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0038 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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*Biigä-buqa : a regular Turkish name, which « Bulgaboga » (King) seems to be.

See CINGHIS, p. 304.

« Bileri » (plural form) : in Plan Car-pine, for Buiyàr.

See BOLGARA, p. 99.

« Bilidju » : the restoration of 'Brichu, in Br, should be rejected. See BRIUS, p. 107.

« Billnr mountains » : are « Crystal mountains ».

See BELOR, p. 92.

Biiôhar and Bôdàsäf : it is the old Persian version of the legend of Barlaam and Josaphat.

See IOSAFAT, p. 751.

« bing-pig » : read instead : « ding-pig », the year (1227) of Chinghiz-khan's death in the Altan tobéi.

See CINGHIS, p. 309.

« bing-pig » : (the year of the death of Chinghiz in the Altan tobci) i.e. ping-hai, may be supposed to be an error for « ding-pig », i. e. ting-hai (1227).

See CINGHIS, p. 317.

Binh-dinh (coast of...) : this was probably the Champa of the early Arabic travellers.

See CONDUR, p. 406.

« Bintari » : = Bintang.

See PENTAN, p. 802.

Bisiäm : more anciently form of Bostam.

See DRY(LONE)TREE, p. 630. Bisun-qahalqa . misreading for Yésnn-gähäigä, south of the Liu-p'an-shan.

See CINGHIS, p. 327. *Bitäkätii : « Wen-necked? »; Pi-t'ê-

ch'ieh-t'u (region) in YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

bitikei : (Uigh.) title of an officer; is meaning « secretary D.

See BERCA, p. 93.

biya : Malay, « shell », « cowry »; it cannot be separated from Siamese bid', etc.

See COWRIES, p. 554.

Bisutùn : in 1303, Ghazan went through Nihàvand and C.amcai to this place.

See DRY (LONE)TREE, p. 629. b'd : Siamese name of the cowry; it cannot be separated from Malay biya.

See COWRIES, p. 554.

*b'jau : one hypothesis would be to read fu of Fu-shê, Fu-shih,

with this pronunciation; the names would render *Vu)ä, * Vusi.

See COTAN, p. 421.

  • B'iau d'i'ia : read in that way, Fu-shê would render *Vu)ä. See COTAN, p. 421.

  • B'Ou-,i : read in that way, Fu-shih would render *Vusi.

See COTAN, p. 421.

*B'iuk-,si : Fu-shih, the first characters of the name of one of the Khotanese kings.

See COTAN, p. 421.

« Black City » : Khara-khoto.

See EÇINA, p. 637.

« Black Forest of the Tula » : Chinghiz-khan's ordo of Mongolia is said in the Secret History to have been there.

See CINGHIS, p. 309.

« Black Hnlûn » : Erdmann's translation of Qara-Hiilan.


black Lo-ch'a : or Ràkgasa, a people who bartered only at night. See DARKNESS (PROVINCE OF), p. 624.

« Black River » : the Hsi-Hsia *Rife-njä, Hei-shui in chinese texts.

See EÇINA, p. 638.

« Black Russia » : in Fra Mauro. See DARKNESS (PROVINCE OF), p. 619.

blan-pho geufe : Tibetan title earned by the Nan-chao sovereign. See CARAGIAN, p. 175.

« Blankara » : this is Bhäskara. See COWRIES, p. 557.

b.laryu : should be read, balaryui and bûlaryu : « men (or animals) gone astray » (in Rasid's text). See BULARGUCI, p. 113.


Martyrdom on 316, S. Blasius, bishop of Sebaste (Sivas). His tomb is at Sivas.

A god Volos or Veles (Slays) is supposed to go back originally to Saint Blasius.

See p. 97.

« Blue-cap Mussulmans » : or Jews. See ALAINS, p. 23.

B.lnh.r : Arabic and Persian writting of the name Bariam.

The explanation of B.lùh.r is to see it in a transcription of purohita, « royal chaplain n.

B.iiih.r to be read as *Bulnhir> *Balnhar and *Biiûhar. See BARLAM, p. 81.

Blumea balsamifera : according to Gerini, the plant in India from which camphor must have been obtained. Described as a « half-shrubby weed ».

See FANSUR, p. 666.

« Bo-lan-ghi » : in Br.

See BULARGUCI, p. 113.

boa : Goldi, connected with boyda> boydo.

See COTAN, p. 420.

bocacln : (Span.).

See BUCKRAM, p. 112.

« Bocar » : Bokhara, on Catalan Map. See BUCARA, p. 109.

« Bocara » : Bokhara in the 2nd ver-

sion of the document of 1221

studied by Zarncke.

See BUCARA, p. 109.

« bocaran » : in F.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

bocasin : (Engl.).

See BUCKRAM, p. 112.

« Boccara » : Bokhara, in Hethum.

See BUCARA, p. 109.

« boccassini » : in Ramusio, instead

of « bucherami ».

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

« Bochar » : Bokhara, on the Medici


See BUCARA, p. 109.

« Bokhara » : Bokhara, in Fra Mauro.

See BUCARA, p. 109.

« Bocharâ » : Bokhara, in the 3rd

version of the document of 1221,

studied by Zarncke.

See BUCARA, p. 109.

« bocharanus » : (in Brätianu) low

Latin form.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

bochasino : (the coarse material desi-


See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

« bochasini » : in a Genoese fisca I

statute of 1339.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

« bochayrani » : in a Genoese fiscal

statute of 1339.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

bock : (corrupt for bohda) occurs

in the Ulan-Bator ms.

See COTAN, p. 420.

Bodhisattva : it was used as an

epithet of Sâkyamuni.

See IOSAFAT, p. 750.