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114   INDEX

hoqueton : Fr., derived from Arabic goton.

See COTTON, p. 426. HORIAT.

Ramusio has « Boriat ».

It means the Oïrat, a Mongol tribe, which, according to Rasidu-'d-Din, had its seat in the region of the Kam River. Polo says that they were the only ones, outside of the Imperial family, to be allowed to drink the milk of the Imperial white mares.

See p. 744-745.

a Hormar » : (in Catalan Map) is probably altered from « Bas-man ».

See BASMAN, p. 86.

R Hormes » : in Hethum, for Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

R Hormizd-Ardasir » : (Hormuz"sir, i. e. Ahwaz) Theodorus, bishop of « Hordmuzdadschir » was bishop of...

See CURMOS, p. 577.

  • Hormos » : this is the result of some editing by copyists. See CURMOS, p. 576.

  • Hormutz » : in G. Adam, for Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

Hormuz : the Nestorian bishop of..., mentioned c. 540 seems to be of doubtful authority.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

Hormuz : (Old...) Polo's « Curmos » is that, and not the Hormuz Island.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

Hormuz : transferred to the island which has now the same name (translation of the Chronicle of the Kings of Hormuz in the Appendix to Da Cruz's Tractado).

See CURMOS, p. 578.

Hormuz : (Old...) according to Wagsâf, was besieged during the great raid of Qutluys"ah in 1299.

See CURMOS, p. 579.

Hormuz : comes to the front in Chinese texts only in the first half of the 15th cent.

See CURMOS, p. 582.

Hormuz : the name has long survived in West as the designation of a textile.

See CURMOS, p. 582.

Hormuz : Polo was there in both the outward and homeward journeys.


Hormuzdadschir » : (Theodorus, bishop of...); this has nothing to do with Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

Hormuzsir : (i. e. Ahwäz in Hüzistän) anciently « Hormizd-Ardasir ». See CURMOS, p. 577.

Hou-Han shu : it was completed c. 445; it bears in principle on the period of the Hou-Han, but has used works dealing with somewhat later times.

See COTTON, p. 444.

Hou-Han shu : its mention of the shui-yang is drown from the Wei Lio.

See COTTON, p. 507.

« Hou hou hotun » : this is Kuei-huach'êng or K'u-k'u-ho-t'un.

See CINGHIS, p. 361.

  • House of Refuge » or « Khanehal-Salam ».

See CANOSALMI, p. 158.

hoi : Laotian, « shell » (bid hSi =

  • cowry »).

See COWRIES, p. 554. Hoin-Uryänggat : = Hoi-yin Uryânggat of the Woods » in Mongolian.

See CINGHIS, p. 337. 1161n-Uryangât : in one text, Raid says that *(däci was from this tribe.

See CINGHIS, p. 336.

  • Hôlôn » : this Syriac form proposed instead of « Lölôn » is unlikely.

See COTAN, p. 416.

Within-äkä : mother of Chinghizkhan.

See CINGHIS, p. 281.

Högüta : the name of Bayan's father in Wa§gâf.


  • Hökörtü-)ubur » : (? _ *Hükärtü-)ubur) mentioned west of the Burgan-galdun.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Hsi » : (« marquess... ») a high official « Uighur » of the Hsi family who enlarged in 1352 the walls of Ch' üan-chou.

See ÇAITON, p. 586. Hsi-an-fu : the identification with

  • Cinganor » is valueless. See CIAGANNOR, p. 247.

Hsi-an-fu : place of the palace of Mangala, prince of An-hsi in 1272.

See CINGHIS, p. 312.

Hsi-an-fu : (« Quengianfu »); from there Polo marched through the mountainous province of « Cuncun ».

See CUNCUN, p. 573. Hsi-an-fu : among Westerners, its ancient name was Humdân.


hsi chan ho : « fine felt and serge », produced at Pa-lu-chia according to the Hsin T'ang shu; the translation « cotton » is due to a misreading tieh of chan. See COTTON, p. 493.

Hsi-chiang : (« Western River ») Chinghiz-khan halted there in the summer of 1227 (YS). See CINGHIS, p. 310.

Hsi-chiang : « Western River », also known as Ch'in-shui, the western branch of the Ch'ingshui according to YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 312.

Hsi-Chien-chou : according to Palladius, it is Polo's « Sichintingiu ».


Hsi-chou : i. e. the Turfan region, the only one where « tieh cloth » is mentioned in the Hsin T'ang shu.

See COTTON, p. 491.

Hsi-chü-pan : this kingdom sent an embassy as a result of the efforts of the Wei to re-open the intercourse with Central Asia.

See YARCAN, p. 881.

Hsi-ch'ê-t'u : it is Hiêätü, which means « the Place of Willows »; we have there the Mongol name of Liu-lin.

See CACCIA MODUN, p. 118. Hsi-ch'uan.


Hsi-Fan : (i. e. Central Asia); no text before the 17th cent. supports the contention that cotton was introduced from there.

See COTTON, p. 505.

Hsi-hai : (Western Sea) the lungchung-yang is mentioned in connection with it in the Hsishih chi.

See COTTON, p. 515.