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222   INDEX

Qarauna : first mention of this name in 1270, by Baraq, who ruled over the house of Cayatai. See CARAUNAS, p. 189. Qarauna Cuban » : a chiliarch, may be a chiliarch of the Qaraunas. See CARAUNAS, p. 185. garaunas : the Mongol final -s has been retained in Persian, Armenian, etc.

See CINGHIS, p. 300.

Qaraunas : the form most frequently used by Persian historians of the Mongol period for a particular group of troops living in Persia.

See CARAUNAS, p. 184.

Qaraunas : the name appears only after Hüiâgü's Mongols had settled in Persia; it is not known in Mongolia nor does it occur in Far Eastern texts. It seems to have disappeared now.

See CARAUNAS, p. 187.

Qaraunas : they were at Herat in 1272 and made their submission to Abaya there in 1278. In 1278 or 1279, most of them were taken to Bagdad and there, Aryun formed with them a tämän in 1282-83. When Ahmad was defeated in 1284 by Aryun, they sacked his camp. They revolted in Mery in 1290-1291.

See CARAUNAS, p. 189-190.

Qaraunas : Ibn Ballùlah, travelling in India, heard this name as a designation of people located between N.W. India and Turkistan.

See CARAUNAS, p. 190.

Qaraunas : (magical practices) according to Ramusio, they learned that art in India, when they reached « Malabar ». But in Polo's time, the Mongols had not reached it.

See CARAUNAS, p. 195.

Qaraunas : (alias Nägüdärï) seem to have been the ancestors of the Nägüdäri > Nägdäri of the region of Kabul in Bäbur's time. See CARAUNAS, p. 194.

Qaraunas : the first mention, in 1270, occurs in a region open to inroads of the Cayatai princes, and the last mention, in 1547,

refers to the people of the Cayatai dominions.

See CARAUNAS, p. 195.

Qaraunas : in eastern Persia, said to be responsible for dense fogs by enchantements.


Qaraunas : (see « Caraunas ») Yule found that it had actually plundered Lahore.

See DILIVAR, p. 626.

Qaraunas : Wa§säf calls them näsnas, he says that they are similar to apes (näsnds) and not to men (nä nds).

See CARAUNAS, p. 188.

Qaräuna : Ibn Battütah mentions a Sultan Tuyluq who was one of the Turks known under this name, and who live between the Sind and the Land of the Turks.

Tuyluq ruled from 1320 to 1324.

See CARAUNAS, p. 190.

Qaräunas : late spelling of Qaraunas in the ,afar-ndmä, has no primary authority.

See CARAUNAS, p. 184. gara'ula- : « watched over ».

See CINGHIS, p. 352.

Qara'un-gabcal: in Mongol and Persian texts, its formation is similar to that of Qara'un-jidun. There is no reason to connect it with the name of the Qara'una.

See CARAUNAS, p. 186.

Qara'una : (> Qarauna), pi. Qara'unas, is certainly a true Mongolian name; it is probably derived from gara, « black a.

See CARAUNAS, p. 186.

gara'utai : Mong. « blackish », may be represented by Ko-lao-t'ai. See CINGHIS, p. 319.

*Qara'utu : one of the forms Ha-laot'u may represent.

See CINGHIS, p. 319. *Qarautai : one of the forms Kolao-t'ai may represent.

See CINGHIS, p. 319.

« Qaravnas » : connected by Quatre-mère with the Qaranut, who would have changed their Mongol name once introduced into Persia.

See CARAUNAS, p. 185.

Qaräwänäs : late spelling of Qaraunas, in the Ta'rih-i Raidi of 1547, has no primary authority.

See CARAUNAS, p. 184.

«Qarawänäas» :( = Qaraunas) in the Ta'rih-i Rasidi, completed in 1547, name given, by the Moyols of Moyolistan, to the Cayatai people. It means « brigands ».

See CARAUNAS, p. 187.

garbuz : (qarpuz) Turk., « watermelon », the Russian form of which is arbuz.

See CINGHIS, p. 348.

gareiyai : the name of the goshawk, in Turkish as well as in Persian See AVIGI, p. 57.

Qaryalïq : it could be Hsüan-tsang's Chê-chü-chia.

See YARCAN, p. 882.

Qaryanatu : (or Qarayanatu) « Place with Acacia-trees », Ha-êrh-hana-t'u in YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

« Qaryuna nutuq » : (« Camp of Qaryuna »).

See CARAUNAS, p. 186.

Qaryuna-gan : a mountain mentioned in « Sanang Setsen ». But this mention can give no information as to an original seat of the Qaraunas.

See CARAUNAS, p. 186.

r Qariltu na'ur » : (Qariltu Lake) cannot be the same as the Ko-lao-t'ai Lake.

See CINGHIS, p. 318.

Qarluq : (Qayalïq, founded in the beginning of the 12th cent. by the).

See CAIDU, p. 126.

Qarluq Turks : name of a tribe used to make incursions upon Khotan.


qarpuz : (qarbuz) Turk., « watermelon », the Russian form of which is arbuz.

See CINGHIS, p. 348.

garquwi : perhaps identical to karsab, kawkab and kilksab (or kûkasb).

See FANSUR, p. 670.

gas : (< Turk. qal) Mong., « jade ». See COTON, p. 424.