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0209 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   195

Nung-sang ts'o-yao : this erroneous form, instead of Nung-sang chi-yao, seems to have been current in Ming times.

See COTTON, p. 500.

Nung-shu : Wang Chêng's comprehensive treatise on agriculture; the general preface which is of dated 1313.

See COTTON, p. 502.

*Nugan : a concubine (fei-tzü) of Qubilai; nothing is known of her.

See CUBLAI p. 568.

Nurhaci : > Nurhaci, name of the founder of the Manchu dynasty; this is probably not an ethnical form derived from Nu-êrh-kan. See CIORCIA, p. 389.

« Nurban » : this transcription of Nu-êrh-kan also occurs as « Nurgan » and « Nurgitn ».

See CIORCIA, p. 389-390.

« Nurgan » : given for Nu-êrh-kan in Russian.

See CIORCIA, p. 389.

« Nuta Ündör » : unexplained correction of the name « Nuda Undur ».

See CINGHIS, p. 341.

Nümi), Nùmij-kä0: the ancient name of Bokhara.

See BUCARA, p. 108.

nü : (in « Nü-chên ») this is not used in the transcriptions of foreign names under the T'ang, but it sometimes occurs under the Ch'i-tan.

See CIORCIA, p. 379.

Nü-chên : (or *Jurcen) this is a more correct name of the tribe which we call « Juêen ».

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

Nii-chên : this will be retained as the designation of the people (and « Jucen », as the designation of their language).

See CIORCIA, p. 368.

Nü-chên : this form is older than N ii-chih.

See CIORCIA, p. 368.

Nü-chên : this is, with Nü-chih, the normal pronunciation of the Chinese transcription of the name of the « Jucen ».

See CIORCIA, p. 368.

Nü-chen : according to the Ta-Chin kuo chih, it is corrupt for Chu-li-chên (*Jurcen of *Jur)en).

See CIORCIA, p. 371.

Nü-chên : the name was adopted under the Five Dynasties (Ma Tuan-lin).

See CIORCIA, p. 372.

Nü-chên : China heard of their name when the Mo-ho came to the court in the 7th cent. (Ta-Chin kuo chih).

See CIORCIA, p. 372.

Nü-chên : Chu-li-chên became that through corruption (San-ch'ao pei-mêng hui-pien).

See CIORCIA, p. 373.

Nü-chên : this name was adopted for the first time under the Five Dynasties (San-ch'ao peimêng hui pien).

See CIORCIA, p. 373.

N ü-chên : the statement that this name was known in early T'ang times occurs first in the I-i mou Hsia lu.

See CIORCIA, p. 374.

Nü-chên : A-pao-chi was afraid that they might create trouble (San-

ch'ao pei-mêng hui-pien).

See CIORCIA, p. 378.

Nü-chên : this name does not occur before the beginning of the 10th cent., and the Chinese owe it to the Ch'i-tan.

See CIORCIA, p. 379.

Nü-chên : the identification with the ancient Su-shên must be rejected mainly on historical grounds.

See CIORCIA, p. 380.

Nü-chêng : this seems to be a faulty reading of Nü-chên, probably due to the attraction of nü-chêng, « virgin [-tree] ». See CIORCIA, p. 369.

Nü-chih : this form was prevalent during the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties; it is a taboo due to the personal name Tsung-chên of the Liao Emperor Hsingtsung.

See CIORCIA, p. 368.

NU-chih : this is the form used by the modern Chinese and Japanese.

See CIORCIA, p. 368.

Nü-chih : this is, with Nü-chên, the normal pronunciation of the Chinese transcription of the name of the « Jucen ».

See CIORCIA, p. 368. Nü-chih : a secondary transcription is mentioned for it.

See CIORCIA, p. 369.

Nü-chih : this name is due to the taboo of the personal name of the Emperor Hsing-tsung (Ta-Chin kuo chih).

See CIORCIA, p. 371.

Nü-chih : the name was adopted to avoid the personal name Tsungchên of Hsing-tsung (Ma Tuanlin).

See CIORCIA, p. 372.

Nü-chih : this name was given to the Nü-chên to avoid the personal name of Hsing-tsung (I-i mou Hsia lu).

See CIORCIA, p. 374.

Nü-chih : A-pao-chi subdued them in 903 and 906 (Liao shih). See CIORCIA, p. 378.

Nü-chih : (= Nü-chên) their myriarchy was abolished on August 19, 1320 (YS).

See CIORCIA, p. 389.

Nü-hsiang : a man's name (Liao shih).

See CIORCIA, p. 379.

NU-je'n ch'u kuo : or « Kingdom of the Place of Women », mentioned by Chu Fa-hu in 288 A. D. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 696.

nii-ku : this transcribes the Ch'i-tan word for « gold »; the form is puzzling.

See CIORCIA, p. 380.

N ü-ku : this occurs as a man's name and the name of a tribe (Liao shih); it also occurs as the name of a river.

See CIORCIA, p. 379.

Nü-ku mu-li : (gira-Mürän) an ancient name is Ju-lo-kuai or « Lo-kuai ». See CIORCIA, p. 376.

Nü ku mu-li : the man's name Nü-ku occurs there as the name of a river.

See CIORCIA, p. 379.

Nü-ku-ti : this place-name is probably a derivative form of N

See CIORCIA, p. 379.

: his biography is given in the Liao shih.

See CIORCIA, p. 379.

*Nu-lü-chên : (< *Jurcen) Lü-chên could be an apheretic form of that.

See CIORCIA, p. 376.

Nü-tzû kuo : « Kingdom of Women ».