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0297 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   283

Uriyangqadai : son of Sübötäi. See AGIUL, p. 14, 15.

Uriyangqadai : during his campaign in Yün-nan, he arrived first at Shan-shan and later on took Yaëi.

His biography is in YS, 121. See IACI, p. 745-746. Uriyangqadai : Ajul's father.

See MONGATAI, p. 782. Uriyangqai : ( > Uryangqai) singular of « Uryänggät ».

See CINGHIS, p. 337. Uriyangqan : this is the singular of

  • Uryänggät ».

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

Urislim : or Urïslïm. Name under which Jerusalem is known in Uigur.

See JERUSALEM, p. 758.

  • Urmùz » : (Ibn IIordaabäh, 844- 848) earliest mediaeval mention of Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

Ursut : tribe name (Urasut).

See BARGU, p. 77.

  • Urtukhata » : this is Urtuqta. See CURMOS, p. 581.

Urtuqta : arrived at the Persian Court on February 24, 1286. See CURMOS, p. 581.

Urungu : this is Raid's *Ûrüngä. See CINGHIS, p. 342.

Urus : or Oros ; this was the name of the Russians, not *Aros.

See COTAN, p. 415.

Urugäi : captured by Chinghiz in Raid's account; it is Wu-la-hai, Wo-to-hai. Although not identified, must have been in Kan-su. See CINGHIS, p. 315.

  • Uryankhit » : cannot be retained for the « Uryänggät ».

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

*Uryangqa : (of Manchuria) the Uryangqai have nothing to do with them.

See CINGHIS, p. 337. Uryangqadai : ethnical derivative form of Uryangqai.

See CINGHIS, p. 337. Uryangqai : singular of Raid's

  • Uryänggät s; it seems that they were in charge of Chinghizkhan's tomb and were real Mongols.

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

Uryangqai : the Mongol legend connects their name with that

of the Burgan-galdun at an early date.

See CINGHIS, p. 337.


Uryangqai » : (« of the Woods ),) we may provisionally accept that they were the Uryangqai in charge of Chinghiz-khan's tomb. See CINGHIS, p. 337.

Uryangqan : this is the « Uryangqät ».

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

  • Uryänggat » : this cannot be the correct reading for *Ürünga. See CINGHIS, p. 342.

Uryänggät : according to Raid, the keepers of Chinghiz-khan's burial ground are leaders of those tribes.

See CINGHIS, p. 335.

  • Uryänggät » : (Raid) this is the plural of Uriyangqai. Raid wished to distinguish them from the « Uryänggat of the Woods », but he mixes up them often.

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

Uryänggät » : it is tempting to correct « Clint » to this name. See CINGHIS, p. 342.

Uryänggät-i bésä : (Raid) « Uryang-qat of the Woods »; their leader Dolan' should keep guard at Chinghiz-khan's burial ground.

See CINGHIS, p. 335.

Uspenskoe or Bolgarskoe : where were the ruins of the city of Bulyär.

See BOLGARA, p. 99.

Uspenskoe or Bolgarskoe : four miles east of the Volga, and about 90 miles south of Kazan. See DARKNESS (PROVINCE OF), p. 618.

usticwänhäi : (Raid), « bones » (of the princes at Büda-ûndür). See CINGHIS, p. 342.

Uta : (or Oda, Uda, Ota) for Odan in the Mong. MS of Ulän-bätor. See COTAN, p. 415.

  • utalu boyol » : read *ötügü boyol or *ötägü boyol.

See CINGHIS, p. 336.

*titan : (*Odan, *Otan) the name rendered as Udan in the Secret History could also be read in that way.

See COTAN, p. 415.

  • Uthen » : an explanation of it has been tried with the name of a

stûpa of «A-dha-ma» mentioned in a Tibetan chronicle of Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 414.

Utqun-Talan-Quduq : (or Uiqun-), according to Raid, Chinghizkhan arrived there in the spring of 1226 (unidentified).

See CINGHIS, p. 315.

  • Utuku- iulana » : misreading of Ûtägü-qulan.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

Uvek : on the site of this village, was the ancient Ûgak, Polo's

  • Oucaca ».

See OUCACA, p. 798.

*uzrak : the original supposed by


See FANSUR, p. 668.

Uzzano : Yule mentioned that

  • seta ghelia » appeared also there.

See GEL, p. 734.

Udäci : (leader in the tribe of the

  • Uryänggat of the Woods ») according to Raid, should keep guard at Chinghiz-khan's burial ground.

See CINGHIS, p. 335.

*Udäci : (< Ä'üdäci) this is probably the Udäi<i mentioned by Raid.

See CINGHIS, p. 335.

eiyuristän : in Persian, the « Country of the Uiyur », and the name of the people is Uiyur or Uiyur.

See IUGURISTAN, p. 753. ùraq : (Raid) « kin ».

See CINGHIS, p. 335.

  •     » : it is tempting to correct

« Uqi » to this name.

See CINGHIS, p. 342.

ügä : alternates with ökä in the name

Tämüjin-ügä (-ökä); reminds

one of an ancient title of the

ancient Turks and Tatars.

See CINGHIS,p. 289.

egak : Polo's « Oucaca ».

See OUCACA, p. 798.

ükär : « ox », the normen agentis of

which is ükäröi, the modern

Mongol word for a cowherd.

See CINGHIS, p. 290.

ükär : < hükär, Mong., « ox D.

See COCACIN, p. 394.

Ükär~i : « Cowherd » literary Mong.

for « Cogacin

See COGACIN, p. 394.