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0154 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 154 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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K'ai-p'ing : (a few years later Shang-tu) founded in 1256 by Qubilai as his summer residence.

See CUBLAI, p. 566.

K'ai-p'ing-fu : was known in Persian-speaking circles as « Chemeinfu ».

False notions about it are prevalent. It must have been the name of Qubilai's summer residence already in 1256, and the name became Shang-tu in 1263.

Was never the administrative capital.

See CHEMEINFU, p. 238, 239. K'ai-p'ing-fu : the name was changed to Shang-tu on June 16, 1263. See CIANDU, p. 256.

kaidu : (Manchu) : « alone », « single ».

See CAIDU, p. 125.

Kaibatu : when the three Polo brought Kökäcin to Persia, he ordered them to hand her over to Ghazan.

See DRY(LONE) TREE, p. 631.

  • Kain Colan » : (or «Kayan Kulam ») this cannot be connected to Singuyli », Singili.

See COILUM, p. 401.

« Kair » : the equivalence of « Misser » according to Schiltberger. See EGIPTE, p. 640.

« Kaire » : in Hethum, for Cairo. See CHAIERO, p. 237.

  • Kaisariye » : or the ancient Caesareia of Cappadocia. See CAISERIE, p. 131.

  • Kajan » : by Hammer, for Qaban.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263. Kalca : Ar., « a fort »; this explanation of Cale (in « Cale Coilam ») is most unlikely.

See COILUM, p. 401.

  • Kalachar » : there were the tombs of the Hsi-Hsia princes, according to A. Herrmann.

See CALACIAN, p. 132.

*Kalan : although Ch. K'o-lan supposes this form, the place meant is probably Quilon. See COILUM, p. 400.

kaki : (palau; kulau) Cham, « island », culao in Culao Cham. See CONDUR, p. 406.

kali : Cham form of qd li.

See ESCEQE, p. 648.

*Kalikit or *Kaikit : ? Qalhât (from : Ch'ieh-li-chi).

See CALATU, p. 138.

*Kalkit or *Kalikit : ? Qalhat

(from   Ch'ieh li-chi).

See CALATU, p. 138.

kalmir : (< *karmir) Middle Persian, « red » ; goes probably back to Skr. krmila.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

Kaloy : var. of Odoric's Cadeli. See COTTON, p. 522.

kalpa : (= the ages of the world) the Tibetan Monk of Hsü Lan remembered his former lives.

See CINGHIS, p. 362.

  • Kalotai » : this restoration of Kolao-t'ai is only partly right. See CINGHIS, p. 326.

  • Kalotou omo » : outside the northwestern angle of the bend of the Huang-ho.

See CINGHIS, p. 326.

« Kalotou Nor » : (= yalôtu-nôr) this is Ko-lao-t'ai

See CINGHIS, p. 326.

  • Kaloutou Nor » : (= yalûtu-nôr) this is Ko-lao-t'ai.

See CINGHIS, p. 326. kalubili-mâs : Maldivian, « black bonito fish ».

See CAPDOILLE, p. 161.
*Kalusadhara : unlikely form for

  • Kharostra ». See CASCAR, p. 197. *Kalu,ântara : unlikely form for

  • Kharostra ».

See CASCAR, p. 197. *Kalusottara : unlikely form for

  • Kharostra ».

See CASCAR, p. 197.

Kam-chou : pronunciation of Kan-chou in the Mongol period. See CAMPÇIO, p. 150. Kama : said to be in the region of

  • Sulman » but contradictory evidence exists.


Kamala : Qubilai's grandson, was sent, according to Rasid, to Burgan-galdûn, at Chinghiz khan's burial ground.

See CINGHIS, p. 338. Kamarnpa : Assam.

See BANGALA, p. 74.

kambala : Skr., « woollen blanket or rug », translated as t'a-têng. See COTTON, p. 447.

kambala : Skr. « wool »; Ch. man is not derived from it. See COTTON, p. 453.

  • Kambaluk » and « Chaan balug » : for Ilan-balk', in Witsen. See CAMBALUC, p. 141.

kamcha : (ch = 1) Pol., from Turk. qamqa, means « damask ».

See CAMOCAS, p. 147.

kamennyya baby : Stone statues erected at the tomb of Chinghizkhan : this interpretation can hardly be correct.

See CINGHIS, p. 349.

kamka : (Serb.) came from Turk. qamqa; meaning « damask ».

See CAMOCAS, p. 147.

kamka : (Russ.) come from Turk. qamqa, means « damask ».

See CAMOCAS, p. 147.

kamka : in Russ. « damask ». See CAMUT, p. 157.

kamkhâb, kamkhwdb : Hindi form for « camut » means « vulgarly ». See CAMOCAS, p. 147.

kamkhwâb, kamkhiab : Hindi « vulgarly ».

See CAMOCAS, p. 147.

  • kamokaus » : (pi.), French form. See CAMOCAS, p. 145.

kamoquau »; French form.

See CAMOCAS, p. 145.

kamoukas », « kamokaus » (pi.) other French forms.

See CAMOCAS, p. 145.

  • kamous » : in 1248 by Simon Saint-Quentin, for qumiz. See CHEMIS, p. 240.

kamka : Skr., « bell-metal », li Tib.

See COTAN, p. 413.

« kamuha » : Bulg. form for « camut ». See CAMOCAS, p. 145.

  • kamuka » : Hung. form for « Gamut ».

See CAMOCAS, p. 145.

« Kamul » (Marignolli made a number of converts at).

See CAMUL, p. 154.

Karpmacû : for Kan-chou, in a Khotanese document of the 10th cent.

See CAMPÇIO, p. 151.

  • kan » : or « can » = han, « khan »; it seems that Polo had distinguished it from « kaan » _ qa'an.

See CINGHIS, p. 302.