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0104 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 104 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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90   INDEX

  • D'ßi-Iji . native meaning of Ta-li for the name of the city of the 8th cent. and for the dynastic name of 938.

See CARAGIAN, p. 176.

  • D'âi-lief : native meaning of Ta-ii for the dynastic name of c. 860. See CARAGIAN, p. 176.

Dii-'i-faqir : Ar., vulg. Zulfigir, « Master of the Vertebrae n; this

is « Çuificar ».

See ÇULFICAR, p. 610.

Da-'I-Qarnain : Ar., « Master of the Two Horns » an epithet of Alexander the Great.

See ÇULCARNEIN, p. 610.

Acyyi4EX : the name of Attila's son is hard to explain with Turk. tängiz, « sea A.

See CINGHIS, p. 301.

« babat-ai-maul « : in Ibn-Battajah, the Maldives.

See COWRIES, p. 559.

Fiu-'i-ga'dah : (20th, A.H.549 = January 26, 1155) cannot be retained as the date of Chingh1zkhan's birth.

See CINGHIS, p. 283.

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