to a graphic corruption of shou, « to collect » into mu « to tend cattle ».

See COTTON, p. 471.

Mu-ts'u : this is corrupt for Mu-lu (Mein).

See COTTON, p. 494.

*Muâ-xâ-t'si-nâ . Mo-ho-chih-na, Chinese for « Mahacina ». See CIN, p. 272.

*Muâ-xâ-t'sie-nâ : Mo-ho-chih-na, Chinese for « Mahâcina ». See CIN, p. 272.

*Muâ-xâ-t'sén-tân : Mo-ho-chên-tan, Chinese for « Mahâcina ».

See CIN, p. 272.

*Muât-yât : Mo-ho, the name of the Wu-chi in the 7th cent.

See CIORCIA, p. 380. *Muât-13. : Mo-lo of Chia Tan's itineraries, Ba§ra.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

*Muât-luk : this is Mo-lu (of Mo-lu tieh).

See COTTON, p. 493.

*Muât-luk : this is the kingdom of Mo-lu.

See COTTON, p. 494.

Muc » : (by Rubrouck) its origin is perhaps an ancient name of Corea.

See CAULI, p. 235.

*muge : the Juêen form supposed by the transcription mw-ch'ê.

See CIORCIA, p. 377.

muJen : this is the word corresponding in Manchu to the Juêen word kettle, transcribed in Chinese mu-hsien and mu-ch'ê. See CIORCIA, p. 377.

Mug-lig : Tibetan form of an ancient name of Corea at the end of the T'ang dynasty.

See CAULI, p. 235.

« Mughostan » : (« Mnyostan ») adduced as a possible original of Mo-lo in the erroneous identification of it with Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 579. mughystân : « Palmetum ».

See CURMOS, p. 579. Muhammad or Muhammad-sah : 'Ala'u-'d-Din's grandson.

See ABAGA, p. 4.

*Muk-luk : this is Mu-lu, Mem; mu (*muk) must be corrupt for mo (* mudt).

See COTTON, p. 494. Mukkuvan : it was the lowest class on the Malabar coast.

See GAVI, p. 732.

Mukran : the name of this province is often read Makran or Mekran. See KESMACORAN, p. 759.

Mu-kua : name under which the Mukkuvan are mentioned by Ma Huan in 1416.

See GAVI, p. 732.

Mukuri : Sanskrit form of an ancient name of Corea at the end of the T'ang dynasty.

See CAULI, p. 235. MULECTE.

It is the name given to the Ismailians by Mussulman writers of the time : mulbid, mulâlaidah. It is under this term that Chinese texts know Ismailians. See p. 785-787.

Mul-Jawa : mentioned by Ibn BaIIûlah, it is the island of Java.

See JAVA, p. 756.

Muna : in the late Mongol legend, the car with Chinghiz-khan's coffin remained stuck in the mud there.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Mina : the place is important in the history or in the legend of Chinghiz-khan.

See CINGHIS, p. 345.

Mina : the mention of Chinghizkhan's tomb near it is the outcome of the legend of the Mina in « Sanang Setsen i.

See CINGHIS, p. 348.