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0190 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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176   INDEX

Magi Kings.

See BALTASAR, p. 72.

« Magostam » : occurs in the Dominican abridged version of the Chronicle of the Kings of Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 579.

« Magostam » : could represent a shortened form of *Môyôlistän or Moyôlistân.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

« magugh » : copyist's error for Corn. mamuy.

See COTTON, p. 427.

maybür : according to Sulaymân, Arabic for Son of Heaven. May be corrupt instead of fayfar.

See FACFUR, p. 653.

Mayfür : a form of Fayfür given by the Haydarabad Ms. Must be an erroneous reading.

See FACFUR, p. 656.

Mayrib : North-western Africa.


mah-ara : title of the king of Qara-fang by Raâidu-'d-Din.

See CARAGIAN, p. 178.

« Maha Radja » : (d'Ohsson) it is maharaja.

See CARAGIAN, p. 178.

« Mahain » : mentioned in Al-Birnni's book on India (c. 1030), Rasidu-'d-Din and in the Ain-i Akbari; reduced to « Main » (« Cin and Main »).

See CIN, p. 273.

Mahain» : according to Rasidu'd-Din, name given by the Hindus to the country south of Mai, hence « Main » in Persian Raid applies the name to Canton.

See CIN, p. 275.

Mahâcina : « Great China », connected by Hsüan-tsang with the name of the Ch'in dynasty. See CIN, p. 268.

« Mahâcina » : rendered in Chinese as Mo-ho-chih-na, Mo-ho-chêntan.

See CIN, p. 272.

« Mahâcina » : follows « Cina » in a Sanskrit list of A. D. 1128. I-ching gives it as the capital Ch'ang-an.

In the 7th-9th cents., there was a tendency to understand it as the capital in the north.

See CIN, p. 272.

Mahal : it seems to represent Mahal or Mahal now Mâlé, the island of the Maldives.


« Mahal » : an island located by Fra Mauro in the vicinity of Mangla and Nebila.


« maharaç » = *mahârâj : could be reconciled with a Siamese pro-

nunciation of maharaja.

See CARAGIAN, p. 180.

« Maharaç » : on Fra Mauro's map, can hardly be anything else than the title maharaja of the Ta-li sovereign.

See CARAGIAN, p. 179.

maharaZ : Uighur form for maharaja.

See CARAGIAN, p. 179. maharaj : Uighur form for maiuiraja.

See CARAGIAN, p. 179.

maharaja : this title of the king of Qara-fang is confirmed by Chinese sources.

(In 1254 according to Rasid, Qubilai brought back with him the).

See CARAGIAN, p. 178.

Mahâsena : one of the cruel kings who will destroy the Buddhist Law mentioned in a prophecy in Buddhist works; his son will be born holding blood in his hand.

See CINGHIS, p. 288.

« Mahomet Can » : other designation of Ahmad in Hethum.

See ACMAT (2), p. 11.

mahal : or mal- (in the name of the Maldives) its meaning is still a matter of controversy.

See COWRIES, p. 559.

Mahmiid : ma-mou sometimes renders it; it gives no sense in Ha-êrh-ma-mou.

See CURMOS, p. 581.

malimal: Ar., cotton velvets; the designation for it was tou-lomien at the beginning of the 15th cent.

See COTTON, p. 431.

« Maieria » : a Franciscan list of 1334 places two monasteries at this place.

See MENGIAR, p. 777.

Maifärkat : or « Miafaral ain ». See ABAGA, p. 5.

Majar : this city has two slightly different locations, Majar and New Majar.

Abü-'l-Fidâ speaks of it as Kummäjar. Its ruins are near Georgievskii.

See MENGIAR, p. 777.

Majyariyah : it is certainly an erratic form of the name of the « Bashkir ».

See MENGIAR, p. 777.

Malabar : (Polo mentions « buckram » in).

See BUCKRAM, p. 110.

« Malabar » : in Ramusio is Polo's « Maabar » and « Melibar »; in the chapter on the Qaraunas, was probably altered from the name which reads « Dilivar » in F.

See CARAUNAS, p. 195, 196.

« Malabar » : « coiach » is not mentioned in connection with that, but in the chapter on Ma`abar. See COIACH, p. 397.

« Malabar » : according to Ramusio, the name of the province; this is absurd, but the ending of Malabar probably has something to do with the ending of « Dilivar ». Both forms may be corrupt (see « Caraunas »).


Some form of Malàyu, « Malay », is at the basis of this name. It must be a name used for the Minangkabâw kingdom, the centre of which was on the Jambi river.

See p. 771-773.

« Malaiur » : it is also in Sumatra. See JAVA THE LESS, p. 757.

Malaküla : a kingdom in Southern India, connected to Hsüantsang's notice on camphor.

See FANSUR, p. 666.

« Malamasimi » : according to Odoric it is another name of « Paten ». See PENTAN, p. 803.

« Malao » : See «Malaiur ».


Malatia : (monastery of S. Barçauma). See BARSAMO, p. 82.

« Malayan Po-Se ».

See BASMAN, p. 87.